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Assalamu Alaikum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuh, I have a question regarding the Islamic perspective on representing the Kaaba in a children's toy. The idea is to create a product that introduces children to Islamic knowledge in a playful way and helps them become familiar with the significance of Makkah. However, there is a concern that the depiction of the Kaaba might be placed on the floor, and children could interact with it, such as playing on it or stepping on it. Is it permissible in Islam to depict the Kaaba in this context, or is it better to avoid such representations? Are there any guidelines or opinions regarding how sacred sites should be represented? BarakAllahu feekum for your help and advice!
Ulamaa ID 04
Assalaamu alaykum. If I wear loose pants under my abaya during the prayer, then the leg holes at the bottom are loose as well, so when I prostrate, if someone stands behind me and lies down and puts their face close to the floor, then they might be able to see a little bit of my leg or all my leg by looking inside the leg holes, would that invalidate my prayer? But no one could see anything from a normal angle view. BarakallAllah oufikom
Ulamaa ID 04
"Salam, Dear Respected Mufti, I want to ask a question regarding inheritance. We are two brothers and two sisters, i.e., four children of our parents. We had one house which my mother had built with great effort, and part of it was also in my father’s name. The house was in my father’s name. Then, my mother passed away in 1986. After some time, my father received a golden handshake from his job and used that money to further build the house, but in 2001, he sold it. After that, in 2002, my father bought a flat which was in his name, and we, the two brothers, lived with our father in this flat. Our sisters were married at this point. My elder brother built another flat on top of the original one using his personal money, where he lives with his family (this is against government rules, meaning it is illegal), and I live downstairs with my family. My father passed away in 2009. Now, we want to divide the inheritance according to the Islamic law of inheritance. Please clarify the following: How much share will the brothers and sisters get from this flat? What will happen to the flat that my brother built using his money on top of the original flat? Will both flats' value be included, or only the value of the lower flat will be considered for division? Since my father passed away in 2009, will we have to pay rent to the two sisters for this period, as inheritance is now being distributed? According to Islamic principles, if the property is in the mother's name, what is the share of the daughter and the son? And if it is in the father's name, what is the share of the son and daughter?" Please provide detailed clarification and send the fatwa with the stamp of the institution. Thank you."**
Validity divorce
Ulamaa ID 04
Assalam alaikum, I am a Shia woman, married to a Sunni Hanafi man. Our marriage has always been troubled. I left his home and live in a separate house. Since I left we have tried to reconcile. During that time he has pronounced the word talaaq twice and took it back within 90 days. Then 6 months ago we had a fight at his house in the middle of the night. I wanted to leave and he said: if you leave, you have the third talaaq. He didn’t expect me to leave but I did. When he realized I was gone he panicked but found a source online that said that since the talaaq was conditional he could take back the condition and the talaaq would not be valid. I can not find any sources about conditional talaaq that applies to our situation. In my perspective he pronounced the talaaq three times, so I consider myself divorce. He however is convinced the talaaq is not valid and we are still marries. Therefore my question, are we divorced or not? Thank you in advance for answering my question. Kind regards, Israa Zaini
Ulamaa ID 04
As salam aleykoum, Recently I get a new job in an Islamic bank elhamdoulilah, then my mom went on the bank website and read the verse of the Quran where it was mention that someone who is involve in riba has to take a notice of war from Allah and His Messenger. Then she said that it was not true, but i don’t know if she was aware that this words are from the Quran. When my mom act like that, most of the time I don’t say anything I rather think before I tell something to avoid saying something wrong about Islam, and to tell her things in a proper way. But this is the first time that she acts like that with something related directly from the Quran, so does the fact that I said anything makes me a disbeliever ? How to advice my mom when she is certain that riba based loan are halal especially to own a property ? Does my silence if I hear someone telling something wrong about Islam (for example what was mention above, or someone who says that birthday are halal…) makes me a disbeliever ? Also you have to know that someone has already told her that riba is a major sin, interest are haram but she seems to not believe in that… this is mainly why I didn’t said anything because I know that she is not ignorant, but maybe to tell her things in a different way to make it really clear to her that this is really really haram BarakallAllah oufikom for your help.
