Todays Issues

Todays Issues
11th September 2012

Rent & Refundable deposit on flat

We own a flat in India with a market value of 5 Million Indian Rupees(INR). Are we allowed to rent it out to a tenant for a period of 1 year with the following contract -
1. Rent INR 10000 per month
2. Parking & Maintenance INR 2000 per month
3. Refundable security deposit INR 1 Million.
Todays Issues
24th February 2012


We are Inshallah starting a private hospital in India.About 50% of patients we treat (muslims and non muslims)are expected to have a conventional health insurance card either as individual policy or policy via their employer to cover health and sickness.
Q1.Are we allowed to treat patients who present to our hospital with such conventional health insurance cards.We are not involved in selling such health insurance policies(which involve riba,gambling and gharar) but obviously we have to send claims to their respective health insurance companies who in turn pay us.We have to enter into a contract with the insurance companies to treat their patients cashless and later present claims.To get paid we have to install their administrative software,hardware etc in order to process claims.There are at least 15such companies in the market--(all of them conventional and none practising islamic takaful principles) and we should enter into contracts with most of them as we dont know which patient turns up at our doors.AS A HOSPITAL ARE WE ALLOWED TO ACCEPT SUCH PATIENTS AND ENTER INTO CONTRACTS WITH CONVENTIONAL INSURANCE COMPANIES TO TREAT THEIR PATIENTS.
Todays Issues
31st January 2010


Someone told me that you are allowed to listen to drama programes on radio as you are not watching it.Is that true?
Todays Issues
28th January 2009

Use of child's savings

I have managed to save the money my daughter has received since her birth - both state benefit and cash gifts (the balance between the two is approximately 70% to 30%)

Last year I wanted to lend some of this money to my brother as kharaz-e-hasna for Hajj, but a Mufti in Southern Africa advised us that for various reasons we could not use that money.

This year we are in the process of buying a new house and my wife and I have a disagreement: she feels it would be appropriate to use my daughter?s money to fund the purchase of a new house, whereas I believe we could not.

Could you please clarifyfor what purpose, if any; my daughter's savings could be used for.

Todays Issues
27th January 2009

Education in Finance

I recently graduated from a university in USA and now would like to get an MBA degree. My question to the imam is that is it haram to pursue an MBA degree in Finance? Probably just pursuing a degree maynot be haram but the kind of work you do after may be an issue. Because the work that you usually do after a degree like that could range from being a Financial Analyst, Financial Advisor to Investment Banker. So is it halaal to work as any of the above mentioned positions?
Jazaak Allah Khair
Todays Issues
24th January 2009

Islamic Bank

Is it Haram to deposit money in Isalmic Bank, which are run by Mudaraba system ?
If it is Halal, can I open Savings Account & Fixed Deposit Account there ?
Todays Issues
11th January 2009

Quranic Verse

i want a prvement with quranic verses about friendship with any unknown man or boy means making boy friends?

actully mujhey bhio kisi ko is batt ka prove dena hai QURANIC verses or HADID see agr app mujehy bata dente to bhto Bari meherbani hogi
Todays Issues
10th January 2009

Burning images?

What should we do with images of mosques on paper and writings of the Qur'an on small pieces of paper? Are we allowed to burn these items?
Todays Issues
19th December 2008

Faith Schools

What can be done about Islamic faith schools that have become cultural institutions that do very little to promote Islam?
Todays Issues
29th November 2008

Cell phone

in spite of regular announcements some people forget to s witch off their cell phones before joining jamaath for prayers.while prayers are in progress cell starts ringing.My question is now what should person do,should hebreak his prater and switch off cell or should he continue to pray.please remember he is performing congregtional prayer
Todays Issues
13th September 2008

Is there any evidence for nasheeds being permissable?

Assalam Alaikum Wa Rakhmatullah Wa Barakatu....
It says on your site that nasheeds are ok to listen to as long as there is no musical instrument or female voice. If you consider the two islamic principles; 1. Anything in the world is halal unless there is any evidence from Quran or Sunnah to say that it is haram and 2. Anything in WORSHIP is haram unless there is any evidence to say it is halal. Therefore i am wondering if the principle of worship that i have pointed out here whether this applys or not for nasheeds.....Is there any evidence that says nasheeds are permissable? as they are a form of worship....? So should we listen to them....? because if we havent been specifically told that this form of worship is permissable then how can we follow it? How can we know it would please Allah? isnt it just a thread of worship that has leaked out of the sufi sect?
InshAllah you will be able to clarify this for me
JazakAllahu Khairan
Assalam Alaikum Wa Rakhmatullah Wa Barakatu
Natasha. Uk
Todays Issues
29th August 2008


Farhad Rashidi explains the basics to non-Rashidi with little previous knowledge.

