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Against Secularism and Atheism

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Maria al-Qibtiyya, Taalibah, True Life, Naqshband66, ibn Ismail, sipraomer
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#46 [Permalink] Posted on 28th February 2018 03:32
The word Dajjal is derived from the word dajl which means to deceive. The highest from of deceit is that a person, group, nation or civilization claims to be on haq despite of the fact that it is on batil.

Therefore when we say that Western Civilization is a Dajjali Civilization then we are actually saying that the fundamentals of that civilization are actually batil (false) while they are propagating it to the best of their abilities as haq (true).

The whole world believes that the values which the West is propagating are true and thus are conducting their affairs according to those false values.

Satan imitates Allah and implants ideas in the minds of people claiming and propagating those ideas to be haq.

Since the last 70 years we have witnessed two major evil ideologies. The first is communism which was founded by Karl Marx who said about religion that it is the opium of people. He negated religion completely. However, when we see Marxism closely, we observe that Marxism is itself presented in such a manner that it has become a religion in its own right. Hence Karl Marx was the prophet (Allah forbid) of Marxism. Das Kapital was it’s scripture and some aspects of Marxism can be co related to the concept of tauhid.

Western Secular Liberal Civilization is the second major evil we witness today.

Dajjali Civilization vs Islamic Civilization by Shah Nawaz Farooqi
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#47 [Permalink] Posted on 28th February 2018 03:46
The Three Stages of Truth

1. Ridicule
2. Violent Opposition
3. Acceptance

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#48 [Permalink] Posted on 28th February 2018 15:39
The Jews know what the truth is but they refuse to accept it because of menace, pride and hatred in their breasts. Therefore, it would not be wrong to say that Islam is not an academic exercise but a spiritual experience. Its true essence can only be achieved through tazkiyya of nafs.
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#49 [Permalink] Posted on 28th February 2018 17:10
How our perceptions are affected?

A human consists of two components. Body and soul. Body is from this world and the soul is from the next world. Like body, a soul also has organs. These are called lataif. Our body is in control of our soul. The soul has limited free will because it took an oath in front of Allah.

“Am I not your Lord?” [al-A‘raaf 7:172],

The main component of the soul which affects the soul as a whole is called qalb or spiritual heart. This spiritual heart affects the condition of the soul and as a result we can say that it is the main command center of the whole wajood of a human being.

Spiritual heart is the home of emotions, kaifiyat and most importantly the operating system or programming of a human being which affects his actions. Western psychology calls it subconscious and unconscious. Islam calls it qalb.

It is not our body which sees, hears, thinks, speaks or acts. It is our soul which sees through the eyes of body, which hears, through the ears of body, which speaks through the tongue of body, which acts through the hands of body and which moves through the legs of body.

Whatever we see, hear, speak and think directly affects our qalb. What ever we see, hear, speak and think on constant basis programs our qalb.

The look is one of the poisonous arrows of the Devil. If a person shoots it out, it is indeed a poisonous missile that kills the one who sends it. This arrow returns back to the heart of the one looking.

A human is neutral by nature with the belief in Allah. After coming in this world , his parents, environment, schooling, friends, society, media, and the information which he takes affects his qalb resulting in the formation of his personality or nafs. (Nafs is the current overall condition of one’s ruh)

If good things are taught to him on constant basis through speech and action as well, he will probably become a good person. Opposite is the case if wrong things are taught to him.

Anything which is repeated again and again is believed by our qalb and then qalb directs the soul and body to take certain measures based on those repetitions.

Aqal is the human faculty which is given to us to differentiate between right and wrong. If our heart is neutral then we can comprehend the difference between right and wrong in the most basic level. For example, oneness of Allah.

However, as our qalb controls us, if one’s qalb is biased, his perceptions of things will be affected by that biasness.

This is why biased people don’t want to hear you no matter how hard you try to make them hear or how sound your dalail are. You have to win their hearts first in order to educate them about the truth with love and compassion if there is any hope left in curing them.

Satan has been given the power of implanting ideas in our quloob to corrupt our beliefs and actions. It is our test.

It was narrated that ‘Abd-Allaah ibn Mas’ood said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “There is no one among you but a companion from among the jinn has been assigned to him.” They said, “Even you, O Messenger of Allaah?’ He said, “Even me, but Allaah helped me with him and he became Muslim (or: and I am safe from him), so he only enjoins me to do that which is good.”

Similarly, there is an angel on our right side which enjoins us to do good and forbids us from evil.

It is our choice to whom we listen. To qareen(the devil) or to the angel.

There is a term called Subliminal Messaging. This means that information is delivered to us in such a clever and subtle manner that certain ideas and thoughts are planted in our quloob bypassing our aqal preventing us to even comprehend what we are absorbing. Media, Video Game Industry, Secular educationists and Music industry know different techniques of subliminal messaging. This is how they affect the way we think.

For example:

Language Shapes the way We think

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Does Metaphorical Framing Really work?

