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#31 [Permalink] Posted on 14th March 2015 20:42
seeker4ever wrote:

Assalamu-alaikum brother Julaybib,

Alhamdulillah, very nice posts. Unfortunately I dont have anything originaly similar to yor posts. But really like all your posts and read them. Please continue posting.

I am just quoting a story that I read in a book called "The 7 habits of highly effective people" by Stephen Covey. Here's the author's experience:

I remember a mini-paradigm shift I experienced one Sunday morning on a subway in New York. People were sitting quietly - some reading newspapers, some lost in thought, some resting with their eyes closed. It was a calm, peaceful scene.

Then suddenly, a man and his children entered the subway car. The children were so loud and rambunctious that instantly the whole climate changed.

The man sat down next to me and closed his eyes, apparently oblivious to the situation. The children were yelling back and forth, throwing things, even grabbing people's papers. It was very disturbing. And yet, the man sitting next to me did nothing.

It was difficult not to feel irritated. I could not believe that he could be so insensitive as to let his children run wild like that and do nothing about it, taking no responsibility at all. It was easy to see that everyone else on the subway felt irritated, too. So finally, with what I felt was unusual patience and restraint, I turned to him and said, " Sir, your children are really disturbing a lot of people. I wonder if you couldn't control them a little more?"

The man lifted his gaze as if to come to a consciousness of the situation for the first time and said softly, "Oh, you're right. I guess I should do something about it. We just came from the hospital where their mother died about an hour ago. I don't know what to think, and I guess they don't know how to handle it either."

Can you imagine what I felt at that moment? My paradigm shifted. Suddnely I saw things differently, and because I saw differently, I thought differently, I felt differently, I behaved differently. My irritation vanished. I didn't have to worry about controlling my attitude or behaviour; my heart was filled with the man's pain. Feelings of sympathy and compassion flowed freely. "Your wife just died? Oh, I'm sorry! Can you tell me about it? What can I do to help?" Everything changed in an instant.
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#32 [Permalink] Posted on 14th March 2015 20:43
Lose The Argument, Keep The Friend

Julaybib wrote:

As Salaam Alaykum.

Two Brothers Sajid and Abid were invited to a dinner party. During the evening the topic turned towards the Moghul empire.The Host having very little knowledge on this topic, Said: " Moghul King Akbar left one of the greatest monuments of , architecture when he built the Taj Mahal."

Sajid quickly Spoke and said: " No It was not Akbar who built the Taj Mahal, it was Shah Jahan." The host feeling upset by being corrected, in front of his guests refused to budge, he insisted that it was Akbar who had built the Taj Mahal. As the conversation became heated Abid spoke and said to his brother: " No you are wrong, our Host is correct the Taj Mahal was indeed built by Akbar". The argument was settled and the dinner party carried on as before.

As they were heading home Sajid asked his brother: " Why did you take his side you know full well that it was Shah Jahan who built the Taj Mahal."
Abid responded: " Yes I know that it was Shah Jahan, but what need was it of you to correct our Host in a room full of his guests, does it really matter who built the Taj Mahal, you insulted the mans pride and made him look foolish in front of others. My brother is it not better to lose an argument and keep a friend."

Based on a secular story completely Re-written By Julaybib

Two Points to Ponder:

How often have we got in to such useless arguments and actually humiliated people in front of others. Just to prove our knowledge on a useless topic. Are things we engage in arguments over really that important, usually these arguments are about useless topics, Which actor starred in which film? or the name of an athlete who participated in a certain contest. Are these things really important and worth losing our friends and relatives over. Does it really make a difference as to who built the Taj Mahal.

Second point to reflect is the reaction of the Host in the Afore-mentioned story. Is that we often know we are wrong when we are corrected about certain issues but our foolish pride takes over and we refuse to budge. Is it not more prudent and wise to admit that we may be mistaken, rather then igniting a useless debate.

May Allah protect us all from arrogance and foolish pride, especially a sinner like me,ameen.
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#33 [Permalink] Posted on 14th March 2015 20:46
Allah Will test you

Julaybib wrote:

AS Salaam alaykum.

A brother was listening to a lecture by a famous Scholar, The scholar talked about
Islamic Ikhlaq and how we should be respectful and courteous to others, even though they may not be polite or courteous towards us. For the true test of fairness is to be fair to those who are not to us. The brother felt inspired by this lecture and made a commitment, that from now on he would be courteous, and polite towards others in all circumstances.

The following morning as he headed of to work, he thought I will now put what I have learned into action, and the best place would be on the bus on my way to work. Now often you get bus drivers who having had a bad day or been abused by a passenger and end up taking out there temper on other passengers. So he thought no matter what kind of mood the bus driver is in I am going to be very polite ask him how he is, and behave in a courteous manner towards him. When he boarded the bus, he found the bus driver to be a very friendly chap. He stood next to the drivers cab and engaged in a thoroughly enjoyable conversation, this was perhaps the best journey to work he had ever had.

During the day he made a point of being polite and courteous to all his colleauges and people he came across.

However on his way home as he got on the bus he tried making conversation with the bus driver, the driver being in a bad mood was very abrupt and rude and told him to "shut up and take a seat, I'm not in the mood to listen to your nonsense." The Brother being tired after a hard days work, lost his temper and got into an argument with the driver.

Later on in the evening as he was sitting at home he reflected on what had happened. He said to himself " I very rarely get into arguments, but on the first day I made a commitment to be polite and courteous to others no matter what the circumstances I ended up engaging in one. Allah tested my sincerity but I ended up failing the test the very first time I came across a rude person during the day."

