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#5221 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd April 2015 14:57



1436 H. Hajj will be the last pilgrimage
in relatively mild season, next 8 will be in extreme hot.

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#5222 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd April 2015 14:59
Milestones of King Abdullah project
to raise the capacity of the Mataf

مراحل الإنجاز من مشروع الملك عبدالله لرفع الطاقة الاستيعابية للمطاف

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يشهد المسجد الحرام حركة عمل إنشائية ومعمارية دؤوبة وعلى مدار الساعة لإنجاز المشاريع العملاقة التي أمر بها خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز - رحمه الله - استعداداً لموسم شهر رمضان المبارك ومنها مشروع خادم الحرمين الشريفين الملك عبدالله بن عبدالعزيز لزيادة الطاقة الاستيعابية للمطاف الذي يمر في إنشاء مرحلته الثالثة والأخيرة وفق الجداول الزمنية المعتمدة للمشروع بفضل الله تعالى .

أوضح ذلك سعادة مدير إدارة المشاريع المهندس سلطان بن عاطي القرشي بالرئاسة العامة لشؤون المسجد الحرام والمسجد النبوي , و بين أن ذلك يتم بمتابعة وإشراف من معالي الرئيس العام لشؤون المسجد الحرام والمسجد النبوي الشيخ الدكتور عبدالرحمن بن عبدالعزيز السديس وأن المشروع يتكون من ثلاث مراحل مقسمة على ثلاثة أعوام منذ بداية المشروع في شهر محرم من عام 1434هـ, وهي المرحلة الأولى (من الصفا إلى باب الفتح), المرحلة الثانية (من باب الفتح إلى باب العمرة), المرحلة الثالثة (من مشاية توسعة الملك فهد إلى الصفا) , ويجري العمل حالياً على أعمال الإنشاء للمرحلة الثالثة والأخيرة من المشروع وقد تم الوصول في الإنشاء إلى مستوى الدور الأول من ناحية مشاية توسعة الملك فهد وإلى ما قبل منطقة باب الملك عبدالعزيز ,و أما من ناحية الصفا إلى ما قبل منطقة باب الملك عبدالعزيز فقد بلغ سير العمل إلى مستوى الدور الأرضي مع استمرارية العمل في إنشاء أعمدة الدور الأول, وبالنسبة لمنطقة باب الملك عبدالعزيز فالعمل جارٍ على استكمال أعمال إنشاء القواعد الخرسانية, وبفضل الله تعالى فقد تم الانتهاء من أعمال الأساسات لكافة المشروع بنسبة ما يقارب (73%), و في دور الصحن تم الانتهاء من الأعمدة بنسبة (60%) تقريباً وللأسقف بحوالي نسبة (50%), وفيما يتعلق بالدور الأرضي تم إنجاز ما نسبته (37%) من الأعمدة وللأسقف وصلت نسبة إنجاز العمل إلى بنسبة (25%), وبخصوص الدور الأول تم إنجاز ما يقارب (9%) من الأعمدة .

وبين المهندس سلطان القرشي أن المرحلة الثانية من المشروع قد تم البدء في أعمال التشطيبات منذ بداية السنة الجارية للأرضيات والأعمدة والأعمال الكهروميكانيكية لجميع الأدوار بالإضافة إلى دور الميزانين المخصص لعربات ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة, وكذلك إنشاء أقواس الواجهات الداخلية لمبنى توسعة المطاف كما أن العمل جارٍ على تكسيتها بالرخام مع استمرارية الإنشاء للأجزاء المتبقية, و قد تم إنشاء قاعدة منارتي بوابة العمرة مع إعادة إنشاء أعمدة وقباب الرواق العباسي في الجهة الشمالية ومن ضمنها الانتهاء من أعمال إنشاء المكبرية الواقعة في الجهة الشمالية للمطاف .

ولفت مدير المشاريع بالرئاسة أن المرحلة الأولى من المشروع القديم قد تم الانتهاء من أعمال التشطيبات للأرضيات والأعمدة لجميع أدوار المشروع بالإضافة إلى دور الميزانين المخصص للعربات مع استكمال الأعمال الكهروميكانيكية واستمرارية العمل في تركيب الأسقف المستعارة في دور الصحن, كما تم إنشاء منحدر موازي للمسعى لنقل الحركة من الدور الأرضي إلى صحن المطاف بيسر وسهولة من الجهة الشرقية للمطاف .