Ulamaa ID 04
Before asking my questions I will explain the current situation. Currently I have been dealing with incontinence, to prevent leaking I usually place toilet paper to cover my private areas. Today after I had finished taking a shower I had soaked the toilet paper in water before covering my private area, I wasn't able to put on underwear soon after doing so, due to the fact that they all needed to be cleaned/dry, because of that I waited to have a clean pair of underwear. I walked around in just a robe and nothing covering beneath me. I didn't realize until a while that pieces of the toilet paper that I used to cover myself were detaching itself and falling on the ground. I am certain without any doubt that my feet, which were soaking wet by the way, had touched these pieces of toilet paper on the ground, and I walked all over the area with my wet feet. Now cleaning this would be easy if it weren't for the fact that I have carpeted floors which are attached to the floor, so I can't simply pick it up and throw it away, and just mop the floors, it being carpets cleaning it would be next to impossible. I referred to a lot of these online messaging boards with people who have had problems similar to my own however responses left me confused and unsure on how to move forward. On one hand I had smelled the pieces of toilet paper and I couldn't detect the stench of urine on it. or anything to suggest that it is impure, and my carpet does not smell or have anything to suggest that the impurity has transferred, but it was wet. This brings me to my first question. Q1. Could I possibly ignore it and treat it as it being pure since it does not appear that the carpets are truly impure? No stains, odor, etc. Follow up questions. Q2. If not cleaning the carpet would be extremely hard as it is not a specific affected area. I would have to clean a whole room and hallway attached with carpet. Are there ways for me to purify this carpet that would be simple or less strenuous? Q3. I can't remove the carpets because I'm renting the home. I was thinking that I could simply just call carpet cleaners, and have them clean the carpets, but that would take at least a week or 2 to get them over at my house to clean the carpets, and I'm afraid in that time more places in my house could be infected. Q4. I don't know whether it is paranoia that is plaguing me or if this is something that I should not be taking lightly. My mind is not at ease due to all the rules I have heard regarding the transfer of impurity. The thought of it all has really put me on edge and I just really want to know how to move forward.
Ulamaa ID 04
As salaamu alaikum, I am having a hard time keeping my wudu even for 5 minutes. I am having constant what I think is madhi discharge so today for each prayer I did a fresh wudu. But when it comes to doing wudu I’ll get discharge after peeing which I assume is wady or madhi so I’ll wash myself and stand up then I feel discharge come out check again see some discharge then sit back down I literally did that 4-5 times just for 1 wudu I ended up doing 4 wudus just for isha namaaz. I keep getting inappropriate thoughts against my will I will fight them so hard then I feel like discharged I got to check sometimes I see white and sticky which is madhi but this doesn’t happen often but at times it looks just like water so I don’t know if this discharge is just from leftover istinja water cause I feel that water come out as soon as I stand up from toilet as well or is it madhi. I literally will stand to pray straight after doing wudu then start praying ill have thoughts feel like I discharged or I really do discharge then back to the bathroom it’s a vicious cycle I just cannot break because I don’t want to risk praying without valid wudu it’s too tiring and too scary to think about. Please advise on this. What’s the ruling on someone like me who cannot keep wudu for long enough to even sometimes leave the bathroom. I’ve had a purity problem for a while but just as I started to take it easy on myself and I started becoming more strict on myself not redoing wudu and ghusal unless I was absolutely sure then I just went yep steps back and can’t even keep wudu long. When I am not giving into the waswasa and don’t redo wudu or salah I’ll have so much anxiety and I’ll even start panicking that my salah and wudu wasn’t valid I find it very hard to ward off the thoughts. How can I cope all I want to do I pray in peace that’s all please advise. Jazakallah.
Ulamaa ID 04
Question on the Permissibility of Using Masjid Funds for Hosting Events: Is it permissible to use masjid funds—specifically funds donated for Lillah (charity, not designated for a specific project)—to host events, given that such events may involve costs like paying a hadyah (honorarium) for a scholar’s travel and speaker fees, as well as expenses for food provided to attendees? The intention behind hosting these events is to keep them free of charge for the public, so we are exploring whether it is acceptable to use the funds raised through general donations (e.g., during Jumuah prayers or other times) to cover these costs. Would this be in line with the proper use of Lillah donations, or should these funds be restricted to specific charitable purposes?
Ulamaa ID 04
Salam, Does the the leftover water from a possibly excessive istinja that exits while breaking wind cause a need for a new istinja? Thank you.
Ulamaa ID 04
Assalamualaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh, I pray this message finds you well. I am seeking your guidance regarding issues in my marriage of four years. My husband and I have two children, and our marriage was good until recently. About five months ago, I found inappropriate pictures and messages on his phone from another woman. When I confronted him, he denied having an affair and claimed she was just a friend. However, I later discovered he was sending her significant amounts of money and that she was cooking for him when he traveled back to Africa. I have since found evidence of him communicating with other women as well. Each time I confront him, he denies everything, never apologizes, and instead blames me for being the problem. He even changed his travel plans without informing me and lied about it. I am emotionally exhausted and feel lost. I want to protect my family and avoid divorce for the sake of my children, but the lack of honesty and trust is causing me great pain. I’ve even suggested that if he wishes to marry another woman, he should do so openly instead of hiding and lying. Please advise me on how to approach this situation in a way that aligns with Islamic teachings and helps me maintain my emotional well-being. JazakAllah Khair
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