Story Written by Julaybib.

point's to reflect upon:

How often do we feel inspired when listening to a lecture or reading a book, and make a commitment to change ourselves. Are we not like the brother in the story, we back track as we are tested by Allah. our commitment is short lived. Usually we are not capable of passing the simplest of tests, what happens to us when we are hit by a major illness or afflicted with calamities, we stop praying we whine and moan about our difficult circumstances.

We should also reflect on the behavior of the Bus driver how often have we reacted like him. We have a bad day at work, or something else happens to put us in a bad mood, so we end up taking our frustrations, and anger out on a completely innocent individual.

Allah have mercy on us and May he give us the tawfiq to have sabr in all circumstances ameen.
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#34 [Permalink] Posted on 14th March 2015 20:47
On Humility

Julaybib wrote:

As Salaam Alaykum.

First of all I would like to point out that this particular post is an admonishment to myself, for my heart is full of pride, conceit , vanity and arrogance I pray that Allah cures me of these diseases.I in no way intend to hurt or injure the feelings of others.

Hazrat Umar Al Farooq رضي الله عنه appointed Abu Musa Al Ashari رضي الله عنه
as the Governor of Basra. On his arrival He addressed the people and said:
" The Amir has ordered me to rule over you justly, to teach you your religion and to sweep your streets."
The people were amazed the Governor is going to sweep our streets they said in bewilderment. For they had never heard of a ruler, who acted in such humility.The false Pride of Jahiliyah had perished, and the Humility of Islam had arrived.

Some points to reflect.

Brothers and sisters look at our condition, in our youth and our zeal we think we are going to change the world. Through our arrogance and conceit we think that we and only we are capable of transforming the fortunes of the ummah.

Subhanallah we think it is beneath us to sweep the floors and clean the wash area's of the Masajid. We cannot even humble ourselves in the Masajid
Yet we think we are capable of changing the world, Abu musa al Ashari رضي الله عنه is sweeping the streets of Basra, he did not say I am the governor this is beneath me. He did not think of this task as demeaning he saw it as an act of Honour, he did not see himself as a leader but as a servant. Yet we are afflicted with the diseases of Hubb e Jah (love of fame and leadership), Hubb e Maal (love of wealth), Hubb e dunya ( love of dunya), Takkabur (pride and conceit).The Sahaaba Humbled themselves before Allah, and the world humbled itself before them. Their hearts emanated the fragrance of the Prophets (saw) Ikhlaaq and Adaab.

Here are the words of shaykh Masood Azhar mujahid (dB) He says:

" When the love of the Prophet (saw) and his sunna dominated their hearts,
Those who were misguided became the guides of others.
Those who were dead were brought back to life. These arab 's who were not considered worthy of being conquered, these forgotten people living in isolation, were revived and elevated. The world humbled itself before them.

" Umar Al Farooq رضي الله عنه is sitting by a hillside and crying someone asked, "oh Amir Al mumineen what is the matter", he replied:" As a child I used to graze Camels and sheep, my Paternal aunt used to admonish me and Say "Oh Umar you cannot even graze animals, what will you accomplish in life when you can't even do this simple task." I marvel at how Allah has raised a worthless one like me to the rank of Amir ul mumineen.

Once Abu Sufyan رضي الله عنه went to see Hazrat Umar al Farooq رضي الله عنه, he was told to wait because the the Amir is busy.

A while later Hazrat Bilal رضي الله عنه the abyssinian arrived. When Hazrat Umar Al Farooq was informed of Bilalرضي الله عنه arrival he came dashing out of his quarters
hugged him and kissed him on the forehead and led him into his quarters.
Abu Sufyans رضي الله عنه old pride and nobility took over he felt slighted and said: "I am also a muslim yet I am made to wait whilst Bilal رضي الله عنه, is given direct access, am I not worthy of equal treatment."

Somebody said: " Oh Abu Sufyan think back to those days when you use to raise your sword in enemity towards the muslims, whilst Bilal رضي الله عنه used to humble himself before Allah and his messenger. Allah has made a tribal chief, a nobleman of the Quraish like you wait whilst he has elevated the position of Bilal رضي الله عنه, think to the days of jahiliyah he was someone who had no voice, who was given no rights was enslaved by your people, he humbled himself before Allah and his messenger and today the Amir al Muineen addresses Bilal رضي الله عنه as his master.Oh Abu sufyan fear Allah for your heart is still full of vain pride.Abu Sufyan رضي الله عنه Started sobbing uncontrollably."

Khalid Ibn Al Walidرضي الله عنه Is the Commander of the Muslim Army, he is given the title the sword of Allah by none other than the Prophet of Allah (saw). He is removed from his position of leadership by Umar رضي الله عنه, some of the Mujahideen are upset and talk about a mutiny . Khalid Ibn Al Walid speaks and says: " The Amir has asked me to resign my position, we do not consider positions of leadership with pride our sole purpose should be to strive in the way of Allah, If Allah wills that I should lead than I shall lead if Allah wills that I should carry the sandals of the Mujahadeen then I will carry them with pride."

Look at our condition today, if we are moved from any worldly position we feel insulted and immediately form a splinter group. We fight over leadership in the Masajids, we consider it demeaning to sweep the floor of the Masajid yet we fight over the leadership. Than we complain and wonder why muslims all over the world are being humiliated. They are being humiliated because our hearts are sick they are completely devoid of humility and Ikhlaq, each one of us wants a position of leadership, but none of us is willing to do the work or take action. The Sahaba were people of action.

