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Refutation of Shaykh Akram Awan and Naqshbandi Owaisi Silsila

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#76 [Permalink] Posted on 4th September 2015 13:10
Everyone makes mistakes. Sahaba radiyallaho anhum made mistakes.
Hafiz patel has given his life for deen alhamdullillah. Let us pray that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala also utilises us
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#77 [Permalink] Posted on 4th September 2015 18:33
Bin Ghulam wrote:
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السلام عليكم

Alhamdulillah i have read Dalail Sulook Many times and would also quote from it the references mentioned..

The Problem is with Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan sahab رحمة الله عليه setting criteria for a Shaikh e Kamil to be able to do Roohani Bayat with Nabi (saw) . The only other person to set such a standard was Hazrat Sultan Bahu رحمة الله عليه who i feel did that according to his own lofty position.

The Majority of Mashaikh of Tasawwuf Do Not keep it a Criteria.. as Kashf & Karamat is NOT a criteria for neither Wilayat Nor Shaikh e Kamil.

Secondly, we have to agree with Hazrat Maulana Yousuf Ludhyanwi Shaheed رحمة الله عليه that Fuqaha were painted in bad light in that book and is quite obvious.. rest even he commends on the material there..

As for Akram Awan and his books or those written by other khulafa.. they are only tall claims, nothing much..

wa Assalam..

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#78 [Permalink] Posted on 4th September 2015 20:31
Red Flags

We live in peculiar times. Moral degradation, deception and selfishness are rampant. None of the facets of human life are spared. Neither the religion of Islam nor its sublime application in form of Tasawwuf are an exception.

For Tasawwuf in very few cases this is in active form (i.e active deception and fraud), sometimes it is due to ignorance and most of the time it is because of a delusional state resulting from lay public admiration and following.

Hence it is essential to be on high alert when approaching Tasawwuf and spiritual masters. A minor lapse can end up in a major disaster, especially in here-after.

No silsila of Tasawwuf is spared. For this reason relying only on a ijazah certification is grossly inappropriate. A thorough evaluation is recommended before committing to a Shaykh.

Senior Shuyukh continue to evaluate their khulafa on a regular basis and revoke the permission ( ijaza) granted to them if necessary. Any suspicious activity by any of the khulafa needs to be reported to his Shaykh.

For a seeker following are some of the points that should raise red flags and alert him/her to be more cautious in this context. They are from the teachings of Hakim al-Umma Shaykh Ashraf ‘Ali Thanawi (Allah have mercy on him)

1. The preaching and propagation are for a specific Shaykh and Tariqa. All others Islamic groups and activities are looked down upon.

2. There are boastful claims (kashaf o karamat, dreams) and self-eulogies by the Shaykh himself or those close to him.

3. The rituals and customs are given preference over Sunna and piety in everyday life. The hierarchy of fiqh is ignored. The reward-able (mustaheb) actions are done as though they are essential (wajib).

4. There is micromanagement of murid‘s affair. That is, vital financial, social interaction and marital issue decisions are made by Shaykh.

5. There are financial schemes for donations or investments by Shaykh or his representatives.

6. The tariqa teachings are imposed on the seeker to the extent beyond their current yearning and capabilities. The instructions given to and restrictions set are unrealistic for their current spiritual state.

7. The inappropriate actions of senior or close murids are ignored.

8. People are actively recruited by senior and close murids to make baiyah without having a clear understanding of the commitment.

9. All those who approach for baiyah are accepted immediately.

10. None or limited individualized guidance and follow up is possible from the Shaykh.

11. The established text and teachings of the previous spiritual masters of the tariqa are ignored. In our case they are the books & teachings of Hakim al-Umma in particular.

12. Emphasis is on a physical structure of khanqah or zawiya than on the spiritual tarbiyat.

13. Specific type or color headgear and particular style of attire becomes the hallmark of the silsila.

14. The majority of the followers are lay people and their spiritual condition has not changed in spite of being with the silsila for considerable amount of time.

15. The non-scholar sufi masters do not refer fiqhi questions to the scholars. Moreover they actively create mistrust of scholars in general.

16. The issues discussed in spiritual talks are beyond the comprehension and practical benefit of an ordinary seeker.

17. All genuine criticism is taken negatively. The reply is reflective of poor adab and blameworthy morals. It does not lead to introspection and improvement.


In summary, it is essential to be very careful before committing our most precious thing: faith (eman). A thorough investigation is essential.

And remember it is never to late to do so.

