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Taqleed and its necessity

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2015 16:37
الحمد لله وحده والصلاة والسلام على من لا نبي بعده، اما بعد فيا أيهاالإخوة فى الدين: اليوم نذكر آية من آيات القرآن الكريم وحديث من احاديث الرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم لبحث على التقليد
أما الآية الكريمة فهذه من سورة النحل٤٣ وهذه هي "فاسئلوا أهل الذكر إن كنتم لا تعلمون" الآية
فالآية الكريمة تدل على أن السوال عند فقد العلم الى العالمين واجب لتحفيظ الدين. لأن العوام لا يقدرون على إستنباط المسآئل أو فى إستخراج المسآئل من القرآن والسنة، والعالمون يقدرون على هؤلآء، لأنهم صرفوا وبذلوا جهدهم وعمرهم على طلب العلم من حيث فال الله عز وجل "فلولا نفر من كل فرقة منهم طآئفة ليتفقهو فى الدين ولينذروا قومهم إذا رجعوا إليهم لعلهم يحذرون" والمراد بهذه الآية العالمون أي يخرجون من ديارهم لطلب الدين، فلما حصلوا يرجعون إلى أقوامهم وينذرونهم. فالآية ترغيب على حصول الدين للفرقة من كل أقوام. أيها الإخوة الكرام، نفهم من هذه الآية أن تقليد الخواص واجب للعوام. والعلمآء هم الخواص. أما الحديث فهو مروي "عن عبدالله بن عمر رضي الله عنه أنه قال قال رسول الله صلى الله عليه وسلم: إن الله لا يقبض العلم انتزاعا ينتزعه من العباد، ولكن يقبض العلم بقبض العلمآء، حتى إذا لم يبق عالما اتخذ الناس رءوسا جهالا، فسئلوا فأفتوا بغير علم فضلوا وأضلوا" فهذالحديث يدل علي تقليد العالمين، ومعني العالم العالم الذي يتبرع فى علوم الدين، وهم الأئمة المجتهدون والفقهآء المتبرعون في زمن سابقات، وفي زما ننا نحو مفتي الأعظم باكستان الشيخ تقي عثماني حفظه الله وأتباعه. وقال الشيخ تقي عثماني التقليد نوعان. الأول التقليد الشخصي والثاني التقليد المطلق اوالعام. فالتقليد الشخصي هو أن يتبع المرأ لشخص مخصوص في كل مسئلة . والمطلق اوالعام هو أن يتبع المرأ أشخاصا متفرقة. فالاول نقول للعوام خاصة لأنهم لا يوقفون على علم الحديث والقرآن. والثاني جائز للعلماء ولكن الأول افضل لهم. لأن الآن الفتن في كل مكان.
فنعلم أن التقليد ضرورة لنا. و أريد ان اقول شيئا على اهل الحديث والسلفيين في عصرنا، أنهم يقولون نحن لا نتبع شخصا بل نتبع الاحاديث والقرآن، فكيف هذا القول صحيح منكم؟ لأننا نعلم انتم تنظرون الى تأويلات الشيخ الالباني وبن باز وغيرهم، فأسئلكم هل انتم مقلدون ام لا؟ لان الصورة تدل انكم مقلدون ولكن تقولون انكم غير مذهب لمرض التعصب والحسد على الإمام ابي حنيفة رحمه الله. فهذه القصة نحو قصة ابن فلان يقول أنا ولدت بنفسي حين يفهم ان له أب. نسئل الله ان يوفقنا على إتباع المجتهدين والعالمين الذين فوقنا بحيثية العلم والعمل. آمين....
وهذا بحث صغير مني، ادعوالله ان يتقبل مني

