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Jumuah Salah at work place

Last updated: 22nd August 2005
Question ID: #695
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Salaam Mufti Saheb:

I wanted to know if it was permissable to offer Jumah salah at our work place (Government). There is approximately 15 of us who regularly take part in prayers. We have a dedicated room for prayers which is open to anyone. The building is not open to the general public, only people with passes can enter. In these circumstances are we allowed to hold our own Jumah salah? The Kutbah will be done in arabic and be done by brothers who are practising Islam according to the Quran and Sunnah. Also bear in mind that the main jumma place that we usually pray our salaat is around 4 - 5 mins walk away.

May Allah accept your efforts,

Jazakallah Khair.

P.S Can you please ignore my previous one regarding jumah prays and answer this one

Wa Alaikumus Salam,

In the above mentioned case Jumua will be valid.

And Allah knows best

Answer last updated on:
11th October 2005
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 02