May Allah save us all. Amin!
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#79 [Permalink] Posted on 5th September 2015 07:16
Rejection of Refutation of Silsila Naqshbandia Awaisia and Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan (RA), Final I

Assalam-o-Alaikum and good morning dear participants of this discussion.

Let me sum up the objections raised on this thread against the esteemed Silsila. I'll present and answer them one by one, and in the prcess, prove that the accusations and opinions presented against Silsila Naqshbandia Awaisiah are invalid.


1. Matters of Kashf and Ilham: While it appears most of us do believe in Kashf and Ilham (especially after this faqeer posted the Ayat from the Holy Quran). However, there are the following objections against us:

Objection: It has been alleged that we have made Kashf the cornerstone of the Silsila and the foundation of Tasawwuf.

Answer: This is not at all the case and it's proven by Dalail-us-Salook, wherein Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan (RA) has repeatedly reiterated that Kashf is NOT the criteria for Tasawwuf. I present the following quotes from Dalail-us-Salook.

نبوت کے ظاہری پہلو کا تعلق تلاوت آیات اور تعلیم و تشریح کتاب سے ہے اور اس کے باطنی پہلو کا تعلق تزکیہ باطن سے ہے۔ جن نفوس قدسیہ کو نبوت کے صرف ظاہری پہلو سے حصہ وافر ملا وہ مفسر،محدث فقیہہ اور مبلغ کے ناموں سے موسوم ہوئے اور جنہیں اس کے ساتھ ہی نبوت کے باطنی پہلو سے بھی سرفراز فرما یا گیا ان میں سے بعض غوثیت، قطبیت، ابدالیت اور قیومیت وغیرہ کے مناصب پر فائز ہوئے مگر ان سب کا سرچشمہ کتاب و سنت ہے اللہ اور بندے کے درمیان علاقہ قائم رکھنے والی چیز اعتصام بالکتاب والسنّہ ہے یہی مدار نجات ہے۔ قبر سے حشر تک اتباعِ کتاب و سنت کے متعلق ہی سوال ہوگا۔ یہی وجہ ہے محققین صوفیائے کرام نے شیخ یا پیر کے لئے کتاب و سنت کا عالم ہونا قراردیا ہے۔ اگر کوئی شخص ہوا میں اڑتا آئے مگر اسکی عملی زندگی کتاب و سنت کے خلاف ہے تو وہ ولی اللہ نہیں بلکہ جھوٹا ہے شعبدہ باز ہے کیونکہ تعلق مع اللہ کے لئے اتباعِ سنت لازمی ہے
کَمَا قَالَ تَعَا لیٰ
قُلْ اِنْ کُنْتُمْ تُحِبُّوْنَ اللہ فَا تَّبِعُوْنِیْ یُحْبِبْکُمُ اللہ۔ (۳:۱۳)
آپ فرمادیجئے کہ اگر تم اللہ تعالیٰ سے محبت رکھتے ہو تو تم لوگ میرا اتباع کرو۔ اللہ تعالیٰ تم سے محبت کرنے لگیں گے۔

[Chapter 1: Islami Tasawwuf ki Haqeeqat]

تمام کمالات اور سارے مناصب صرف حضور اکرم ﷺ کی اتباع کی بدولت ہی حاصل ہوتے ہیں اور تصوف کا اصل سرمایہ اتباعِ سنت ہے۔

[Chapter 1: Islami Tasawwuf ki Haqeeqat]

تصوف کیا نہیں
تصوف کے لئے نہ کشف و کرامات شرط ہے نہ دنیا کے کاروبار میں ترقی دلانے کا نام تصوف ہے نہ تعویذ گنڈوں کا نام تصوف ہے نہ جھاڑ پھونک سے بیماری دور کرنے کا نام تصوف ہے۔ نہ مقدمات جیتنے کا نام تصوف ہے نہ قبروں پر سجدہ کرنے، ان پر چادریں چڑھانے اور چراغ جلانیکا نام تصوف ہے۔ اور نہ آنے والے واقعات کی خبر دینے کا نام تصوف ہے۔ نہ اولیاء اللہ کو غیبی ندا کرنا۔ مشکل کشا اور حاجت روا سمجھنا تصوف ہے۔ نہ اس میں ٹھیکیداری ہے کہ پیر کی ایک توجہ سے مرید کی پوری اصلاح ہو جائے گی اور سلوک کی دولت بغیر مجاہدہ اور بدون اتباعِ سنت حاصل ہو جائے گی۔ نہ اس میں کشف و الہام کا صحیح اترنا لازمی ہے اور نہ وجد و تواجد اور رقص و سرود کا نام تصوف ہے یہ سب چیزیں تصوف کا لازمہ بلکہ عین تصوف سمجھی جاتی ہیں۔ حالانکہ ان میں سے کسی ایک چیز پر تصوف اسلامی کا اطلاق نہیں ہوتا۔ بلکہ یہ ساری خرافات اسلامی تصوف کی عین ضد ہیں۔

