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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 13:48

I would like to present here the Qibla Direction using as many tools as possible.

Firstly, it has been my dream to see everyone face one direction and to see the Rows (Saf's) going around the globe as an image. The best I could do to see this beautiful image was to draw my own vision as seen below. InshaAllah, I will try and give more tips on how to find the Qibla from where you are using the tools you have.

"abu mohammed" wrote:
I love the beautiful scene inside the Haram in Makkah with all the "safs" going round in a circle. Its beautiful. I always wanted to see the saf go round and round and round across the city and the world. InshaAllah one day I'll do a close up of the city of Makkah and draw safs all the way round. Below is an example of the safs going around the word. It's not complete, I'll finish it another time inshaAllah and some colour too.


“From whencesoever Thou startest forth, turn Thy face in the direction of the sacred Mosque; that is indeed the truth from the Lord. And Allah is not unmindful of what ye do” (Qur'an 2:149–150).

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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 13:53 is by far the best tool to use when online. (When its working, currently it seems to have been hacked. I think it has a virus)

Simply enter your location and a red line will show you the direction of the Qibla from where you have

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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 14:00
A very simple idea that has worked very well for me for many years (before Satnavs) was the use of an A-Z street map.

Most of us drive and should have a street map in the car. Well at least I do, even though I know my way around most of London.

The idea is to find your own street or Masjid and mark the direction of the Qibla onto the A-Z. Once you have done that, mark out the same direction at the front of the A-Z where there will be a full map of the city. Once you have marked that direction into the A-Z, whenever you are out and about and need to offer your Salah, then simply find the street where you are, see the angle at which Qibla is pointing to and InshaAllah, you will have your Qibla Direction.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 14:04
Most people have smartphones now, the best app I have come across so far is:

abu mohammed wrote:

Qibla Compass, So far the best one I've used and most accurate too.

My Rating *****.

Perfect all the time. Better than the ones I've seen before even on the Iphone.

It has been very accurate. I always test its accuracy whenever I go to a new Masjid. (New for me, as I travell a lot locally)
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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 14:09
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 14:13
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 14:26

This is the most Classical method of finding the Qibla if you don't know how to find it using the Sun.

Only recently I had come across someone who said that they were offering Salah using this compass and then they were told that it was wrong.

It is clear that you need follow the fixed arrow and not the moving arrow as this person was doing.

Also, it is important to have the code of your country when using this compass. With the compass above, if I remember correctly, the code for the UK is 25 and on other styles of compass, the code is 250.

Once the compass is lined up with the direction of your country, Qibla will be in the direction of the fixed arrow.
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 14:37

My old classic. I first bought this watch in 1995 from Makkah and cost an arm and a leg. I still have it, Alhumdulillah. But the batteries run out very quick now so I have stopped using. I kind of got another watch which cost more than an arm and a leg. And this one only gives me the time, date, and a stop watch. lol
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 15:03
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#10 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 15:11
Well what do you know, in my search for ideas, google took me to my very own post below.

abu mohammed wrote:
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Muslims praying at the Grand Mosque in the Saudi western town of Makkah were able to see the sun straight above them on Saturday, the second and last such phenomenon this year, according to Saudi astronomers.

The sun set vertically above the holy city on Saturday at 12.27 pm Saudi time (13.27 UAE time) and the phenomenon helped Muslims around the world to determine the exact direction of Makkah in their prayers, said Majid Abu Zahira, head of the Jeddah Astronomy Association. "This is the second event of its kind this year after the sun set directly above Makkah in will also be the last this year," he told local newspapers. "The phenomenon will help Moslems worldwide to locate the exact direction lf Makkah, Islam's holiest shrine, including those in Europe, Africa, Russia, China and other areas....the best time for this is around sunset by looking at the sun."

He said Makkah's direction can be set by placing a stick or any other object vertically on the ground at that time. "Its shadow will point accurately towards Makkah...this applies to distant areas not in areas close to Makkah like Jeddah," he said.

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#11 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 15:23

Do you see the point I was trying to make in the first post. Beautiful.
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#12 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 15:57
Since is not working at the moment, (please dont try it, you could end up with a virus)

I came across this one.

Works in the same way. I did my classic test of finding my local mosque and checked to see if it was correct. Alhumdulillah, it is. For many years, we had offered Salah at a different angle as per the Fatwa of a small building. This Fatwa was then over turned by the same Mufti as the mosque had grown in size and we were able to accomodate many more people in the Masjid.

However, I now have a qustion for the users of Clapton Madinah Masjid. Using the link above, I typed in Hackney and it took me very close to Hackney, only to find that Clapton Masjid is at an angle.

So, my question, Is the Qibla at a slight angle inside the Masjid?

When scrolling the map all the way back to the Ka'bah, it is correct. Masjid e Quba had the Qibla as if it is was straight (along the walls) for a long time but is now changed. I call it Masjid e Qiblatain.

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#13 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 16:15
Another Brilliant find for Computers and phones. Easy to remember.

From the mobile just type in the address bar and it will do its work for you. Not too bad. Use the + & - buttons not pinch to zoom.

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#14 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 16:42
abu mohammed wrote:

Original praying spot of the Prophet (s.a.w.)
This pillar, the fifth one down from the 'Aisha' pillar and in line with Bab-e-Jibraeel is the approximate spot where the Prophet (s.a.w.) led salah in Madinah when the Qiblah was still towards Jerusalem and at the opposite direction of Makkah.
References: History of Madinah Munawwarah - Dr. Muhammad Ilyas Abdul Ghani

Taken from the Makkah, Madinah History thread
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#15 [Permalink] Posted on 8th March 2012 16:55
Its always good to know what angle the Qiblah is in from your country/city.

The reason for that is the number of people who carry a compass with right intention, try to to find Qiblah, but have no idea which direction to face.

I have met many people all over the place who have stopped me to ask the direction of the Qiblah using thier own compass.

Alhumdulillah, having to know the direction is excellent help to any Muslim. So normally, I would just tell them to pray at 119 degrees from North (when in London). When they find the direction and feel satisfied, it brings joy to the heart.

There are plenty of landmarks around the UK that have compasses all over the place, so that helps too.
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