TRANSLATIONS INTO DIFFERENT LANGUAGES NEEDED :) INSHAALLAH! Please message me if you want to play a part in gaining great blessings and spreading the love for Allah (SWT) alone...
Asalaam u Alaikum wrwb!
Alhamdulilah this is a beautiful and inspiring video, narrating the occasion of a momentous day when the residents of Jannah shall have a meeting with Allah SWT! It is based on an authentic narration by Ibn Qayyim (RA). Please pray for all those who have helped in making this simple, yet effective, video. Ameen!
Ibn al Qayyim's Haadi al-Arwaah ilaa Bilaad il-Afraah, p.193
The above description is from the original poster of the video on the web site this video is hosted on. This description is not from the member (TalibatunNoor) of