[Chapter 1: Islami Tasawwuf ki Haqeeqat]

Obviously, whoever dreamed this accusation and whoever slapped an opinion have not read even the first chapter or Dalail-us-Salook.

It is saddening to note that MuaDH Khan, the maker of this accusation did not bother to read Dalail-us-Sulook, or if he did, he conveniently ignored the above-mentioned portions. Dalail-us-Salook is the most comprehensive and authentic book on true Islamic Tasawwuf that you will be able to find.

It is further heartbreaking to observe that even Mufti Taqi Usmani Sb did not see these clear and evident statements by the Aalim-e-Rabbani, qualified Islamic scholar, proven Islamic debater, the last Shaykh of Silsila Naqshbandia Awaisia, and the reviver of Sufism in the 15th century Hijrah, Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan Rehmatullah Alaih. I am full of respect for the said Mufti Sb and scholar, however, truth be told, Usmani Sahib had a lot to learn from Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan (RA), but he could not.

On the basis of the above-mentioned excerpts from Dalail-us-Salook, and the teachings and training that we have received by virtue of our association with the Silsila, this humble slave hereby rejects the baseless accusation that the esteemed Silsila is based on Kashf.

It is evident that the "opinion" of Mufti Taqi Usmani Sb is not relevant to the true practices taught and practiced by the real adherents of Silsila Naqshbandia Awaisia. Hence it does not support your denial and refutation of the Silsila, and is rejected because of its irrelevance.

Many ignorant folks say many things about the Silsila and Kashf. Some people may invent stories about the Silsila and Kashf. Such misrepresentation and lies should not lead anyone into believing that this Silsila is a "cult". Alhamdulillah, this is the purest, most pristine, and most powerful Sufi Order in the world right now, provided you're fortunate to find the correct person to follow.

Visit Awaisiah Website to learn more about what the true Silsila is about.

Now, we proceed to the next 2 objections and the opinion of Mufti Ludhianvi (Shaheed) Sahib and see if they holds good for refutation of the esteemed Silsila.

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#80 [Permalink] Posted on 5th September 2015 08:09
Rejection of Refutation: Final II

Now we come to the second and third objections/accusations leveled against Silsila Naqshbandia Awaisa. The admin hasn't yet published the first part of the final rejection, so I can only hope they'll publish both parts. Anyway, I'm just performing my duty by posting this. If you don't want to publish my posts, I request that the title of this thread may be amended to exclude Naqshbandia Owaisia and the opinions of the scholars painted against the Silsila may be removed.

Objection 2& 3
It is not permissible to express matters of Kashf or greatness. Maulana Allah Yar Khan has expressed one's own merits and praise in Dalail-us-Sulook.

Many brothers seem to hold this belief, which is not entirely correct. They may have been told so by their teachers, who are not blessed with Kashf and can't tell them about the matters of Kashf themselves. And, they don't like to hear about it or follow the path that leads to it.

(As said earlier, Kashf is not a must-have in Tasawwuf. Most of the people practicing Tasawwuf don't have Kashf. However, it is mandatory (Farz) to practice and acquire Tasawwuf or Tazkiya.)

I hereby present evidence from the Quran and its interpretation by Salaf Saliheen. This will prove that the said allegation and accusation is invalid.

