Question ID: #11119
Question: I would like to ask a question regarding buying a specific product from a company.
As-Salam-Alaikum, I would like to ask a question regarding buying a product. This piece of clothing is something I’ve seen Muslims wear but one of the other items from the seller says “holy” on one of the front of the hoodies. I am unsure if this is mocking/disrespectful in any way as I am overthinking buying from this company now. If I refrain from buying that particular piece but other parts from the seller is that ok and permissible.
Jazak Allah
Answered by: Ulamaa ID 04 (London)
Date: 15/11/2024 18:30pm

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامدا ومصليا

One should avoid wearing the ‘Holy’ brand as it represents a religious belief other than Islam indirectly. Followers of such belief will wear it as a symbol of significance and importance the way they will wear a clear religious symbol such as, a cross etc. However, it will be permissible to wear other clothing without any brand directly or indirectly having representation of a religion other than Islam.

And Allah knows best

13 Jumadal Ula 1446/ 15 November 2024

Mufti Qamruzzaman

London, UK