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☆ 1969 Moon Landings were FAKE

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 00:52
Over the past couple of years I got really pulled into the 9/11 conspiracies and there's so many. I'll post about that in another thread. Linked to some of this was the NASA moon landing and bit by bit it got more and more clear.

The most damning evidence is the video footage of the 3 astronauts faking being half way to the moon. This is the footage they used in the live broadcast. I'll explain this later after the points.

From the literal hundreds of hours of things I've watched on this here are the key facts:

  • The president announces that they'll land a man on the moon by the end of the decade in (60's)
  • They are years behind as time approaches and the Russians are ahead in every aspect of space
  • The most beloved astronaut to the public and media Gus Grissom who was meant to be the first man to step on the moon was honest and vocal about everything Nasa was doing
  • He called a press conference without permission and hung a lemon on the simulator because the technology, design, materials etc. were a joke and he genuinely feared for the mission
  • As time got close, JFK by now was assassinated and the criminally insane Nixon was in office.
  • With Grissom being so honest and vocal, He was murdered along with the 2 other crew members to make it look like an accident in the very simulator that he hung the lemon on. Forensics revealed that it was filled with pure oxygen and there a power surge igniting it.
  • Autopsy revealed there was cyanide poisoning along with the fact that they were still buckled to their seats which means they were out before the fire.
  • Nixon did not attend the launch when apparently the entire world was watching.
  • They launched into Earth Orbit which was witnessed and not faked. This itself was great achievement. Remember, basic 10 pound chinese smart watches nowadays have more computing power their space vehicles had.
  • They had no idea technology would grow this much. Back then, what you see on TV is it. You believe what you're told. No internet for great minds to get together and analyse things.
  • When they showed live footage as "on the way to the moon" they really were in Earth Orbit (approx 200 miles above Earth)
  • This is where they faked being half way to the moon. The video is almost an hour long and sent to Bart Sibrel by accident or deliberately by a whistle blower.
  • When he discovered this he was really scared. He was holding definitive proof that America faked it.
  • However, mainstream news mostly aired this as a conspiracy and eventually it became clear that no amount of proof will suffice for those who are brainwashed or indoctrinated.
  • The moon is 250,000 miles away. Since Nixon's presidency, no one has gone beyond 400 miles of Earth
  • Nasa admits regularly that humans cannot go beyond the Radiation Belts that surround Earth. it's deadly to organic life like sitting in a microwave.
  • When all the astronauts were confronted by Bart Sibrel about the video, some were scared, panicked and with one (with his wireless mic still on after Bart and cameraman left) it was clearly heard, "shall we call the CIA and have him killed?"
  • NASA have embezzled billions of dollars of the public tax money since
  • They still fake being in space many times.

Many think moon deniers have ridiculous beliefs so I will state here that orbiting is real, satellites are real and even the international space station can be seen with high end cameras with it passes but the moon landings, absolute joke. They made so many errors and mistakes after the launching into orbit as everything falls apart there.

I want to genuinely get replies from anyone who believes the moon landing. Not because that's what they were taught but genuinely believe it based on science and facts.

I can get post the footage and I based the entire post on that one huge damning evidence even though there's a library full
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 00:54
I want kids to raise questions in schools when they're lied to.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 06:01
In 1960's

If you can't make it fake it.

Satellite images of WMD's of Iraq to wage a war.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 06:44
Hence, 2 famous conspiracy theories that emerged from Moon Landing is also false. Please confirm ???
1. Neil Amstrong accepted Islam
2. He heard Azaan from Moon
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 06:51
Servant.Of.Allah wrote:
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It is ghuloo. Hearsay.
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 07:06
Servant.Of.Allah wrote:
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Ummah's worst diseae, adding or removing words from original statement.
If a scholar says, " may be" or possibly azan was heard on moon, now during rebroadcast, words like "may be" or "possible" are removed, then later broadcaster will add "he converted to Islam", then later broadcaster adds "thousands reverted to Islam after hearing that".
Then "thousands" becomes "millions."
We are experts in ghuloo. Exaggeration to get short term benefits. May Allah save us.
Solution is:
Tablighi say spend four months.
Tasawwuf says, you must have shaykh.
Salafi says, only hadith from sahiheen.
Etc etc.
But every on is on same boat.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 08:05
super-glue wrote:
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السلام عليكم و رحمة الله و بركاته

If you want to invest time and money then here's something that will help you prove/disprove your theory...

Search wiki for Lunar Laser Ranging experiment.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 08:41
xs11ax wrote:
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If I get doubt that those laser retro reflectors were positioned on moon surface by unmanned vehicle and not by any astronaut.
Can wiki clarify my doubt.
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 08:52
Guest-15004 wrote:
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You are happy to accept that mankind has the technology to send inorganic matter to the moon?
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 09:42

Servant.Of.Allah wrote:
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Do you know that Neil Armstrong landed on the Moon on July 21, 1969 and died on August 25, 2012. This means that he was alive for 46 years, 1 month, 4 days after the Moon landing?

How many Interviews and TV appearances do you think he did in 46 years, 1 month, 4 days?

super-glue wrote:
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And they should, that is what good schooling is about. But if the evidence is overwhelming or they don’t understand it would they be “Muslim” enough to admit that they were mistaken OR would they emulate “Shaytaan” stay stubborn and refuse to admit?

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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 09:49
@Super-Glue. Salaam and welcome back :)

Okay, so this about the American claims only, how about every other claim after that? Including the recent claim of the Chinese who have allegedly landed on the other side of the Moon that we do not see?

If you ask me, the 69 landing if is a hoax, I believe it was faked, just like so many other things they have succesfully faked.

Here's another topic if someone wants to start it - Darwinsim. Proved to be fake with fake bones etc, but still taught in schools.

On a light note - I think the Trump administration should be build a Fake school instead of a wall. They can expose all the fake stuff including his lies :)
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 10:02

super-glue wrote:
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There is a lot of spin in this post but one FACT is enough to disprove much of this SPIN. Betty Grissom filed a lawsuit when her husband Gus Grissom died which North American Rockwell settled, it was for "negligence" not for conspiracies...

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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 11:48
Today we have powerful telescope, but if an American says, I looked at sun through telescope through naked eye, I reject it.
1960 technology was insufficient for man to land on moon and live broadcast the landing. Today if they claim it we can agree.
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 14:04
Servant.Of.Allah wrote:
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100% lies. Besides the fact that they didn't go to the moon, there's no proof of this claim anywhere
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 24th January 2019 14:20
xs11ax wrote:
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Ws bro, thank you for taking the thread seriously. Wiki is not reliable. It is also victim to government lies.

The reflector is the weakest proof from everything they try.

  • They were bouncing lasers off the moon years before 1969.
  • If it is there, it could easily be put there by unmanned vehicles so using this is definitive proof is no good even if they really did go to the moon.
  • A laser beam sent from Earth that hits the moon is around 1km wide. Check online calculators for this.
  • The claim that it's so precise that it could only be done by man then this raises even more problems

In reality it's such weak proof of moon landing. I hope you can agree to that?

The video evidence I am referring to is undeniable. There's 1 hour long video of them faking being half way to the moon and then there's laser reflectors being given as proof of landing. Think about it.
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