If the streets where we live are strewn with rubbish do we ever think of picking up a broomstick and sweep up the rubbish, or scrub the graffiti of the walls. No instead what we do is form action committees so we can complain to the council we say after all we pay our taxes we are entitled to a road sweeper, we spend months complaining and fighting over the leadership of these committees.

We form action committees, but we take no action ourselves, the Sahaba were people of action. Each and everyone of them was a treasure a priceless jewel.
And everyone of them was a miracle from the miracles of our Beloved Prophet(saw).

This is why George Bernard Shaw was moved to Say " If a Man like Muhammad (Saw) was to assume the dictatorship of the world, the world would be filled with peace, Justice and Harmony."

This is why Thomas Carlyle Labeled Him (saw) as "The Hero among all Prophets."One who civilized the unruly tribes of arabia and elevated them to ranks that few mortals could reach.

Were is our humility we think of nothing but ourselves we are full of arrogance and conceit, we take great pride in our Job titles , and our Bank balances we degrade others who might have less wordily things then us. We are incapable of picking up a broom and sweeping our own street yet we think we are the solution to the problems of the Ummah.Where are those who have the humility of Abu Musa Al Ashariرضي الله عنه amongst us.

Hazrat Ayesha As Siddiqa رضي الله عنه is fasting some poor person Knock's on the door asking for provisions, she hands over everything in the house. As evening arrives it is the time of Iftar there is nothing in the house to open the fast with a maid servant asks "Oh mother of the Believers, did you not think of keeping something for yourself to open the fast with." Ayesha As Siddiqa رضي الله عنه replied "I am sorry but I forgot about myself". She opens her fast with a sip of water.
Sheرضي الله عنه forgot about herself, The wife of the Prophet(SAW) the daughter of Abu Bakr
AS Siddiq رضي الله عنه did not take her own needs into consideration.

Yet we think of nothing but ourselves.We are incapable of offering one sajda in humility.

Much more could be written on this topic ,but for now I think this will suffice.
I would like to reiterate that the defects I have highlighted are those that I see in myself, I pray that Allah guides me towards goodness. This post is not intended to injure the feelings of anyone else or pass judgement upon them.

If any of you find benefit in what has been written all praise is for Allah, the
mistakes are all mine and I pray that Allah forgives me.

May Allah remove pride an arrogance in all our hearts, and gives us the tawfiq to follow in the footsteps of our Beloved prophet (saw) and his Sahaba ameen.
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#35 [Permalink] Posted on 14th March 2015 20:50
books concerning self purification

Julaybib wrote:

If you are looking for books concerning self purification here is a list of some books that I am either reading know or I have in the past.

They Are listed in no particular order of preference.

1.) My Dear Beloved it is a compilation of letters written by Imam Al Ghazali.To a student. published by Awakening Publications.

2. The Book of assistance is a translation of the book by the great saint " Imam
Abdallah Ibn Alawi al Hadad. This is a book book based on the Ihya of Imam al Ghazali. It is Published by The Quilliam Press.

3.) Taqwa The provision of Believers: It is based on the works of three great scholars, Ibn Rajab Al Hanbali, Ibn Qayyim Al Jawzi and Imam Al Ghazali. It has been published by Al Firdous Ltd.

4.) Purification of the Soul: This book is again based on the works of Ibn Rajab,
Ibn Qayim and Imam al Gazali Allah have mercy upon them all. Avilable Alfirdous

5.) Remembrance of Death by Maulana Muhammad zakariyya (rA)

6.) The Remedy for spiritual Maladies: This written by the great Saint Hakeem Akhtar Shah (db) This the book I would recommend to anyone suffering from Lust , and illicit sexual desires.

As for Inspirational literature I would definitely recommend:

The stories of the Sahaba by Abdul Wahid Hamid it is a book in modern english with very beautiful and inspirational, stories.

There another two books I would highly recommend they wont cost you a penny they can be downloaded From Tasawwuf.Org website.
They are: The Love for Allah and Wisdom for the seekers.
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#36 [Permalink] Posted on 14th March 2015 20:52

Julaybib wrote:
AS Salaam Alaykum.

Once Qais Bin Saad Khazraji رضي الله عنه fell ill, but few of his friends came to enquire about his health. He was amazed, especially when he missed those who had visited his house regularly when he had been healthy. He asked about it from his family and they said, " Almost everybody owes you something and they feel embarassed about visiting you without paying you what they owe."

At this Qais رضي الله عنه said " Cursed be this wealth for it separates a man from his friends." He then asked somebody to proclaim all around the city that Qais had absolved all his debtors from paying there debts. After the declaration people came in such large numbers that there was always a crowd in his house.

Something to think about:

Imagine our situation we do somebody a small favour we hold them accountable for life. If we fall out or have an argument with one our friend's we then proceed to advertise to the whole world the amount of favours we had done for that former friend. We cannot even behave sincerely or with generosity , towards our closest friends often we will proceed to humiliate an individual in front of people by saying "I did you so and so favour". We expect others to be grateful to us, yet we don't even make one Sajda in gratitude to ALLAH.

Allah give us all the tawfiq to be sincere in our generosity to others and express gratitude for all his blessings ameen.

I humbly request your duas.
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#37 [Permalink] Posted on 14th March 2015 20:53
Who ever Remembers Death.

Julaybib wrote:

As Salaam Alaykum.