Origins Rashidi is the religion of allegiance to God and All of his prophets, who lived through out all humanity. The religion Belief is in all books of revelation, mediated by the prophets. The word Rashidi derives from the Persian word Rashid, which means rightly guided. Rashidi means "entering into a condition of honesty and love with God".

It is not a new faith; it is started with the creation of humanity. In Rashidi eyes, prophets completed their roles in this world by initiating others to honesty and love and discouraging hatred and envy, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Mohammad each of whom refined and restated the message of God.

The human conscience therefore corroborates, updates and expands all the revelations put forward by Prophets. It contains the ability to differentiate between honesty, love and hatred, envy, revealed by God, and is settled in its current form since the creation of humanity by God. Main tenets Central to Rashidi are the absolute sense that there can only be one God and that he is the source of all creation and disposer of all lives and events. Hence, there is no God but God and All the prophets are his messengers.

All people should initiate each other to honesty and love by discouraging hatred and envy. On the Day of Judgment, all will rise from the sleep and will be rewarded according to their investment.

The human conscience contains many moral exhortations, forming the basis of Rashidi law. It lays down honesty and love and the requirements for daily initiation of honesty love and discouragement of hatred and envy.

The two pillars of the Rashidi faith - the fundamental constituents of Rashidi life - are: promoting honesty and love, discouraging hatred and envy, the profession of faith in the uniqueness of God and the centrality of conscience as his guider to humanity• initiation of each other to honesty and love and discouraging hatred and envy, as a formal worship or prayer which every Rashidi should undertake at least once in their daily life.

Somebody has convinced me that this true religion of all the prophets. What is your view. Is he muslim or not.

Addition sent by email:

Rashidi Faith does not believe in Haj, Five prayers in a day, fasting in Ramadan, mosques and imams.
Todays Issues
9th August 2008

Service in indian banks

i am serving in an indian nationalised bank
as CTO( computer terminal operator).
Whether the salary earned is halaal or haraam.
As I have no other source of income
Further, keeping in view my age and present
employment scenario in india, it is almost impossible to change the job.
please reply.
Todays Issues
25th June 2008

Purchasing or selling travel insurance

Is it permisable to purchase or sell Travel Insurance? If not permisable, what should i do with the money i make from selling it?
Jazakalah khair
Todays Issues
25th June 2008

Becoming mortgage advisor

assalam o alykum
I just want to ask you what does sharia says about becoming an mortgage advisor?
2)if a muslim comes we offer them both halal and interst based mortgage whatever he choose its his decision?we follows his decision
3)if a non muslim takes mortgage do we get gunnah of it?
4)in uk some peoples says that it is haalal to buy one home on mortgage?
what do you think?

Todays Issues
17th June 2008


Is it hararm when travelling abroard,with expensive items,to pay for its insurance incase it is lost or stolen/damaged.
Todays Issues
13th June 2008


assalamu alaykum,

if someone wants to go to jihad at this time but his parents wont let him is it permissible to go against their will? especially at a time like this

And Allah Knows best
Todays Issues
28th January 2008

Why are shias kafirs?

Why do people consider shias to be kafirs??????????????????????????? Please fill me in is it because of tawassal??????

The evidence for tawassul through the awliya' or saints is also abundant, and it suffices that Allah strictly warns all believers to keep company with them when He says: "O believers! Be wary of Allah, and keep company with the truthful!" (9:119) and He enjoins the followership of those who have turned to Him in true and complete repentence (31:15). The Prophet said to al-Firasi, concerning asking from
If you absolutely must ask from people, then ask from the righteous ones"

is it because of propaganda? can i have some quotes from the Quran?
people: "

Please shed some light
Todays Issues
28th January 2008


Asslam-0-alikum Warehmat Allah Wbrakatauho

Respected Mufti Sahab ,
kindly explian this issue as some of our muslim brothers and sisters says it is not allowed in islam to cut off from relatives , and it is orderd if they cut off from you then you go to them ,,,in respect to this IS IT ALLOWED TO GO IN WEDDINGS , PARTIES where there is NO SEGREGATION and partition,,people say if we not go then relatives will get angry and it is not orderd to cut off,,and also if we wanna preach them we have to go there
Todays Issues
29th December 2007


I know In Islam wearing jeans and top is not permisable ,and wearing of images on clothes.Then why in Madina and makkah ladys wear it and it is soldi n all the shops.