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WifaqulUlamaa's Halal ruling of aborted fetal cells and HEK293

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 5th January 2022 17:05
To: Wifaq en****
CC; Mufti Amjad en******

Enquiry sent on 20th December 2021
Deadline for response: 14 days
Response: No acknowledgement - No response

Respected Mufti Sahib,
Assalamu Alaykum,

In reference to HEK293 (Human Embryonic Kidney) mentioned on page 3 of the ruling posted in `Wifaq-oxford.pdf` located on you have deemed the Haraam ingredient permissible based on the reasoning:

"The vaccine which currently exists is permissible to use when there is a real need and secure knowledge that one will contract the disease and that will have a serious impact on health of the individual and/or society."

This was based on your answer located on the PDF of ( )

The vaccines when administered to humans contain infinitesimal amounts, if any, of original cell matter. We are referring to nanograms of DNA matter. As a result, even though we do not condone research on embryos, as it has already been conducted several decades ago, the vaccine which currently exists is permissible to use when there is a real need and secure knowledge that one will contract the disease and that will have a serious impact on health of the individual and/or society.

This suggests that Haraam ingredients were classed as Halaal based on 2 reasons:
1) Real need i.e. no alternative.
2) It'll have a serious (positive) impact on health for the individual or society.

Nullifies reason 1:

1) This ruling as far as we have confirmed from Ulamaa is that this applies to medicine. Medicine and Vaccines have a clear distinction and cannot be classed in the same group:
Vaccines are given to healthy people to prevent disease, for all population! you bring all people to the risk group!
Medicine is used for only ill people with disorders, not for all population! then not all people are in the risk group, only ill people!

Is your reason 1 still valid? Please clarify.

2) You stated "Real need" - This has proven to be the complete opposite where majority of the vaccinated are getting sick, we are told by questionable experts that unless they take it doesn't work unless you get boosters every 3-6 months, it doesn't protect others unless they take it as well and even then it doesn't protect the one who takes it. What exactly was the reason to class this as "real need" and if you agree that there isn't then does your making Haraam ingredients Halaal still apply?

Nullifies reason 2: Health impact

There is now ample evidence proving the following:

1) After taking this disputed vaccine, one can still be tested positive for the alleged virus.

2) Claims that the effects of the alleged virus will be less is unproven and does not have any scientific grounds on the mere theory.

3) It is proven that those who are taking the vaccine are dying directly from the reactions of the vaccine and or covid-19 and they outnumber the unvaccinated!

4) The official VAERS system shows the harms to humans and deaths the gene modification has caused directly (Latest) citing 1.8 million adverse reactions most of which are severe, life threatening and permanent with 19,800+ deaths. This is the smaller number of that which have been reported in America. Europe has reported 2.8 million adverse reactions with 31,100+ deaths from these vaccines. The reactions of these "vaccines" are higher than the entire history of vaccines combined. Some actions are deemed Haraam or at worse Makrooh Tahrimi e.g. smoking because it damages the body and here we have evidence it definitely is. Why does this not apply to vaccines?

5) Information sources and "fact checkers" have been proven to be owned by vaccine shareholders by their own admission which proves conflict of interest in the information for it to be deemed reliable.

6) It is published by every health agency globally that the vaccines will not protect you, it won't protect others from you and every injection administered has an expiry with different time frames such as after 14 days or 28 days you are considered "unvaccinated."

7) It is proven from internal emails from the senior director of Worldwide Research of the vaccine manufacturers quoting, "From the perspective of corporate affairs, we want to avoid having the information on fetal cells floating out there" - Expose here. putting to rest the question that these mRNA injections contain aborted fetal cells.

Question 1:
Considering these facts, is your Fatwa of Halal still applicable based on the reasons you provided to make the Haraam ingredients Halal when the reasoning clearly does not apply any longer and have proven to be false?