تحدیث نعمت اور اظہار دین

تحدیث نعمت از روئے حکم باری تعالیٰ ضروری ہے۔ صاحب تفسیر مظہری نے وَاَمَّا بِنِعْمَۃِ رَبِّکَ فَحَدِّثْ(الضحیٰ)میں فرمایا کہ صوفیہ کرام کے اس اظہار پر تنکیر نہ کی جائے اور ارشاد الطالبین میں مذکور ہے کہفَمَنْ اَنْکَرَ عَلیٰ ھٰءُولَاءِ الرِّجَالِ فِی مِثْلِ ھٰذِہٖ الْمَقَالِ فَکَاَنَّہ‘ اَنْکَرَ ھٰذِہِ الْاٰیَۃَ (جس نے اس قسم کی باتوں میں صوفیہ کا انکار کیا گویا اس نے آیت قرآنی کا انکار کیا)۔
اور مشکوٰۃ باب اللباس فصل دوم میں حضرت عمر بن شعیبؓ سے روایت ہے قَالَ قَالَ رَسُوْلُ اللہِ ﷺ اِنَّ اللہَ یُحِبُّ اَنْ یُّریٰ اَثْرَ نِعْمَۃِ عَلیٰ عَبْدِہٖ (اللہ تعالیٰ پسند کرتا ہے کہ اس کی نعمت کا اظہار کیا جائے جو بندہ پر ہوئی)

اور اللمعات شرح مشکوٰۃ ۳:۵۴۸میں ہے

جا معلوم شود کہ پوشیدہ کردن نعمت و کتمان آں روانیست و گویا موجب کفران نعمت است وہم چنیں ہر نعمتے کہ وے تعالیٰ بر بندہ داد مثل علم و فضل، باد کہ ظاہر کند تامردم بستناسند واستفادہ نمایند ودر مصداق مما رزقنٰھم ینفقون داخل شود۔

اس سے معلوم ہوا کہ نعمت کا چھپانا جائز نہیں۔گویایہ نعمت کی ناشکری ہے۔ اسی طرح وہ نعمت جو اللہ تعالیٰ نے بندہ پر فرمائی مثلا علم اور فضیلت (خواہ علم ظاہری ہو یا باطنی) اس کا اظہار ضروری ہے تاکہ لوگ واقف ہو جائیں اور اس سے فائدہ اٹھائیں اور وہ قرآن مجید کی آیت ’’جو کچھ ہم نے انہیں دے رکھا ہے اس سے خرچ کرتے ہیں‘‘ کے مصداق میں داخل ہوجائے۔
فائدہ: اظہار کمالات باطنیہ برائے فائدہ خلق جائز اور چھپانا ناجائز اور چھپانے والا ماخوذ ہوگا۔ ہاں مدار نیت پر ہے

اور تفسیر جمل ۲:۴۴۵میں اسی آیت کے ضمن میں مذکور ہے۔

وَلِذَالِکَ جَوَّزُوْا لِلْخَامِلِ اَنْ یُّعِیْنَ نَفْسَہ‘ حَتیٰ یُعْرَفُ فَیَقْتَبِسْ مِنْہُ لَمْ یَکُنْ مِنْ بَابِ التَّزْکِیَۃِ۔

اسی وجہ سے گمنام آدمی کے لئے جائز ہے کہ اپنے آپ کو ظاہر کرے کہ لوگ اس کو پہچان کر اس سے فائدہ اٹھائیں۔تو اسکا اپنے اوصاف بیان کرنا فخر میں داخل نہ ہوگا

اور تفسیر ابن کثیر ۲:۴۸۲میں ہے

قَالَ اجْعَلْنِی عَلیٰ خَزَاءِنِ الْاَرْضِ ....... مَدَحَ نَفْسَہ‘ وَیَجُوْزُ لِلرَّجُلِ ذِٰلکَ اِذَا جَھَلَ اَمْرَہ‘ لِلْحَاجَۃِ۔

مجھے خزانوں پر مامور کردے (حضرت یوسف ؑ کا یہ فرمانا) اپنی مدح کا بیان ہے اور آدمی کے لئے ایسا اظہار اور مدح جائز ہے۔ جب لوگوں کو ضرورت ہو اور اسکا کمال پوشیدہ ہو۔

اور اسی آیت کے تحت تفسیر جمل ۳:۵۴۸میں ہے

اَمَّا اِذَا قَصَدَ تَزْکِیّۃُ النَّفْسِ وَمَدَحَھَا اِیْصَالُ الْخَیْرِ وَالنَّفْعِ اِلَی الْغَیْرِ فَلَا یَکْرَہ۔ذٰٓلِکَ وَلَا یَحْرُمُ بَلْ یَجِبُ عَلَیْہِ ذٰلِکَ مِثَالُہ‘ اَن یَّکُوْنَ بَعْضُ النَّاسِ عِنْدَُہُ عِلْم’‘ نَاِفع’‘ وَلَا یَعْرِفُ بِہٖ فَاِنَّہ‘ یَجِبُ عَلَیْہِ اَنْ یَقُوْلَ اَنَا عَالِم’‘۔