Abu Hamid Laffaaf رضي الله عنه. Says: " Whoever remembers death excessively he is honoured with three things.

!.) He repents quickly;

2) He is contented with his wealth.

3.) Eagerness and attachment is created in his Ibadaah.

And Whoever is unmindful of death is afflicted with three Calamities.

1) His repentance from sins is delayed;

2) He always considers his income to be meagre no matter how much it may be.

3) Laziness is created in his Ibadaah."

* source Remembrance of Death. by Shaykh Zakariyah.

May Allah have mercy on us and help us focus our minds on the akhira and may he protect us from the temptations and charms of the duniya, ameen.
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#38 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 04:55
السلام عليكم

Masha Allah.. great thread.. Jazakallah Bro Jinn..
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#39 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 13:08
A friend Who Admonishes

Julaybib wrote:

As Salaam Alaykum.

Hazrat Umar Al Farooq رضي الله عنه once asked: "What will you do if you find out that
Umar رضي الله عنه has gone astray?" A man stood up with a sword in his hand and said Oh Amir Ul Mumineen we shall certainly straighten you out with this."
Umar رضي الله عنه was overjoyed he said : " All praise is for Allah who has created such men that will straighten out Umar with the Sword."

One Day he was seen weeping uncontrollably someone asked "Oh Amir Ul Mumineen why such tears" he said:" Allah has extended the Caliphate from both east to west ,I fear that the muslims being in awe of my position, will not correct my mistakes if I make errors in judgment. For verily If a dog dies of starvation within the realms of the caliphate I will be held to account for it on the day of reckoning."

The people then assured him, that: "If we do see you making errors we will indeed correct you."

Something to think about:

What is our condition, we refuse to accept criticism from others when our own elders and parents point out our faults we, feel slighted our egos get bruised and we become all defensive. Do we ever even stop to consider and think that the criticism might be valid, do we ever reflect on what is said and try to rectify the faults within ourselves.

Why is it that when someone offers us praise that we know we are not worthy of we feel pleased. Yet when justifiable criticism is directed towards us we get offended.Verily we live in a state of delusion and utter heedlessness.

" I am Surprised at three things. Man runs from death while death is inevitable. He sees minor faults of others, but overlooks his own major faults. When there is any defect in his livestock he tries to cure it, but does not cure his own defects".....Umar Al Farooq رضي الله عنه.

May Allah give us all the tawfiq to see our own defects, may Allah give us the ability to accept criticism wisely and may Allah Rabbul Izzat give us the tawfiq to act in accordance with what we learn especially a hopeless sinner and hypocrite like me, Allah have mercy on me, and give me hidayaah ameen.
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#40 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 13:09
The Angry School Teacher.

Julaybib wrote:

As Salaam Alaykum.

Once there was a School teacher who was infamous for having a short temper. He suddenly developed the habit of advising people against the vice of anger. He would begin every lesson, advising against the evils of anger and he would end every lesson against the evils of anger.

One day a very bold student came up and Said: "Sir I have met all kinds of individual's but I have never met a more hypocritical individual then yourself. You advise us to be mild and gentle in our approach. You preach against the vices of anger, yet the entire school both teacher's and student's , are afraid of uttering a wrong word in your presence, for fear of inviting your wrath.

The teacher responded : "What you say is true, for indeed I am a hypocrite, I speak against this malady of anger, yet there is no one in this school who suffers from this sickness of anger more then myself.

You see through out my life although I have been aware that having a short temper, and reacting to others harshly is wrong. I saw some of the benefits it derived, I have never lost an argument for people are afraid to argue with me. If I go to a restaurant, I am given the best service because the restaurant owner is afraid of earning my wrath, If I go to any store I am given the best value and service my anger has become a form of tyrrany, and I have become addicted to it.

I even considered my temper a form of virtue, when people would look at me and say to each other, "Be very careful of him for he has a mighty temper".I would feel proud.

Now I have reached that stage in my life when I have realized that, my hot temper has, brought many difficulties to my life. I have alienated virtually all my relatives and friends, my wife left me on account of my temper.
I am going through financial difficulties, but there is no one I can go to for assistance. I am suffering from a Chronic illness, yet no one has visited me when I have been bedridden, nor has anyone shown sympathy towards me.

Yet I still cannot overcome my temper. You see a habit that is indulged in over a lifetime becomes a personality trait, that peculiar habit be it a virtue or a vice becomes dominant in the heart of an individual.

The reason I started speaking about the vice of anger was that hopefully, not just my mind but my heart will also accept that anger is my major defect and develop a revulsion towards it.

Every evening I read book's concerning the malady of anger and think of new anecdote's to present in class about the tribulation's linked to anger. By constantly focusing on this issue, I have created greater awareness in my heart concerning this topic, I have now found that I am able to control, my temper much better than I used too. By maintaining my focus on my temper I am slowly but surely improving everyday.

Story Written by Julaybib.

Just a thought:

Many of us have many vices in our hearts, be it anger, greed, a desire for Zina. By constantly focusing our hearts against these vices, reading book's written by the pious about the cures for them or listening to lectures concerning the afflictions and punishments for these vices bring.we may be able to overcome them. For our situation is such that although things enter our minds they do not penetrate our hearts , for example we are all aware , that death is a reality and we need to prepare for it by increasing our good deeds , and worship. But in reality we behave as if we are going to live forever.Even when we attend funerals of people, the reality that one day we shall ourselves meet the same fate does not penetrate our hearts.