All praises belongs to Allah and durood and salaam for nabi muhammad s. Today i will mention one ayat from the holy Quran and one hadeeth from the ahaadeeth of rasool s to talk about taqleed. So the ayat alkareemah is from suratun nahl, number of ayat is 43 where Allah swt says " ask ahluz zikr(those who have knowledge deeply in deen) if you all do not know". So the ayat alkareemah is a statement that when you do not know about deen you have to ask ulamaa, fuqahaa to protect your deen. Because everybody does not have that ability to discover or find out masaail from Quran and sunnah of rasool s. And ulamaa, mujtahid people are able to do that, because they spent their time and lives to seek knowledge deeply as Allah saidفلولا نفر من كل فرقة منهم طآئفة ليتفقهو فى الدين ولينذروا قومهم إذا رجعوا إليهم لعلهم يحذرون meaning: why do not a group of mumineen go out to learn deen deeply so they can warn and give alert to their own tribes, so the qawm or tribe fear Allah. And the matlab of this ayah is ulamaa people who learn deen deeply and do nasihah or warn and alert their qawm when they come back from learning. This ayat also is an incouragement of learning deen deeply for certain people from every qawm.
My dear brothers
From this ayah we can understand that following khawwas for awwaam is wajib. And ulamaa are the khawwaas. And the hadeeth which is narrated by hadhrat abdullah ibn umar radhiallaahu anhu it is mentioned in sahih muslim and sahih bukhari, ...rasool s said " verily Allah swt does not remove ilm at once, but He takes ulamaa to Him untill there is no aalim left, then awwam make their leader all juhhal/ ignorants and then they ask them. And they give fatwa without knowledge, and thus they go astray, and make people go astray as well". So this hadeeth also states the necessity of taqleed of sahih ulamaa, and the meaning of ulamaa is the imams and mujtahideen people in deen, who gone past in the olden golden time, and in our time like mufti e aazam pakistan hadhrat taqi usmani DB and His fellows.
Mufti taqi usmani saheb said there are two types of taqleed. 1 is taqleed shakhsi, and it is when one follows a special person in deen who has deep knowledge in deen, and he follows that person for every masaala masaail. The other one is taqleed al mutlaq or aam, which is when one follows different different special personalities in deen. So the first one is wajib for awaam who do not have ability of knowing everything in deen. And the second one is right for ulamaas, but its better for them to be in the first one as the time is the times of fitnah. So taqleed is necessary for all of us. Now i would like to speak about our time's salafi and ahle hadeeth brothers who call themselves as ahlul hadeeth or salafi and say they do not follow any person. How can that be true? Because we knew you follow certain person like ibn baaz and albani when you need, so aren't you muqallid/follower of a person? That shows you are muqallid too. But because of jelousy and taassub with imam abu hanifa you call your selves salafi and ghair muqallid. This is totally unfair. And it is like a boy when he said i came in the earth myself being ignorant with his dad to benefit something when he knows he has a dad. We ask Allah swt to guide us in the straight path and to follow all mujtahideen ulamas.
and this was a small try from me, may Allah swt make it maqbool.
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2015 06:33
I agree that the extreme salafis are incorrect in their saying that Taqleed in general is haraam and shirk etc. But at the opposite end of that extreme view is the view that graduates of Darul Ulooms propogate i.e taqleed shaksi or saying that it is wajib to follow one madhab at all times. Without getting into a debate on taqleed itself, i would like to know the position of the graduates of Darul ulooms regarding the opinions on taqleed held by other Ulama . Is saying that taqled shaksi is not wajib , considered an invalid/erroneous position by DU graduates?

Some examples of ulama who do not say that taqleed shaksi is wajib on everyone:

Maulana Taha Karan, speaking primarily on behalf of the shafi school, says many times that one is not obliged to follow one madhab at all times in all issues, and he even says while quoting from Imam An Nawawi, that one is allowed to follow a hadith that goes against your madhab, once another Imam acts on that hadith.

Shaikh Faraz Rabbani and other non deobandi hanafis, say that one may follow another madhab in some issues and it is not necessary to follow one madhab at all times in all issues.

Shaikh Musa Furber recently translated Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali's refutation of those who do not follow the four schools, and he ( Shaikh Musa ) mentions that Ibn Rajab does not say that an individual must stay within a single madhhab in all things.

So again my query is simple, do Darul Uloom graduates admit that the above views are valid according to other hanafis and other madhabs, or do they say that the above views are a misrepresentation of the correct views and thus erroneous and invalid.

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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 7th May 2015 10:55
Concerned wrote:
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Assalaamu alaikum warahmatullah, my dear brother i have made a mention in the topic saying taqleed shaksi is wajib on awaam meaning general people who do not have knowledge in deen. That is the opinion from hanafi scholars . Also i said taqleed mutlaq meaning following different different shakhsiyyat is jaaiz for those who have studied deen and that study includes ahadeeth of rasool s and usulul ahadeeth, fiqh, usulul fiqh, tafasir of Quran with usulut tafseer. good understanding of arabic language, etc. Now if i a normal person does not follow an imam then how can he survive himself in deen? Because he does not have the ability to understand the reasons of variety when one imam takes a hadeeth in a masala leaving other hadeeth or ahadeeth. So if a deeni studied person does not want to follow one imam then he can do it as he got the ability, but after all that is too risky in this fitan time. Because there are certain things in one madhab which are totally opposite of another madhab.

