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Three Talaqs A Detailed Account

Last updated: 12th July 2023
Question ID: #8855
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Three Talaqs in one sitting – A Detailed Account Husband gave Talaq, Talaq, Talaq in anger. And then said if you stay, you can stay in haram or go to your brother's house. [A little context]; Before saying the three Talaqs, he took his wife's phone off her and threw it on the floor three times and broke it because she was not listening to his important instructions, the wife was on the phone to their daughter. The husband told his wife to say something to their daughter (something really important), and the wife said she was going to convey the message, but the husband couldn't wait, (he explained that the wife said “ok I will say it.” In a condescending way, but the wife said she said it to him how she normally says it). He repeated Talaq to his wife three times, and he was extremely angry…Thereafter he said to her, “If you want to stay, you can stay in haram, or go to your brother’s house.” The wife got her Abaya etc. and went outside the house because of what her husband said. Later the husband said he thought she went to the living room and sat down, he didn’t think she will go out of the house. About 5 hours later, the husband speaking to his son confirmed he knew what he said, stating phrases such as ''It's finished.'' However, in a conversation 72hrs hours (after the talaq was given), he said he didn't know what he was saying; he said he didn't have control of what he said at the time. A couple of days later, the husband spoke to some of his children and repeated a few times that he knew what he said, and he said it with his mouth but it was not in his heart, he said it out of anger. He said (to his children) 'Your mum knows I didn't mean it'. Approximately a week later the husband has gone to his wife, and asked her to go back home with him, but the wife did not want to go. The wife told the husband “You are aware of the ruling go and get some answers and come back.” The husband since has gone a couple of times back to the wife to tell her to go back home with him but she wishes not to, (she has been living in her relatives house). Another week later the husband is saying that his anger had calmed down in the last 20 years, and at the time of uttering the talaq, something came over him, he said Iblis took over him, and he does not remember what he said, he was insane and berserk. He emphasised only he knows what he meant, and no one understands him except a few. Any help will be appreciated…

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

الجواب حامداومصليا

In the above case scenario, it is mentioned that “the husband spoke to some of his children and repeated a few times that he knew what he said, and he said it with his mouth but it was not in his heart, he said it out of anger. He said (to his children) 'Your mum knows I didn't mean it'.

The above statement clearly states that he was aware of what he said and said it out of anger without being insane. So in this case three Talaq will occur and the wife will be Haram for him until she marries someone else, consummate the marriage and gets a divorce.

You mentioned later he said “Iblis took over him and he does not remember what he said, he was insane and berserk. He emphasised only he knows what he meant, and no one understands him except a few. ”

The above statement will not be taken into consideration as it is useless giving excuses of his anger and regretting his actions.

As previously answered, QID 8756: qa.muftisays.com/?8756

Know, that Talaq issues are sensitive matters. It is better for one to honestly present his case to his local Mufti directly to obtain a ruling on his matter.

And Allah knows best

06 Muharram 1444/ 24 July 2023

Answer last updated on:
24th July 2023
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 04
Location: London