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business with stolen money as capital

Last updated: 30th July 2024
Question ID: #10605
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if someone invests in a business with stolen capital, does the profit need to be returned to the owner along with the capital or just the capital ? if someone follows the opinion that profits from a business that's invested with stolen capital belong to the owner of the capital and not the thief and they followed that opinion from a scholar they trust but overtime they followed another scholar they was more inclined to and the scholar followed the opinion if person 1 was to partner up with person 2 in business on the condition that person 2 brings the capital for the business, if his money is completely haram as in hes earned it by selling haram services but a tiny proportion of his money but not majority is earned thorough insurance fraud, even if it’s haram to use that capital in a partnership as it’s not halal, would the capital come out of the stolen savings or haram savings (the person is aware entering this type of partnership is haram and they need to repent)

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامدا ومصليا

1. First of all, you must repent as stealing is Haram.

The stolen capital must be returned to the owner as compensation. If the owner has passed away then it must be given to his inheritors. If they are not known then dispose of it as Sadaqah without any hope of reward.

With regards to the profits, according to the Hanafi opinion it should be given as Sadaqah as it is from Haram source and according to Imam Karki which the Fatwa is upon that it will belong to the one who stole it.

2. It will be impermissible to invest with any Haram income whether it is from Haram source or it’s stolen.

وفي منية المفتي مات رجل ويعلم الوارث أن أباه كان يكسب من حيث لا يحل ولكن لا يعلم الطالب بعينه ليرد عليه حل له الإرث والأفضل أن يتورع و يتصدق بنية خصماء أبيه اه
(الدرالمختارمع ردالمحتار ٥/٩٩)

ويردونها على أربابها ان عرفوهم والاتصدقوا بها لان سبيل الكسب الخبيث التصدق اذاتعذر الرد على صاحبه (ردالمحتار, كتاب الحظر والاباحة, فصل فى البيع ج6 ص385 سعيد)

(ان من شرط التوبة أن ترد الظلامة الى أصحابها فان كان ذالك فى المال وجب أداؤه عيناأودينا مادام مقدوراعليه (القواعد للزركشي ج2 ص245 بيروت

قوله اكتسب حراما توضيح المسألة ما في التتارخانية حيث قال رجل اكتسب مالا من حرام ثم اشتري علي خمسة اوجه ……..لكن الفتوي الآن علي قول الكرخي دفعًا للحرج عن الناس
(الدرالمختارمع ردالمحتار ٥/٢٣٥)

And Allah knows best

28 Safar 1446/ 03 September 2024

Answer last updated on:
9th September 2024
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London