و أهاب مدير المشاريع برواد المسجد الحرام في استيعاب أثر هذه المشروعات المباركة وتجاوبهم مع العاملين بالمسجد الحرام ورجال الأمن فيما تفرضه متطلبات المشروع من تنظيم لإدارة حركة الحشود دخولاً وخروجاً , وأنها مسألة وقت ستزول بانتهاء هذا المشروع المبارك .

مختتماً تضرعه بالدعاء لخادم الحرمين الشريفين وسمو ولي عهده الأمين وسمو ولي ولي العهد على ما يجده الحرمان الشريفان من دعم ورعاية و اهتمام وعناية .
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Witness the Grand Mosque construction and architectural tireless work of the movement and the clock to complete the mega projects ordered by the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz - may God have mercy on him - in preparation for the season, the month of Ramadan, including the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdulaziz, a project to increase the capacity of took shape that passes through the establishment The third and final phase, according to the approved project schedules, thanks to God Almighty.

He explained that His Excellency the Director of Project Management Engineer Sultan bin atthe Qurashi General Presidency for the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque, and pointed out that it is the follow-up and supervision of His Excellency General President of the Grand Mosque and the Prophet's Mosque, Sheikh Dr. Abdul Rahman bin Abdul Aziz Al-Sudais and that the project consists of three stages, divided into three years since the beginning of the project in the month of Muharram of the year 1434 AH, which is the first stage (from Safa to the door opening), the second phase (of the door opening to the door of Umrah), the third stage (of Treadmill King Fahd expansion to Safa), currently being worked on business Construction third and final phase of the project has been in the construction access to the level of the first round of hand Treadmill King Fahd expansion and to pre-King Abdulaziz gate area, and the terms of Safa to before the king's gate area Abdulaziz reached workflow to the level of the ground floor with business continuity in the establishment of the first round columns, and for the region, King Abdulaziz door work is underway to complete the construction of concrete rules work, and thanks to God Almighty has been the completion of the foundation work for all project by approximately (73%), and in the role of the dish was finished columns by (60%) almost for the bishop about the proportion (50%), and with respect to the ground floor was completed representing (37%) of the columns and the bishop of the percentage completion of the work to the (25%), and about the first round was completed approximately (9%) columns.

And between Sultan al-Qurashi that the second phase of the project has been initiated in the work finishes since the beginning of the current year for floors and columns and electromechanical works for all roles in addition to the custom of the carts with mezzanine special needs role, as well as the establishment of the internal interfaces for building arches expansion up as that work is underway on the resurfacing marble continuity with the construction of the remaining parts, and has been created lighthouses base gate Umrah with re-create the columns and domes Abbasi porch on the north side, including the completion of the establishment of Almekpria located in the northern part of the work took shape.

He projects director presidency that the first phase of the old project has been the completion of the finishes for floors and columns for all project roles in addition to the role of custom vehicles mezzanine with complete electromechanical works and business continuity in the installation of ceilings in the role of the saucer, was created as a parallel to the slope of the effort to move the motion of ground floor to dish up more easily from the eastern side of took shape.

And called upon the Project Manager pioneers of the Grand Mosque in absorbing the impact of these projects and their response blessed with the Holy Mosque workers and security men with requirements imposed by the project of the organization to manage the crowds movement in and out, and it is a matter of time will be gone the end of this blessed project.
Tdharah concluding prayers to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Crown Prince and the Crown Crown on what it finds deprivation Aharifan of support and care and attention and care.

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#5223 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd April 2015 15:03
SCTA sees huge potential for
‘Made in Makkah’ initiative

Friday 3 April 2015

Prince Sultan bin Salman, president of the Saudi Commission for Tourism and Antiquities (SCTA), lent his total support to the “Made in Makkah” project which was floated by Makkah Gov. Prince Khaled Al-Faisal, through a partnership between the SCTA and the Makkah Chamber of Commerce and Industry (MCCI).

During his visit to the Makkah Pavilion at the Saudi Travel and Tourism Investment Market (STTIM) in Riyadh, Prince Sultan said: “The ‘Made in Makkah’ project is an initiative to develop local tourism sector and stimulate investments.”

SCTA Director Mohammed Al-Omari said: “The successes we see today is the result of teamwork between many parties which created a real strategic partnership to put the project’s plan on the right path.”