Question 2:
If no, do you retract the Halal status on the Fatwa posted or do you plan to revise the reasoning for the Halal status of the disputed vaccines based on lack of valid reasons to make it Halal and also due to the evidence of bodily harm and deaths?

May Allah reward you for your efforts and keep your intentions pure on Islamic value and ethos. Ameen

This is a public service sent on behalf of the general public to organisations
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 6th January 2022 04:56
Mashallah, an excellent example of referring matters to ulama when in doubt. May I humbly suggest that it be worded a little different, in the hopes that Mufti Sahab HA would be more accommodating of the letter?

For instance, instead of
There is now ample evidence proving the following:
We could have worded it as
Is there ample evidence of the following?
This wording would suggest to Mufti Sahab HA that we deem him to be an equal in the ability to interpret and understand the evidence from primary sources. If, however, we say that we know this is what the evidence says, then we are not giving Mufti Sahab HA room to maneuver and present his opinion on this matter. I am assuming the evidence lies within his area of expertise/specialization.

I am open to correction if this approach is unacceptable.
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 6th January 2022 09:47
sharjan8643 wrote:
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These emails are done through Mashwarah with a group of members and takes many days to complete to ensure it's accurate down to every letter.

VAERS is not a question or doubt. It exists and that is the evidence. If we asked "is there evidence" as you suggested then the question would be deceitful as we know the evidence exists. Our email is factual, not political.
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#4 [Permalink] Posted on 10th January 2022 17:51
@WifaqulUlamaa notified via twitter just in case:

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#5 [Permalink] Posted on 18th January 2022 11:14
WifaqulUlama wrote:
It must be emphasised that the decision to inoculate against COVID-19 (or vaccinate in general) is personal and should be taken after considering the best possible professional medical advice weighed against personal health, medical history and relevant risk factors. The scope of this Fatwā is limited to discussion regarding the ingredients of BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine (exclusively) and should not be misconstrued to support vaccination in general or specifically for COVID-19.

The risk factors are huge - see here on the harms and counting

Albert Bourla CEO of Pfizer has confirmed in January 2022 that "The vaccines have very little effect, if any".
In light of this new evidence, (which was already known and now confirmed) is the fatwa on the Pfizer vaccine still valid?

FOIA proves that the vaccines cause major harm, report from January 2022. The statistics are not low, they number over 30% of the vaccinated. Children and babies are being hurt, many fatally. In light of this new evidence, (which was already known and now confirmed) is the fatwa on the Pfizer vaccine still valid?

Another point to note. It is indicated in the fatawa that HEK293 can be permitted as apparently there is in no other way the vaccine can be produced or that there is no alternative and since this (now) nanogram of DNA experiment was already done in the 60's, it is permitted with certain reasonings. Then how did Pfizer make their vaccine without HEK293?

The fatwa states that no animal product was used the in the production of the Pfizer vaccine. Leaked emails say otherwise, October 2021. In light of this new evidence, is the fatwa on the Pfizer vaccine still valid?

For arguments sake, if HEK293 was not used by Pfizer but was used by the other manufacturers, then this automatically would mean that there is/was an alternative available!!!!!!!!!!!! So in light of this information, how can the HEK293 used in the other vaccines still be classed by you as halal and permitted???????????????????

The validity of the reasonings for making the Pfizer vaccine Halal and permitted are all proving to be lies. When will your fatwa be retracted? How much more longer will you allow Muslims who choose to follow this verdict and cause themselves and their families long term injuries?

Following an incorrect fatwa is not the fault of the laypeople. The scholars will get 1 reward because they were wrong, in stead of 2. But then who is responsible for the mass murder, permanent disabilities, blindness, heart attacks and multiple other injuries?

I would like to stress that ALL the other brands of vaccines have these same negative side effects. They are harmful to the human body just as much as Pfizer.

I hope the scholars who claimed these vaccines to be halal and permitted have the courage to stand up and speak up with clarity!

I hope these scholars realise that they have given the authorities to push these vaccines as Halal and now because of this, there is no excuse of religious exemption and millions of people around the world are now facing job losses, death, injuries, forced vaccinations, break up of family ties.