Similarly we are aware that our concentration when we are Praying doing zikr, or even making dua is practically non existent. Yet we do nothing to remedy it.
Our minds are aware but our hearts remain heedless.

May Allah give us all the tawfiq to practice what we learn may he purify our hearts, and guide us towards goodness especially a hypocrite and sinner like myself, ameen.
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#41 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 13:10
Sabr Of Sayyidina Bilal the Beautiful رضي الله عنه

Julaybib wrote:

As Salaam Alaykum.

Bismllah Irahman Irahim.

The following story I have written as a reminder to myself, I pray that Allah bestows upon me the blessed gift of Sabr ameen. I humbly request your duas for my health.

As a child I remember being told that whom ever has been bestowed with the blessed gift of sabr (Patience, Fortitude, Perseverance, ) has acquired half the wealth of the world. The following is a story of our beloved Bilal رضي الله عنه and his Sabr
in the face of extreme adversity.

Bilal رضي الله عنه was an abyssinian slave and one of the earliest converts to Islam. When his Slave master found out that he had converted to the religion of Islam, he was filled with rage and hatred.He subjected him to the most horrific torture, the muslims being only a handful were in no position to assist him. Being a slave he did not have the protection of any clan to depend upon.

His slave master approached him and said:" Bilalرضي الله عنه you dare forsake the religion, of your master. You better recant or I will visit upon you a punishment that no man has experienced." Bilal remained calm and told his Slave master to do as he pleased for he owned his body and not his soul he would never, leave his religion.

The Master ordered that he be put in chains and he got the street urchins to drag him from alley to alley, forming a large procession as they went along each and everyone, they came across was invited to beat him. During all this Bilal remained calm not even a single cry of pain was uttered from his lips, he was determined not to give his torturers that pleasure. He kept repeating the word "Ahad", ( god is one) over and over again. Seeing his determination they grew more and more incensed, and increased their brutality. "Who is your lord Bilal"
He replied: "Ahad, Ahad". he kept repeating those words. "Will you now repent".They asked. "Ahad, Ahad, by Allah if I knew of a word that was more offensive to you people I would have said it" he replied. This torture continued from dawn till dusk over many days. Every night the torturers would return to their homes exhausted but Bilal's رضي الله عنه faith remained unshakeable, despite the fact that every single place on his body, bore the marks of torture, and traces of his blood where to be found all around the city of Mecca.

Being left completely baffled, and defeated by Bilal'sرضي الله عنه determination. His slave master, consulted with his cohort's as to the next course of action. They recommended Bilal رضي الله عنه be put in a coat of Iron and be placed on the hot desert sand in the midday heat that way you will either be rid of him or he will repent of his religion. So the torturers put their sick and evil plan into action.Bilal رضي الله عنه was put in the coat of Iron and placed on the hot sand in full glare of the Sun.
"Will you know repent they "asked. He continued his recital of "Ahad Ahad". his body was in blister's puss, and blood seeped from his body, his lips were swollen, his mouth was now completely dry, his voice was barely audible. They went closer to hear what he was saying. "Ahad, Ahad". He responded even though he was barely conscious he still remained determined. They carried a very large boulder and placed it on his chest on top of the Iron coat. The Pain was unbearable as he struggled to breath.Yet the words "Ahad Ahad", he kept repeating with every gasp of breath.

Finally Abu Bakr As Siddiq رضي الله عنه came along as this was happening, after pleading with Bilal's رضي الله عنه torturers he managed to buy his freedom.

The story of Bilal رضي الله عنهis an example of Sabr and courage in the face, of extreme adversity, and what was Bilal's رضي الله عنه reward for this he was put in charge of the Bait Ul Maal in Medina, he was called the Treasure of the Nation. He was the first Muadhin of Islam. His name today is repeated with reverence by every Muslim all over the world.

At the Conquest of Mecca, Bilalرضي الله عنه climbed on top of the Kabah and as the Mushrikin looked on in disbelief this Abysinnian رضي الله عنه whom they had tortured recited the Adhan, Allah had raised and elevated his servant whilst the Mushrikin were disgraced.

Just a thought:

We are faced with smallest of difficulties and we despair, the loss of a Job, financial difficulties, disputes with our relatives, a sudden illness, we lose hope, we stop praying. Sometimes we are alone we have no one to turn to, no one who is willing to offer a word of sympathy or kindness. Think of the Sahaba how alone they must have felt only a handful of them against the Might of the Mushrikin of Arabia. How lonely must have Bilal رضي الله عنه felt, yet he remained strong and Allah has honored him abundantly both in the duniya and the akhira.

May Allah bestow upon us the blessed gift of Sabr, in all situations especially a hypocrite like me who is completely devoid of it, and may he protect us from falling into a state of despair and heedlessness, may he grant us the best of the duniya and the akhira, increase us in gratitude towards him, and give us the tawfiq to remain grateful in all situations, may he fill our hearts with love for him and love for the, Noblest of all creation sallalahu alayhi wasalam. ameen.
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#42 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 13:13
An exposition of the grave's discourse to the dead

Assaalik wrote:

Assalamu 'alaikum

An exposition of the grave's discourse to the dead, and of their utterances, either on the tongue of common speech, or that of the Spiritual State (lisan al-hal) [(from Chapter Seven) Ihya shareef]