Al-Omari indicated that SCTA studies proved that many “Made in Makkah” products have the capability to be developed and marketed in local and global markets.

MCCI Chairman Maher Jamal said the “Made in Makkah” project needs support with active interaction, integration and coordination with the SCTA.

“It is important to create a brand identity for the ‘Made in Makkah’ project in order to create visibility among Haj and Umrah pilgrims who are always interested in products that reflect their Islamic culture,” said Jamal.

According to him, it is necessary to introduce young men and women into business to manufacture high-quality products which would make “Made in Makkah” brand a resounding success.

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#5224 [Permalink] Posted on 3rd April 2015 15:04
Islam fastest-growing major faith
in coming decades

Friday 3 April 2015

NEW YORK: Over the next four decades, Islam is expected to grow faster than any other major religion worldwide, with the Muslim population nearly matching Christians in both number and share of the global population, according to projections released on Thursday.

Christians will remain the largest religious group, increasing to 2.92 billion adherents by 2050 if current demographic trends continue. But Muslims will reach 2.76 billion, making each faith group about 30 percent of the world population, analysts from the Pew Research Center said.

The projections in the report, “The Future of World Religions,” are based on birth and death rates, immigration patterns and rates of religious conversions, among other information found in censuses, demographic surveys and additional reports that asked people to identify what faith they follow.

Much of the growth of both Christianity and Islam will occur in Africa. But Muslims will also grow to make up 10 percent of Europe’s population and will outnumber Jews in the US by mid-century.

India is expected to retain a Hindu majority, but the country will surpass Indonesia as the nation with the world’s largest Muslim population. As a group, Muslims are younger and have more children than members of other faiths, driving their global growth, researchers said.

The report is the latest to measure how Christianity in developing countries is far outpacing the growth of the faith in the West. By 2050, 4 in 10 Christians are expected to be located in Africa. And Christians will no longer be a majority in the United Kingdom, France and Australia.

Within the US, the share of Christians is expected to decrease from more than three-quarters to two-thirds.

The number of Buddhists will remain about the same, but because of overall global population growth, will comprise a smaller share of the world’s population.

Hindus will grow to reach 1.4 billion people.

Worldwide, the number of Jews is expected to grow by about 16 percent to 16.1 million.
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#5225 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2015 16:29


New Muslim


"This is a beautiful initiative. Last weekend I saw about 40 sisters performing tawaf with this label on the back.

This is quite common in ksa. New Muslims are not only educated, given support but also taken

for Umrah and Hajj by local dawah centres here. May Allah accept."

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#5226 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2015 16:34

Mataf expansion updates

Mataf Phase III


Work on porticos

domes will be unusually different here

via @meccamoon

via @assi1948

Mataf Phase I & II

via @assi1948

King Fahd Expansion

via @abo00od4
dragline has reached


Work on porticos

via @3wad_alkitbe

from the model we can see that at some places there're no domes.

It's the "approved design" but there are some changes already planned ...

Like ... For the final design of ''New Porticos'', you have to refer to this plan (or maybe they plan other changes):

but we don't see domes on it ... :/


Temporary Mukabariyah

Insta Video:
something has been constructing in front of Muadhin

Bab Fath Minaret U/C


via @meccamoon


Mukabariyah I


King Fahd Expansion

via @a_z_o_99

via @d4rkknight_

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#5227 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2015 16:35
73 percent of expansion work
at Grand Mosque completed

''Mataf expansion''

Work going apace for Haram expansion.
Saturday 4 April 2015

Construction work at the Grand Mosque in Makkah is in full swing and the projects are expected to be completed before the Holy month of Ramadan.

Mataf expansion

The projects administration director, Sultan bin Aati Al-Qurashi, said 73 percent of the work has been completed.

The mega projects, ordered by the late King Abdullah, include expansion of the Grand Mosque, which is in the third and final stage.

He said the work is being carried out in coordination with Abdulrahman Al-Sudias, chief of the Presidency of the Holy Mosques Affiars.

Al-Qurashi said the projects were in three stages and have been divided into three years. The first one, launched on Nov. 29, 2012, includes Al-Safa to Al-Fatah Gate, the second from Al-Fatah Gate to Al-Umrah Gate and the third stage from the King Fahd Gate to Al-Safa.

Al Qurashi said painting and decoration works already started in the beginning of this year.

The works also include a mezzanine floor designed for push-chairs for those with special needs, he said.