The Blood/Honour of a Muslim is more sacred than the Ka'bah. What are the scholars doing to protect them?

I hope these scholars realise what they have gotten themselves into!

In January 2021, Asaaghir wrote:
I said it before, you (Muadh_Khan) said it before (for a different reason) and I'll say it for you again, "This will cost lives"

I repeat my statement of earlier, "Lives will be lost when scholars from our own academia will mislead laypeople"

Lives have been lost in huge numbers!

VEARS wrote:
21,745 COVID Vaccine Reported Deaths / 31,007 Total Reported Deaths

115,754 Total COVID Vaccine Reported Hospitalizations/197,449 Total Reported Hospitalizations

1,033,992 COVID Vaccine Adverse Event Reports

Through January 7, 2022

From the 1/7/2022 release of VAERS data:
Found 21,745 cases where Vaccine targets COVID-19 (COVID19) and Patient Died
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#6 [Permalink] Posted on 18th January 2022 12:07
Pfizer have altered the ingredients for vaccines under the age of 12, as reported months ago on MS.

It is not an ingredient they have removed. It is a new ingredient that they have added. C4H11NO3 aka Tromethamine. Are there any more ingredients that have been added?

Have you released a new fatwa in reference to those ingredients?

Pfizer is giving you a second chance to release a new fatwa. Take this chance and retract your old fatwa!
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#7 [Permalink] Posted on 1st February 2022 11:14
Mufti Amjad Mohammed categorically stated that if something is not haram, then we cannot call it haram, but if we use another Hadith and use "that door" to prove it being haram, then yes, it is haram. In other words, in his example, smoking cannot be called haram directly because there is not definite ruling from Quran and Sunnah to label it as haram like pork, but if we use the Hadith of taking something that will cause harm to us, then we can use "that door" and label smoking as haram.

Anyone on his mens only telegram group able to share that response by Mufti Amjad Mohammed please. I heard it from there when it was shared around

A smoker doesn't die straight after smoking. It takes years of damage build-up in the body which cannot be seen. Cigarette packs comes with warnings that "smoking kills".

Vaccines come with a warning that one of the side effects is death and this was emphasized before the rollout and before the fakewa's were passed. The fakewa's were passed omitting the real given side effects and replaced with milder ones!

So, the vaccines are harmful and there is evidence from around the world for High Death Rates for the vaccinated
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#8 [Permalink] Posted on 1st February 2022 14:00
Asaaghir wrote:
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Asaaghir wrote:
Anyone on his mens only telegram group able to share that response by Mufti Amjad Mohammed please. I heard it from there when it was shared around

I'm not sure if this will work for everyone as I have Telegram, I can access it. If not, I'll have to transcribe the main bits. This was an answer to my question based on previous answers provided that left others confused.

Side effects prior to rollout as posted here
Asaaghir wrote:
The FDA Knew of the side effects beforehand and published it on their website before the vaccine rollout! See page 16 of pdf published October 2020

FDA Safety Surveillance of COVID-19 Vaccines :
DRAFT Working list of possible adverse event outcomes
***Subject to change***
Guillain-Barré syndrome
Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis
Transverse myelitis
Narcolepsy and cataplexy
Acute myocardial infarction
Autoimmune disease
Pregnancy and birth outcomes
Other acute demyelinating diseases
Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Venous thromboembolism
Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
Kawasaki disease
Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children
Vaccine enhanced disease
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#9 [Permalink] Posted on 4th March 2022 11:01
Anyone following Mufti Amjad Mohammed will know that he is raising awareness for prostate cancer. I can't confirm, but from what I heard, he is raising money and doing charity funds to raise this awareness and to help in this cancer and he will be rewarded for his intention, but

Covid vaccines causing men to develop prostate cancer

In the article, the doctor still advises his patients to get shot (jabbed), this is obvious as we all know he'd be struck off.
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