اگر کوئی شخص اپنی تعریف محض لوگوں کو فائدہ پہنچانے کی غرض سے کرتا ہے تو یہ نہ مکروہ ہے نہ حرام، بلکہ اس کا اظہار واجب ہے۔ مثلا ایک آدمی کے پاس علم ہے۔ اور نافع علم اور لوگوں کو اس کی واقفیت نہیں تو اس پر واجب ہے کہ یہ اعلان کرے کہ میں اس علم کا عالم ہوں۔

عدم اظہار مشروط بہ شرط ہے

جو شخص اظہار میں فخر سمجھتا ہو یا اس اظہار سے ایسا فائدہ اٹھانا چاہتا ہو جو شرعا حلال نہیں تو اس کا اظہار ریا، خود نمائی اور فخر میں داخل ہوگا اور یہ ناجائز ہے۔ حافظ ابن کثیر نے اپنی تفسیر میں ایک قانون کی نشاندہی کی ہے۔

وَمِنْ ھٰذَا یُوخَذُ الْاَمْرُ بِکْتِمَانِ النِّعْمَۃِ مَتیٰ یُوْجَدُ وَیَظْہَرُ کَمَا وَرَدَ فِیْ حَدِیْثِ اِسْتَعِیْنُوْا عَلیٰ قَضَاءِ الْحَوَاءِجِ بِکِتْمَانِھَا فَاِنَّ کُلُّ ذِیْ نِعْمَۃٍ مَحْسُوْد’‘۔ (تفسیر ابن کثیر ۳:۴۶۹)

اس سے معلوم ہوا کہ نعمت کا اس وقت تک کتمان ضروری ہے جب تک وہ ظاہر ہو کر وجود میں نہ آجائے جیسا کہ حدیث میں آیا ہے اپنی حاجتوں کی امداد انہیں (پورا ہونے تک) پوشیدہ رکھ کر کرو کیونکہ ہر صاحب نعمت محسود ہوتا ہے۔

The above evidence clearly proves that it is permissible and even Wajib to express one's quality if the intention is to benefit others. Kindly read Tabqatul Kubra or Tazkratul Aulia which contain 100s of true accounts of extraordinary happenings at the hands of Aulia Allah.

Secondly, the denial and refutation of Tasawwuf has become endemic these days. The more widespread and intense the denial, the stronger should be the expression and the reinforcement of the truth.

Hence, the opinion of Mufti Ludhianwi Sb conflicts with the above-mentioned Ayat and its interpretation by the Righteous Ancestors in their illustrious works.

It is hereby proven that these objections are not valid and are based in ignorance. The second/third objection and its related "Fatwa" are hereby nullified and rejected.

وما توفیقی الا بااللہ العلی العظیم
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#81 [Permalink] Posted on 5th September 2015 12:43
Rather than using your own shaykhs book, why not use something that all mashaykh agree upon??

Also your trying to make out that people here reject the notion of tazkiya, that's false actually and there is not one way of purification there are many alhamdulilah.
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#82 [Permalink] Posted on 5th September 2015 12:57
Bin Ghulam wrote:
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as salamu alaikum intresting thread indeed i have a questions for you

Firstly i have listen to talk of authetic shaikhs and personally have talked to their muridas, none of them have propagated their shaikh like you. They simply talk what changed their life after tazkiyah. They dont say our shaikh is like this and that. Even the shaikh itself doesnt propagate their tareeqat. Ä° ask you with a open mind, how can i trust a indivual who has come here to propagate their tareeqat?

Secondly it is foolish to say that Respected Mufti Taqi Usmani has something to learn from Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan.. Ä° have seen Mufti Taqi Usmani's chain... You talk about respecting him while you are showing disrespect to authetic scholar? Please think with a open mind why would anyone randomly blame any tareeqat and ask for fatwa? Why would i even trust a indivual who openly disrespects authetic scholar?

Thirdly you talk on and on about others understand our taqeerats view on Kashf wrong, if your tareeqat was really the pure tasawwuf why dont you talk about daily amal of what your shaikh gives you? Then we can judge you according to this?

Plz kindly with a proper manner answer my questions

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#83 [Permalink] Posted on 5th September 2015 20:45

@ Bin Ghulam Your posts show that you agree that Naqshbandia Owaisia silsila:

  • doesn't consider Kashf, ilhaam, talking to graves etc as a compulsion for Peer/Shaykh.
  • doesn't consider it to be a proof of someones buzurgi.

