Question ID: #11139
Question: Shia relatives question why Aisha (RA) was on her camel, at night, instead of sleeping when the figh
I have heard Shia relatives and people on social media question why Aisha (RA) was on her camel, at night when everyone else was sleeping, if we claim that she never intended to start a war and why she did not leave the battlefield and refuse to fight Ali (RA) like some of the other companions did. I think I do have an answer for this, but I want an answer that is accurate and backed with evidence.
Answered by: Ulamaa ID 04 (London)
Date: 06/12/2024 00:31am

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامدا ومصليا

According to Ahlus Sunna Wa Jama’ah (People of the Prophetic tradition and Community) one should not delve in such matters of the Sahaba.

We do not criticize any of them because we believe that all of them were seeking the truth. Thus, those who were right got two rewards while those who were wrong got only one reward.

And Allah knows best

24 Jumadal Ula 1446/ 26 November 2024

Mufti Qamruzzaman

London, UK