Then i said it is better for present time's ulama to follow those who are above them in knowledge of deen. Which is taqleed too. I think we all do that,because if you do not listen to the one who got more knowledge than you in deen then how can you even get knowledge. In hanafi madhab we do listen to our different different scholars who are above than us. Even laa madhabi brothers they do listen to their sheiks, and that is taqleed. Our intention is to protest those who say taqleed is bid'ah or shirk. Because they are spreading fitnah everywhere talking with that manner.

There is no taqleed in faraidh like five times prayers, and their number of raka's. Sawm, Zakat, Hajj, etc. Also there is no taqleed in halal and haram which is fixed by sharia. The taqleed and difference of opinion comes from furuaat of deen like how to perform salah whether one has to do rafe yadain or no, cigarettes makruh or haraam etc.

And yes there are many issues when one can take another hadith if it is sahih even if it goes against the madhab.

Let me tell you one story of my life brother, one day a friend of mine asked me are we allowed to pray asr according to another madhab(because he wanted to go somewhere and he knows he will definitely miss asr if he follows hanafi because hanafi says asr starts when your shadow is two times more than yourself, which is basically later than other madhabs measurement). Now he asked a maulana he said you should pray according to hanafi as you are hanafi. I got shocked to hear that, he will miss his fardh and he has to stay in hanafi madhab in that condition!!! I said to him no you can pray it in its first time because it is also saabit from ahaadeeth. Now my brother what i said is taqleed necessary for us otherwise we cant survive ourselves in deen. And taqleed is what you listen and follow. And for awaam it is wajib. And in a certain thing following other madhab does not harm anything in shariah.

The other thing is we know all four madhaahib are true and right, they are musbat with Quran and hadeeth.

And Allah knows the best
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 9th May 2015 15:59
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 9th May 2015 18:02
Ahmadianswers brother are you ahmadi muslim, sorry just curious to know. If you let me know then i will be more than happy. Thanks
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 9th May 2015 18:07
abu sawda wrote:
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Maulana he is an ahmadi,

to put 'muslim' next to that word is wrong.
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 9th May 2015 18:24
Jinn wrote:
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Yaa Allah forgive me, because i did not know he was a real ahmadi. i am very sorry that i put muslim next to that soldier of dajjaluddhar
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 9th May 2015 18:46
Why is the idea of Taqlid Shakhsi's wujub always painted as a backward poor Madrassa student opinion without any insight? And anyone opposing it is enlightened, sophisticated and holds deep knowledge? Is the idea of Taqlid Shakhsi so baseless and was never promoted by any classical scholars before Deoband (anything from the subcontinent is backwards anyway)?
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 9th May 2015 19:10
Salaamu alaikum warahmatullah, dear brother if i got your question correctly then here is an answer . Taqleed shaksi was approved in the time of rasool sallallaahu alaihi wasallam as well, if we look at haadeeth of rasool s then we can find many. Amongst them the most acceptable one is when rasool s sent muadh ibn jabal radhiallaahu anhu to yemen as a muqtadaa for all yemani people then they accepted him without any complain. This was taqleed shakhsi. Because they had to listen only muadh radhiallaahu anhu.

And yeah if someone talks against taqleed shakhsi then they become famous. It is like a fly says hawk has so many mistakes... sorry i could not explain it properly but hope you understand
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 10th May 2015 00:48
True Life wrote:
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I do not know who this was directed act but I asked those questions because I get the impression from ''deobandi" Ulama that taqleed shaksi is the only valid way for the laymen.But we have other madhabs with what seems as a completely different view. And then we have the 'non deobandi' hanafis with another point of view. Do the deobandis accept that their are other views or do they reject those views as invalid ? I don't see what your post has to do with the issue.

The salafis do a similar thing, , they insist their point of view is the only correct way and reject all other valid views, and this is what causes a lot of the problems we witness .
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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 10th May 2015 00:55
Concerned wrote:
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I'm in no position to declare something as Deobandi position, but let's say it is the Deobandi position for sake of the argument. If you think it is too narrow-minded then no one is forcing you to practise Deobandi Islam. I don't how it is in your UK but seeing people here playing with Madhhahib as they wish, the restriction makes more than sense.
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 10th May 2015 01:22
I'm not from the UK bro :) although I did visit many times.
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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 12th May 2015 13:10
Concerned wrote:
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Where are you from brother, may i know that if you don't mind?
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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 12th May 2015 13:31
Salaam akhi could you let me know how should i answer salafis when they say taqleed is shirk?
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 12th May 2015 13:56
harun88 wrote:
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It doesn't require an answer. Whoever poses that question needs to be told to learn the meaning of Shirk first. Unless it's the English verb "To Shirk" in which case they're right, we do shirk following our desires and own deficient understandings of Deen
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