To the respected theologians:

Stunning :: Muftisays Islamic Question & Answers

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Last updated: 20th December 2005
Question ID: #1242
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To the respected theologians:

The national Government Animal welfare agency states that 33% of stunned chickens die before actual slaughter. Firstly, is it permissible to stun the animals prior to slaughter? Secondly, according to the mentioned statistics would it be permissible in the Holy Islamic Law to consume stunned chickens? Can you please confirm with evidence that in the Islamic Law if a person has doubt over one Chicken from a hundred it becomes prohibited for him to consume any of the chickens. I would be grateful if this answer could be given as soon as possible with the attestation by the respected Scholars.

JazaakAllaahu khairaa

Bismihi Subhanahu Wa-ta'ala
Assalamooalaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh
Respected Sister or Brother

Without doubt, non-stunned meat is more wholesome than stunned. Nonetheless, though the act of stunning animals is in itself Makruh-e-Tahrimi (where there is no need) though it does not necessarily render the meat Haraam. It would of course depend on the animal being killed or not in the stunning process to render it Haraam however if the voltage is low then poultry would not die in the process. They would simply become groggy enough for the slaughterers to complete the Islamic Dhabah. The issue with poultry and stunning is prominent as they are small and if the current is high then the chicken may die in the stunning process which would prove problematic. Notwithstanding, stunning the animals beforehand causing them any undue pain and distress is certainly reprehensible.

Freeman's and Stunning Issue

Boundaries of Halaal and Waswasah


Wa Alaykumussalaam Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuh

Answer last updated on:
9th December 2006
Answered by:
Ulamaa ID 03
Location: UK