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Last updated: 20th May 2006
Question ID: #1873
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is it halal for one who comes across the houses of thamud and go into them as I read it is not halal in case the punishment that allah gave them may come upon the individual?
please reply to this


Al-jawab billahi at-taufeeq (the answer with Allah's guidance)

To Unnecassarily visit of such places where the punishment of Allah Ta'ala took place should be avoided.

Ibn Umar narrated that while the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him was passing by Thamud's houses on his way to the battle of Tabuk, he stopped together with the people there. the people fetched water from the wells from which the people of Thamud used to drink. They prepared their dough (for baking) and filled their water skins from it (the water from the wells). The Prophet of Allâh peace be upon him ordered them to empty the water skins and give the prepared dough to the camels. Then he went away with them until they stopped at the well from which the she camel (of Saalih) used to drink. He warned them against entering upon the people that had been punished, saying "I fear that you may be affected by what afflicted them; so do not enter upon them." (Bukhari, Hadith No. 561-564)

However, it will be permissible visiting such places to take heed and admonition of the punishments to previous nations.

Allah Ta'ala says,

"Verily, We sent against them (Thamud) a single Saeehah (torment - awful cry, etc.), and they became like the dry stubble of a fold-builder.
And indeed, We have made the Quran easy to understand and remember, then is there any that will remember (or receive admonition)? (54:31.32)

And Only Allah Ta'ala Knows Best.

Answer last updated on:
17th October 2007
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London