A light base was established at the Al-Umrah Gate with columns and domes on the Abbasid porch on the northern side, Al-Qurashi added.
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#5228 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2015 16:36
Quran prints from
Proph. Muhammad era on display

Quran prints that were written during the Prophet Muhammads lifetime
are now on display at the Berlin State Library
4 April 2015

Quran prints that were written during the Prophet Muhammads lifetime, that have been hidden away in the Berlin State Library for years have been scientifically proven to belong to the era of the Prophet. Examined in a laboratory in Zurich, the seven page parchment papers Kuran script prints were written between the years 606 and 652.

According to the Maerkischer Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper report, State Library spokesperson Jeanette Lamblia, the copies were examined as part of a major long term project called the "Corpus Coranicusm" and analysed in a Zurich laboratory. The project examined all the copies of the Quran across Europe.

This particular print of the Quran was kept in the State Library for over 100 years. The prints were originally as part of an inheritance to an Egyptian scientist were thought to brought to Germany, aeither at the end othe 19the century or beginning of 20th century.
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#5229 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2015 16:38
Sales of books on Islam rocket after France attacks


Paris (AFP) - Books on Islam are selling out in France after deadly extremist attacks in the capital raised uncomfortable questions about Europe's fastest-growing religion.

A special magazine supplement focused on the Koran has flown off the shelves, and shops are selling more books on Islam than ever after the Paris attacks in January that left 17 dead.

"The French are asking more and more questions, and they feel less satisfied than ever by the answers they're getting from the media," said Fabrice Gerschel, director of Philosophie magazine, which published the supplement.

Sales of books on Islam were three times higher in the first quarter of 2015 than this time last year, according to the French National Union of Bookshops.

Mathilde Mahieux, of La Procure chain of bookshops that specialises in religion, said people want a better understanding of the religion that the brutal Islamic State (IS) group claims to represent, so that they can make up their own minds.

- 'Is the Koran violent?' -

The jihadist attacks against the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine and a Jewish supermarket have left many non-Muslims looking for answers.

"A very Catholic lady came to buy a copy of the Koran, because she wanted to understand for herself whether or not (Islam) is a violent religion," said Yvon Gilabert, who runs a bookshop in Nantes, western France.

Others want to see past extremist interpretations of Islam.

"I think we have to know how to see past the fundamentalism, in order to see what religions have to offer," said Patrice Besnard, a regular at a Paris bookshop specialising in religions.

French academics too are becoming more curious, with a chair in the study of the Koran inaugurated on Thursday at the prestigious College de France in Paris.

Jean Rony, who teaches at the nearby Sorbonne university, began studying the Muslim holy book for himself this year.

"Given the situation, I have added sessions on monotheistic religions to my general culture class for students preparing for magistrate exams," he said.

Mansour Mansour, who runs the Al Bouraq publishing house specialising on Islam and the Middle East, said his sales have shot up by 30 percent.

"The same happened after the September 11 attacks in 2001," he told AFP.

Now the spike is likely to last longer "because Islam will continue to pose a geo-political problem," Mansour sighed.

- Literal interpretations -

Part of the interest in France appears to stem from the fact that many of the extremists committing horrific abuses in Islam's name in Syria and Iraq are of Western origin.

Enraged by the jihadists' interpretation of the Koran, Mansour said his company has withdrawn several books that offered "too literal" an interpretation of Islam from his catalogue.

He warned about people diving into reading the Koran "unaccompanied" and jumping to conclusions on its highly poetic text. Instead he recommends that the uninitiated start by reading a biography of the Prophet Muhammed.

Claude Brenti, of the Catholic publisher Beatitudes, said he has noticed a change in attitudes among scholars.

"In certain Muslim circles there was a refusal to critically analyse the text, but now I see some thinkers are changing," he said.

With the IS's brutality creating shockwaves since its emergence in 2013, publishers like Mansour were already selling more books on Islam even before the Paris attacks.

Twice as many books published in France last year were dedicated to Islam than to Christianity, according to the publishing weekly, Hebdo Livres.

And at France's largest book fair in March, a big seller for Le Cerf imprint, which is run by the Catholic Dominican order, was "A Christian Reads The Koran", a reprint of a book first published with much less fanfare in 1984.

It was far from the only hot title dealing with Islam at the fair, with the US publisher Columbia University Press snapping up the rights to "The Silent Koran, the Talking Koran" by Mohammad Ali Amir-Moezzi, as well as the paperback launch of rapper Abd al Malik's bestseller "May Allah bless France".