Now, the tongue of the Spiritual State (lisan al-hal) is even more eloquent in communicating with the dead than that of the speech when communicating with the living. The Emissary of God (May God bless him and grant him peace) said, 'When the dead man is laid in his grave it speaks to him, saying, "Woe betide you, O son of Adam! What distracted you from contemplating me? Did you not know that I am the house of trial, the house of darkness, the house of solitude and the house of worms? What distracted you from me? You used to pass me by, strutting on!" Now if he had worked well, then someone will reply to the grave on his behalf, saying, "Do you not see that it was his practice to enjoin the good and forbid the evil?" And the grave replies, "Then for him shall I turn to verdure [a condition of freshness or healthy growth.], and his body shall become radiance, and his spirit shall soar up to God (Exalted is He!)".' (According to the narrator, 'strutting' [faddad] is to take large strides.) [Ref: al-Hakim al-Tirmidhi, 161; Abu Nu`aym, VI. 90; Abu Ya'la, al-Musnad (Haytami, Majma', III. 45-46)]

Said `Ubaid bin `Umayr al-Laythi 'Not a single man dies without being called by the pit in which he is buried, which declares, "I am the house of gloom, and of loneliness and solitude! If you were obedient to God during your lifetime then today I shall be a source of mercy for you, but if you were rebellious then I am an act of vengeance against you. The obedient who enter me shall come forth joyful, while the rebellious who enter me shall emerge in ruin".' Said Muhammad ibn Sabih 'I have heard that if a man is laid in his tomb to be tormented or afflicted by something which is odious to him, his dead neighbours call out to him, saying, "O you who leave your bretheren and neighbours behind you in the world! Was there never a lesson for you in us? Was there no clue for you in our preceding you? Did you not see how our actions were severed from us while you still had some respite? Why did you not achieve that which passed your bretheren by?" Then the regions of the earth call out to him, saying, "O you who were beguiled by the outer aspect of the world! Did you not take heed from your relatives who had vanished into the earth's interior? Those who were beguiled by the world before you and then met their fate, and entered into their graves? You watched them being borne aloft [To the cemetery], availed nothing by those they loved, and taken to the abode which they could not escape."'

Said Yazid al-Ruqashi 'I have heard it said that when the deceased is set in his tomb his works amass around him and are given to speak by God, so that they say, "O bondsman, alone in his pit! Your family and friends are now separated from you, so that today we are your sole companions".'

Said Ka'b [al-Ahbar], 'When the righteous bondsman is laid in his tomb he is surrounded by his righteous acts, such as his prayer, his fasting, his pilgrimage, his engagement in the Holy War, and the charity he used to distribute. Then the Angels of Chastisement approach him from the direction of his feet, but are told by Prayer, "Get back from him, you have no authority over him, for upon those [feet] he stood in me at length for the sake of God". Then they approach him from the direction of his head, but Fasting says, "You have no authority over him, for in the world's abode he thirsted at length for the sake of God". Next they draw near to him from the direction of his trunk, but Pilgrimage and Holy War say, "Get back from him for he exhausted himself and wearied his body when he accomplished the Pilgrimage and the Holy War for the sake of God; no authority do you have over him". Then they approach him from the direction of his hands, but Charity says, "Back! Retreat from my master, for how many an act of charity issued from those two hands to fall in to the hand of God (Exalted is He!), while he acted only for His sake; no authority, do you have over him". Then he shall be told, "Rejoice! Good you have been in life and in death!" Next, the Angels of Mercy come, and spread a heavenly cloth and resting-place out for him, and his grave is widened around him for as far as the eye can see. A candle is brought from Heaven, and from it he has light until God resurrects him from his grave.'

Said `Abd Allah ibn `Ubayd ibn `Umayr at a funeral, 'I have heard it said that the Emissary of God (may God bless him and grant him peace) once declared, "The dead man sits up and hears the footsteps of those that are present at his funeral, but none addresses him save his tomb, which says, 'Woe betide you, O son of Adam! Did you not fear me and my narrowness, and my corruption, terror and worms? What have you prepared for me?"

Ibn al-Mubarak, (riwaya Nu`aym ibn Hammad), 41; Ibn Abi'l-Dunya, K. al-Qubur (Zabidi, x.397; Suyuti, Sharh, 114).

Wa salam
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#43 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 13:15
My dear beloved Son by Imam Ghazzali rahimullah

Assaaik wrote:
Assalmu 'alikum

(sample)Imam al-Ghazali ra My dear beloved son translation with Urdu original.

My dear beloved son! Knowledge without actions is madness and actions without knowledge are useless. The knowledge that today, does not keep you away from sins and that does not evoke in you the desire to obey Allah, remember, will not save you tomorrow from Hellfire. If you do not perform righteous deeds today and do not make up for the time you wasted in the past then on the Day of Judgment you will be saying:

“Ferje’yna Na’mal Saaliha.”
“Send us back [to the world, O our Lord!] so that we [can] perform the righteous deeds.”

Then it will be said to you:

“O you the mindless one! That is where you are coming from.”

My dear beloved son! Create courage in yourself and create movement in your body for struggle [on the Path of God]. Make efforts for performing pious deeds because then you will be going to the grave. Those, who already are in the grave before you, are waiting for you every moment to see when you come to them. Beware! Without fruits (good deeds) do not even get close to them. Abu Bakr Siddiq (May Allah be pleased with him) says:

“Hazihil Ajsaadu Qafasut Tuyouri Awo Astabalud Dawab.”
“These bodies are either cages of birds or dwellings of animals.”

So think where you are in? If you are in the cage of birds then when you will listen to “Irji’I ila Rabbika!” “Return to your Lord!”, you [will be liberated and] will fly to a very high place to sit.