That's great. But I didn't understand that how you nullified (according to your claim) the fatwa of Mufti Taqi Sahb DB, and Jamiatur Rasheed?I think you didn't understand the fatawa. Lets take the fatwa of Mufti Taqi Usmani DB first:


Maulana Allah yar Khan Saheb has sent his Khalifa Abdur-Razaq Saheb to Naushki (District Shaagi). He is an old Mureed and the Maslak of Maulana Allah yar Khan Saheb is as follows: Naqshbandi-Owaisi Sailsila in Tassawuff They categorically guarantee that Kashf of graves will be granted and everything inside the graves will be revealed. Direct contact with Nabi will be established. All within 6 months of becoming Mureed Kashf of graves is declared a dead Sunnah so whosoever revives it will be rewarded equivalent to one hundred MartyrsWhat is the status of joining this Tareeqa? Is spiritual training from Hazrat Owais Qarni (RA) permissible in Shariah or not.[/quote]The questioner asks about a Khalifa of Moulana Allah Yar Khan RhA who has so and so believes. The fatwa of Mufti Taqi Usmani DB is about that very guy who has such believes that are mentioned in the question. AND you were supposed to prove that this is not the case, and the questioner was mistaken. You instead started beating about the bush and at the end said that you nullified Mufti sahbs fatwa and criticized him. Mufti sahb says in his fatwa:[quote] ANSWER:

If Allah (SWT) permits Kashf of the grave and witnessing of the Anwaar and Tajalliyat on a Servant of his then this is not against Shariah but these are neither are requirements nor requisites of Shariat or Tareeqat. The requisites are following of Sunnat and Shariat and reformation of one’s actions and morals. To regard Kashf (and such) as the requisites is Bid’at. Those who claim these requisites should be avoided and instead a Shaykh should be searched who is follower of the Sunnah and the one who concerns himself with the reformation of actions and morals.

From where you concluded that here Those is referring to Molana Allah Yaar khan RhA and Silsila Owaisiya? Although the question is specific to Molana Allah Yar Khan RhA 's khalif but the answer is general and applies to every peer who considers Kashf etc as compulsary thing of tasawwuf.

The fatwa of Jamiztur Rasheed is specific to Akram Awan, but also applies to all those who have the similar beliefs as mention in the fatwa.

As the users on this forum think that every peer of silsila owaisia have these believes, and make these claims, so your job was just to prove that

  1. No original owaisi peer claim to ensure that Mureeds will be introduced to Sayyidina Nabi .
  2. No original owaisi peer Guarantees claims that guidance and benefit will be received from the person (inside) the grave
  3. No original owaisi peer is involved in many other (similar) despicable innovations (Bid’aat)
  4. No original owaisi peer considers kashf from requisites of tasawwuf.

That would have been enough. But I found nothing of this type in you posts, except that I mentioned in the beginning of this post.

Also I found nothing regarding the objections of Hazrat Moulana Yousaf Ludhyanwi RhA in your posts.

You have rejected the objections but your own presumed objections, not the original ones.

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#84 [Permalink] Posted on 6th September 2015 08:04
Abdullah bin Mubarak wrote:
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Firstly, Tafseer Ibn-e-Kathir, Mishkaat and Tafseer-e-Jummal are not written by my Shaykh. Please read the answer to Objection2,3 again.

Secondly, the objections were directly against Dalail-us-Salook, that's why it is most relevant to quote from there.

Thirdly, please read Dalail-us-Salook, and tell me what is there with which you don't agree, specifically, other than the points answered above.

I'll answer the rest of the questions too. Please be patient.
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AishaZaynap's avatar
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#85 [Permalink] Posted on 6th September 2015 08:23
Bin Ghulam wrote:
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it seems that u have ignored my post... how can I take individual seriously when they choose to ignore me? I asked u 3 simple questions
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#86 [Permalink] Posted on 6th September 2015 09:13
AishaZaynap wrote:
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No, @Aisha, I did not ignore your post, I said I'll answer all of the questions and requested for patience. Here are my answers to your questions.

1. I have vehemently propagated my Shaykh on this thread because of two reasons. Firstly, he is exactly and rightfully described by these titles, I'm not exaggerating. He is the highest personage in the history of Sufism. Only Hazrat Abdul Qadir Jillani before him was blessed with the kind of highest stations that were blessed to Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan (RA). You may not believe it, but I do, (and hope that it doesn't trigger another Fatwa against me). He is an aalim, as he received his education at Jamia Aminia in Delhi from Mufti Kifayatullah (RA) of Madrasa Deoband, which was closed those days because of the Reshmi Rumal movement. His education puts him at par with Mufti Usmani Sb and other Ulma-e-Zawahir, an his accomplishment in Tasawwuf places him above Ulma-e-Zawahir, who merely rely on words for interpreting Islam.