Even the publisher of the year's big non-fiction hit, The French Suicide, whose controversial author Eric Zemmour has been accused of Islamophobia and stirring up anti-immigrant feeling, made a strong play at the fair of its well-known translation of the Koran as well as a "Plea for Fraternity" by the Muslim philosopher Abdennour Bidar
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#5230 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2015 16:39
Madinah New Airport

New Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz International Airport
"Trial Operation to Postpone to April 12"

Madinah, Jumada II 15, 1436, Apr 4, 2015, SPA

The experimental operation of Prince Mohammed bin Abdulaziz International Airport in Madinah will be postponed to Sunday, Jumada II 23, 1436 H, corresponding to April 12, 2015, after it was scheduled for tomorrow, on Sunday.

A statement issued today by the General Authority of Civil Aviation (GACA) stated that the postponement was decided due to the affected air traffic in most of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia's airports by the dust storm that swept regions of the Kingdom, in addition that CAGA is keen to achieve a complete success for the operation of the airport.

The airport trial run will be for a limited period, until the official inauguration and opening of the airport.
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#5231 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2015 18:18
Roukaya19 wrote:
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Are you there or have you recently been?
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#5232 [Permalink] Posted on 5th April 2015 19:02

abu mohammed wrote:
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No Brother .. I'm waiting patiently my turn inshallah

Just I copied/posted the pic with the message under

New Muslim .. beautiful title mashaAllah

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#5233 [Permalink] Posted on 6th April 2015 15:25
Madinah New Airport - 1

Panoramic View of PMIA Project

General View of Passenger Terminal Building

General View of PMIA from North of Project

Car Parking

General View of South Solar Building with Solar Panels

Hajj Plaza Buildings

North Side from Terminal Building

South Side from Terminal Building

West Facade of Terminal Building

West Facade of Terminal & Pier Building

North Facade of Terminal

Hajj Arrival-Departure Area at Basement Floor of Terminal Building

Inside of Hajj Pavilion

International Baggage Claim Area inside Passenger Terminal Building

Seating Groups at International Bus Gate at Pier Building

Hajj Coach Parking 2 Area

Inside View of Mosque Entrance

Terminal Building South Facade

TOTEMs inside Passenger Terminal Building
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#5234 [Permalink] Posted on 6th April 2015 15:27
Madinah New Airport - 2

North Facade of Terminal & Pier Building

Passenger Bridges at Apron Area

General View of Monumental Gateway

General View of Baggage Handling Vehicle Parking Area in Pier Building

Seating Area at Ground Floor Level of Pier Building

Mashrabiya Entrance of Hajj Area at Ground Floor of Passenger Terminal Building

Hajj Pavilion Seating Area

Low Emitting Vehicle Parking Area in PMIA

Hajj Departure Area inside Passenger Terminal Building

Hajj Walk Way Entrance in Hajj Plaza Area

General View of Short Term Car Parkign Area & Car Rental Area

General View of Mosque

General View of Mosque Praying Area

General View of Mosque Inside

General View of Mosque Entrance

General View of Mosque & Minaret of PMIA

General View of Minaret of PMIA Mosque

General View of External Areas of Mosque

General View of Hajj Plaza Area
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#5235 [Permalink] Posted on 6th April 2015 15:31
Madinah New Airport - 3

Common Use Passenger Processing Systems (CUPPS) inside Passenger Terminal Building

Domestic Baggage Claim Area inside Terminal Building

Decorative Pool in front of Passenger Terminal Building

Disabled Parking in Parking Area of PMIA

General View of Bridge Houses of PMIA

General External View of Passenger Terminal & Pier Buildings

General External View of PMIA VIP

General Panaromic View of PMIA Project

General View of Air Conditioned Hajj Walkway

General View of Hajj Coach Parking Area

General View of Long Term Parking Area
Aerial View of PMIA Project

General View of International Arrival inside Passenger Terminal Building

General View of Inside of Ground Floor Pier Building

General View of Domestic Departure Area inside Pier Building

Panoramic View of International Bus Gate of PMIA

General View of Bridge Houses at Apron Area

General View of Remote Stand Substation 1 inside Apron Area

General View of Arrival & Departure Areas in front of Passenger Terminal Building

Aerial View of Mosque

New Madinah Airport
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