“Ihtuzza ‘Arshur Rahmaani Limauti Sa’adibne Muadh.”
“The Throne of the Compassionate One shook with the death of Sa’ad bin Muadh.”

But God forbid if you are among the animals for whom it has been said:

“Uulaaika Kal An’aami Bal Hum Adallu.”
“These people are like animals yet even more misguided.”

Be certain that you will arrive carrying your luggage from the place of Zawiya (spiritual retreat) to the place of Hawiya (Hell), i.e., from this world to straight to the Hell. Once Shaykh Hasan Busri (May Allah shower His Mercy upon him) was given cold [and sweet] drink. As soon as he took it in his hand he took a sigh and fell unconscious. When he regained consciousness, people asked him what had happened to him. He replied:

“Zakartu Umniyyata Ahlin Naari Heena Yaquluna Le Ahlil Jannati Un Uufidu ‘Aleyna Minal Ma’i.”
“I remembered the wish of the inhabitants of Hell when they will plead to the inhabitants of Paradise to give them a little water.”

O beloved! If knowledge without actions had been sufficient for you and if you did not need actions then why Allah, the Exalted, would say at the dawn:

“Hul Min Ta ibin Hul Min Sa ilin Hul Min Mustaghfirin.”
“Is there anyone who repents from sins? Is there anyone who asks [Me of anything]? Is there anyone who begs [Me] for forgiveness?”

Then this proclamation of Allah, the Exalted, would have been useless. In fact, this proclamation of Allah, the Exalted, at dawn is for:

“Kanu Qaleelum Minal Laili Ma Yahja’oon.”
“There are only a few [slaves of Allah] who sleep little in the last part of the night [right before dawn which is a blessed time for coming close to Allah].”

Once a group of companions were praising Abdullah bin Umar (May Allah be pleased with them both) in front of the Messenger of Allah (May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) on which the Messenger of Allah (May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said:

“Nay’mur Rajula Huwa Lau Kana Yusalli Bil Laili.”
“He is a good man. I wish he prayed the Tahajjud prayers (optional prayers in the blessed last part of the night before dawn which is indispensable for making spiritual progress in the Path of Allah).”

One day the Messenger of Allah (May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) said to a companion:

“La Takthirin Nauma Bil Laili Fainna Kathratan Naumi Bil Laili Tad’oo Sahibahu Faqirai Yaumal Qiyamati.”
“Do not sleep too much at night because the one who sleeps too much at night will be empty handed on the Day of Judgment (i.e. he/she did not avail the opportunity of coming close to Allah through Allah’s remembrance, prayers, and devotions to Allah at night especially in its last part).”

“Waminal Laili Fatahajjad Bihi Nafilatal Laka.”
“[O Beloved Prophet! (May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him)] And in [the last] part of the night perform the Tahajjud prayers [for the sake of Allah] which will be very beneficial for you.” (Quran)

In the above verse, it’s a commandment from Allah to His Prophet (May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him).

“Wa Bil Ashaarihum Yustaghfiroon.”
“And those [true slaves of Allah] at the time before dawn, plead for Allah’s forgiveness.” (Quran)

In the above verse, there is an expression of gratitude [from Allah to such slaves].

“Wul Mustaghfireena Bil Ashaari.”
“And those [true slaves of Allah] seek [Allah’s] forgiveness at the time before dawn.” (Quran)

In the above verse, there is a mentioning [of such slaves of Allah].

Our master of both the worlds, the Messenger of Allah (May Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon him) says:

“Allah, the Exalted, really likes three sounds: of the rooster [that wakes people up for Tahajjud prayers], secondly of the recitation of the Holy Quran, and thirdly of those who in the last part of the night plead to Allah, the Exalted, for His forgiveness and repent [to Him].”

Shaykh Sufyan Suri (May Allah shower His Mercy upon him) [who was an intimate of Allah], says:

“Inna Allaha Ta’ala Khalaqa Reehun Tahabbu Waqtal Ashaari Tahmilul Azkaara Wal Istighfaara Ilal Malikil Jabbari.”
“Allah, the Exalted, has created a wind, that blows in the last part of the night. At that time, those [slaves of Allah] who engage in Allah’s remembrance and ask [Allah for His] forgiveness, their voices are presented [by this wind] to the Court of Allah, the Exalted.”

Shaykh Sufyan Suri (May Allah shower His Mercy upon him) has also said:

“When the night begins, an angel from beneath the Throne (of Allah) makes the proclamation that all the worshippers should wake up, so those who are granted Tawfiq (good fortune/capability) by Allah get up and start praying. In the middle of the night, a second angel makes the proclamation that all obedient and respectful slaves of Allah should get up. Thus they get up and continue to pray until Sehr (the last blessed part of the night). When it’s time for Sehr then a third angel makes the proclamation that all those who seek Allah’s forgiveness should get up. Thus they get up and seek Allah’s forgiveness. When it’s time for dawn, then a fourth angel makes the proclamation ‘O you the heedless ones! Get up [the day break has come]!’ Then these people get up from their beds like the dead will get up from their graves [upon resurrection on the Day of Judgment].”

Wa salam
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#44 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 13:17
Watch What you say, You may Regret it.

Julaybib wrote:

As Salaam Alaykum.