The second reason of my assertful praise for my Shaykh is that people have been audacious enough on this thread to refute one of the most noble personages in Islamic history (as history will insha-Allah one day prove). The more outright and obstinate the denial, the more forcefully the truth needs to be reasserted.

2. I guess it would have been okay had I used all the above-mentioned titles and some more for Mufti Usmani Sb then, right? I have stated the reason because of which I consider the word and opinion of Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan (RA) above those of the Ulma-e-Zawahir of today. Usmani Sahib and the rest of his clan are devoid of Tasawwuf (almost, if not entirely). Tasawwuf is not achieved by hanging the list of Shajra in one's office or printing it in one's book. Tasawwuf is a practice of Zikr-Allah and its first lesson is the Lata-if. Please, can you or anyone else enlighten me about on how many seekers did Usmani Sb and Ludhianvi Sb conduct Lata-if? How many did he train and present before the Holy Prophet ï·º for Baet? Thousands of people have been blessed with this Baet due to the noble personage of Maulana Allah Yar Khan (RA), and their lives are a living example of Tazkiya. To support my opinion about the status of Maulana Allah Yar Khan (RA) being above that of Mufti Usmani Sahib, I hereby present evidence from Imam-ul-Hind Hazrat Shah Waliullah Muhaddith Dehlvi's Tafheemat-e-Ilahiya:

عالم جب تک تصوف و سلوک سے بے بہرہ ہے نہ وارثِ رسول ﷺ ہے نہ نائب رسول ﷺ۔

ولاَ یٰکُوْنُ الْخَلِیْفَۃُ اِلَّا مَنْ جَمَعَ الْمَقَاصِدَ الثَّلَاثَۃِ الَّتِیْ ذَکَرْنَا ھَا وَحَفِظَ الْکِتَابَ وَالسُّنَّۃَ وَتَدَرَّبَ فِیْ قَوَانِیْنِ السُّلُوْکِ وتَرْبِیَّۃِ السَّا لِکِیْنَ۔(تفہیمات الٰہیہ: ۳۱)۔

خلیفہ رسول ﷺ صرف وہ شخص ہوگا جس نے دین کے تینوں شعبے جمع کئے ہوں جن کا ہم نے ذکر کیا ہے اور کتاب اللہ اور سنتِ رسول ﷺ کو یاد کیا ہو اور قوانین علم سلوک اور تربیت سالکین میں کوشش کی ہو۔

فائدہ: (۱) اَلْعُلَماَءُ وَرَثَۃُ الاْنْبِیَاء علماء انبیاء کے وارث ہیں سے مراد وہ علماء ہیں جنہوں نے دین کے ان تینوں اجزاء کو جمع کیا ہو۔ کیونکہ فَاِ نَّہ‘ جِبْرِیْل’اَتاَکُمْ یُعَلِّمُکُمْ دِیْنُکُمْ سے ثابت ہوتا ہے کہ اللہ تعالیٰ نے جس دین کی تعلیم کے لئے جبرئیل ں کو بھیجا اور انہوں نے نبی اکرم ﷺ کو پہنچایا۔ وہ تین اجزاء اسلام، ایمان اور احسان سے مرکب ہے جس میں سلوک جسے لفظِ احسان سے تعبیر کیا گیا ہے بھی شامل ہے۔

3. I have repeatedly and unmistakably mentioned, as has my Shaykh in his books and teachings, that adherence to the Sunnah and Shariah are the foundation, criterion and outcome of Tasawwuf. Do you want me to say that, "yes, we are very pious and righteous". When people cannot digest the facts that I have amply proven through clear evidence from the Shariah, how do you expect them to digest this claim of ours? Anyway, to satisfy your curiosity, you can read the following blog post:

I hope I've answered all your questions. Visit our website ( or Facebook pages ( and if you want to learn more about us).

I'll answer the rest of the questions too. Please remain patient, as this faqeer has to labor everyday to earn his livelihood, and is not depending on donations from mureeds or Mushahiras from sood-khor organizations :)
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#87 [Permalink] Posted on 6th September 2015 10:07
bhai bin-ghulam saheb,

could you please employ your kashf to find out about the iman of rene guenon, frithjof schuon, martin lings, charles gai eaton, seyyed hossein nasr and william chittick? are they ahl-e-haq or not? are they even with ahle sunnah wal jama'ah? it would be a great service to me, since this has been on my mind for awhile.

if not, then please tell me how to do some kashf-e-qubur... ;)
from the youtube vid i saw of maj. ghulam muhammad saheb doing zikr at the qabr of his seems like all you do is vigorously nod your head up and down, breathe forcefully through your nose, and maintain a rhythm of "ALLAH" and "HU" while inhaling and exhaling...
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#88 [Permalink] Posted on 6th September 2015 10:08
Bin Ghulam

Ä° have some questions for u..I can't see ur answer so come to twitter and we will talk, my twitter is the same name...
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#89 [Permalink] Posted on 6th September 2015 10:33
Abdullah1 wrote:
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الحمد للہِ الذی انعم علینا و ھدئینا الیٰ دین الاسلام

Dear brother,

If you read the context in which the Fatwa bu Mufti Usman Sahib has been used, and read the title of this thread, you may realize that the said fatwa has been misrepresented and misquoted for an unjustifiable reutation of Silsila Naqshbandia Owaisia and Hazrat Maulana Allah Yar Khan (RA). Now, please read my rejection again. I have not rejected the fatwa, but its application to our Silsila. The actions and words of one person cannot be made the basis of such an outrageous refutation.

FYI, I mentioned in my very first post that I'm not here to defend or vindicate Akram Awan. For the "Fatwa" (I think it's an opinion, not a Fatwa) by Maulana Ludhianvi (RA), please read again the second part of my final refusal.

Guaranteed Claims of Kashf and Roohani Baet

As for making guaranteed claims, I think such claims are conditional with capability of the person making such claims as well as the seeker's sincerity and perseverance. In my humble opinion, if a person does possess such excellence, and is making such claims in utmost sincerity, his claim is covered by the second part of the final rejection that I have posted.

Personally, I would definitely look at that practical life of the person making such claims, and ascertain whether it conforms to the Shariah or not. What is his source of earning? What is his daily routine? How and where does he spend his days and nights? What is his lifestyle? Is he living a luxurious life or a simple one like that of the Holy Prophet ï·º? Has he introduced this blessing to others, and what are the effects? All these questions will enable an average person like me to determine the worth of such a claim.

My present Shaykh or anyone else in our Jamaat does not make such claims, but it is a fact that all capable and sincere seekers are bestowed with the spiritual Baet. As for the Kashf, there are tw conditions for Kashf. One is God gifted (Wahbi), while the other, one can earn. That's why I think no one can guarantee Kashf, and it is no criterion anyways. Still, if a person like Maulana Allah Yar Khan (RA) guarantees it, I'll think twice about doubting his claim.

Most of the people in our Jamaat have never seen even a twinkle of light, but they are still doing Zikr-Allah for 15, 20 or more years. And their lives have transformed. That's the only real guarantee that Silsila Naqshbandia Awaisiah (at least our Jamaat) gives, that the life of anyone who practices this Tareeqa with sincerity will be transformed, and he or she will be able to understand and follow Islam in a much better way. Their Ibadaat, Muamlaat, Fehm of the Deen, their link with Allah SWT, their dovetion, sincerity and love for Allah, His Deen, His Prophet ï·º, and his illustrious Sunnah will improve tremendously. Yes, that's a GUARANTEE. And all we ask you to do is practice Zikr-Allah. Do not follow us. Do not do Baet. Just practice Zikr. That's our only preaching.

A Word of Caution

Lastly, I must add that true Islamic Tasawwuf has been exploited beyond limits by worldly Peers and self-styled Sufis, and their Jahil followers. I fully agree that this is a bad time and the misrepresentation of Tasawwuf is rampant. That's why one must be very careful while choosing to follow someone. The circumstances, and the absurd actions of individuals must not be made a basis of refuting a true Waliullah because of whom true Islamic Tasawwuf has been revived in the present times. Such a denial may be even more dangerous than following a fake Peer.

الحمد للہِ وما توفیقی ال بااللہ
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#90 [Permalink] Posted on 6th September 2015 10:37
AishaZaynap wrote:
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I have replied to your questions in detail about an hour ago, but the admin hasn't published it yet. Please be patient and you'll see my reply. I'll also connect with you on Twitter, though, but first read my reply.

جزاك الله خيرا
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