One day a pompous businessman was sitting in his office. His secretary came and informed him, that there was an old man who had come to see him. "What does he want " he asked, "I don't Know replied the secretary,".
He said " Alright show him in". The Old man shook his hands, and introduced himself he said, " My son I was a friend of your dear and departed father, when he was first starting out I helped him setup this Business , and today by the grace of Allah, it has been transformed into an empire. My son your father promised me that if I should ever be in need, I should come to him, and if he was no longer alive than I should present myself to his descendants." The old man presented a letter of commitment made by his father to the businessman.

The businessman took the letter, and threw it in the bin without even looking at it. He said, "Old man I know what your game is you are a fraud , and you think you can swindle me. Old man if you are in such a dire situation as you claim, then ask for a job. I can employ you as a cleaner to maintain the toilet's and mop the floor's. Old man do you feel no shame in begging."

The old man responded " My dear son I have not come here to beg, I merely came to collect a debt that I am owed, by Allah I would never have come to you had I not been in such dire circumstances. But if what you accuse me of is true than I pray that Allah takes me to account for it, But if you have lied than may Allah have mercy on you."

The young businessman being incensed said, "I am in no need of your prayers of mercy old man." Get out of my office you old charlatan, the old man left the office in despair, for never in his life had he been so humiliated.

A few years went by the old mans fortune's had improved abundantly, he now owned a successful restaurant one day as he was leaving its premises he saw a young man standing outside and begging. The young man looked vaguely familiar, lo and behold he was the same young businessman.

The old man went over and enquired as to what had happened to his business empire. He said" A few days after you visited me I was struck by a mystery illness, all the doctors I consulted could not find what was wrong with me, I fell into a state of depression. I could not stay on top of my business, and pretty soon my Business empire came crashing down.All my friends deserted me today I am reduced to a state of begging no one is even willing to do dua for me let alone help me.

I finally visited a religious Scholar to look for a spiritual remedy, he informed me that perhaps the result of my predicament is the fact I was disrespectful to my father.I said that can't be so, for I was always respectful to my father. Then I remembered your visit. I told the Scholar about it he informed me that I had that I had disrespected the memory of my Father by throwing, his letter of commitment to you in the bin. and that when you had prayed for my mercy, I said I was in no need of your prayer. Oh how my loose tongue in its arrogance has brought me to this level were I am begging for food."

The old man being kind by nature forgave the young man provided him with lodgings and work, only then did the circumstances of the young man improve.

Story Written by Julaybib.

A few things to ponder.

How often is it that we accuse someone unjustly even on this very forum we make assumptions about people we have never met, misconstrue their comments, and respond to them harshly never for a moment thinking that we should give the other person the benefit of the doubt. How many times in our lives have we made a commitment to somebody and broken it, in our jobs we sign a contract saying we will give our full effort, and respect the rules and regulations of our employers yet we don't. Even on trivial issues, we can't even honor our pledges how often do we agree to phone someone or meet them at a certain time yet we don't. If somebody has wronged us and they apologize we refuse to accept their apology. Often we are in the wrong ourselves yet we will not apologize. If somebody has slighted us than we will slander them and accuse them of having other defects, we will spread rumors about them which are untrue.

How many sins with our tongues do we commit daily without even giving it a second thought. Then when the punishment of Allah arrives we wonder what sin we are being punished for. Whilst almost every word we utter from our tongues is a sin our every action is a sin.

Taubit Bin Sahmitرضي الله عنه a saint is said to have counted the number of days in his life when he reached the age of sixty he realized that there were 21500 days, he thought to himself what I have committed only one sin in each one of those days what will my fate be. He then thought to himself what if I have committed 10,000 sins in each one of those days and he then started to shriek.

How many days in our lives have passed by imagine how many sins we must have committed just with the tongue alone forget everything else.

May Allah give us all hidayah especially a hypocrite and sinner like me may he give us all the tawfiq, to control our tongues, and speak only what is good and may he fill our hearts with love for the Best of creation Sallalahu Alaiyhi Wasalam, ameen.
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#45 [Permalink] Posted on 15th March 2015 13:20
The Two She camels.

Julaybib wrote:

"If Patience And Gratitude had been two she camels, It would have mattered little on which one I rode".
Hazrat Umar Al Farooq رضي الله عنه

Just a thought:

Is it not the case that when we are in times of ease we believe that our comforts have been achieved by our own actions, we say " it was my effort and my hard work that brought me success."
Yet when we are inflicted with calamity we say Allah has inflicted me with this, Subhanallah we are completely deluded and devoid of common sense.

May Allah grant us both the blessings of shukr and sabr ameen.[/quote]

Respect for Knowledge

[quote Julaybib]
I was listening to a talk by Qari Hanif Multani (db) Here is what he said.

The governor of makka sent his son to acquire knowledge from Imam Malik رضي الله عنه
In medina, with a letter of recommendation. Imam Malik said "you have come here to acquire knowledge of deen and to study the words of Allah and his Messenger(saw) yet you bring a letter of recommendation from a worldly governor. You are not worthy of sitting in my circle for I fear the stench of wordily
status has penetrated your heart. True Knowledge can only be acquired through Humility, You have to humble yourself before the words of Allah and his Rasool (saw), Imam Malik told him to sit outside the circle amongst the sandals of Imam Maliks students. It is stated that the son of the governor sat amongst the sandals for 2 years, before he was allowed into the circle.

What Is our status today, we read a few books and we consider ourselves to be Alims we go and challenge the ulema to debate with us.

Slandering and spreading false accusations against the ulema has become a prime time sport for us.

May Allah give us all hidayah especially a hypocrite like me ameen.
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