The Power of Repetition

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Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him, said, “Verily, when the servant commits a sin a black spot appears upon his heart. If he abandons the sin, seeks forgiveness, and repents, then his heart will be polished. If he returns to the sin, the blackness will be increased until it overcomes his heart. It is the covering that Allah has mentioned: No, but on their hearts is a covering because of what they have earned.” (83:14)
Source: Sunan al-Tirmidhī 3334

Humans are like computers who can think, feel and make choices in a limited manner…

Dhikr is like a cache, ram and hard disk cleaner which cleans our qalb which is like hard disk and conscious mind which is like RAM. Correct aqeedah is the antivirus of the soul which protects it from wrong beliefs and trojans. Ideology is the operating system in which programs of deen are installed. Dhikr, Salah, Sawm, Zakah and Hajj are the programs of soul.

The programs of the soul have two tasks to achieve.

1. Create a spiritual and magnetic field around the souls so that they can be protected from the attacks of the hacker (i.e.Satan)
2. Increase the functionality of the soul by preparing it to adopt new functions like truthfulness, humbleness, selflessness etc.

Shariah and Tazkiyah are the two programing languages with which these programs are created. Shariah is high level programming language which functions at the surface of the soul. Tazkiyah is the lower level programming language which functions at the inner core of the soul. Piety, humbleness, selflessness, divine love, sacrifice, courage, controlling anger, truthfulness are the functions of the soul as a result of these programs. Miserliness, cowardice, lying, backbiting, pride, jealousy etc are trojans. These trojans if not controlled in the beginning can become major viruses which could infect and destroy our programs. Some of them like pride, jealousy and lying can become mega viruses which can corrupt the entire operating system and even our ROM (Intention).

Satan wants to hack our souls and inject these viruses in us and corrupt our OS and ROM.

Programming the Nation

There is a rhythm, a pattern in the history of nations. A pattern of success and failures. Quran is the ultimate truth and sets the standards or premises of this rhythm. Quran is the absolute and objective truth which is the litmus test of past, present and future….

Dhikr creates emotion while Study clears concepts. Connecting the dots while researching and doing dhikr originate from the same idea of repetition. However, emotion fluctuates often. Some time it is weak and sometimes it is strong. Secondly, emotion can be destroyed if it does not have a strong backing of authentic testimonies. Ideologies can’t be fought with emotions alone. Ideologies need counter ideologies charged with a correct balance of intellect and emotion…Ideology is the vehicle and emotion is it’s fuel.

This is why I disagree with the tablighis. Most of them repeat with emotion but without understanding the concept. They don’t ponder on the truth hidden in the repetitions of Allah se hota hai, Allah ke ghair se nahin hota. It doesn’t matter that how many times you say it. The thing is saying it with understanding and thinking inside, the concept while saying it…

Quran is the ideology which can program us to make us succeed in both the worlds. This is why we are instructed to learn to read it, memorise it, study it and recite it day and night. A daily habit of programming our souls, our quloob, our subconscious minds with it. So that we could recognize the rules of success and failures clearly defined in it. The same thing is being said to create emotion that whoever disobeyed Allah failed in both of the worlds. Whoever obeyed Him succeeded. And questions are asked to nurture the intellect. So that the slaves think, ponder, enquire, research, reach the correct conclusion then confirm and ingrain it in their hearts so that satan and his accomplices are unable to deceive, illude, lie or force the believers into disbelieving.

La ilaha illallah is the law. The principle upon which the whole universe is functioning. When this principle will be broken by the whole of mankind then this universe will be destroyed.

La ilaha illallah is the law and Muhammad ar Rasoolullah SAWS is it’s explanation.

La ilaha illallah is the principle and Muhammad ar Rassoolullah SAWS is it’s demonstration.

La ilaha illallah is the code and Muhammad ar Rasoolullah SAWS is it’s exegesis.

Quran is not just words. It is speech. It is nur. Revealed upon Nabi Pak SAWS’s qalb through Jibraeel AS in the form of nur internally and words externally.

These are the souls who speak through body. Souls are themselves made up of nur. When we speak we create nur. Sacred speech like Quran and hadith creates nur. Sinful speech creates darkness. Light strengthens light so nur strengthens nur so good words and deeds strengthen soul and sins weaken it.

Eman is the fuel of ruh which the ruh needs to act. Correct deeds and correct ideas generate eman and wrong deeds and wrong ideas diminish it.

They have been lying repeatedly for the whole of our school and university life. They have been lying non-stop on media. We have to find this pattern in history through Quran and Sunnah. We have to repeatedly tell the same truth with numerous testimonies to win the hearts and minds of genuine folk who are searching for the truth.

George Orwell…


Double Speak = Diplomacy = hypocrisy = Double Standards

War is Peace

Freedom is Slavery

Ignorance is Strength… It means that everything is upside down.

Thought Criminal… Those who think the truth and tell the truth

The Ministry of Truth, which concerned itself with news, entertainment, education, and the fine arts. The Ministry of Peace, which concerned itself with war...

"It's a beautiful thing, the Destruction of words...

"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought?

It means that deterioration of language is the deterioration of thought resulting in decrease of critical skills and depth of thought because dumb are easy to control and that is what Dajjal wants. He wants to control. Only those in control, can be fooled by those in charge.

Orwellian society is Dajjalian society. (Referring to the novel 1984 by George Orwell written in 1948)

“Just look at us. Everything is backwards, everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, psychiatrists destroy minds, scientists destroy truth, major media destroys information, religions destroy spirituality and governments destroy freedom.”

Michael Ellner

Islam is a deen remember. So don’t be angry…

In animated movies, in cartoons they instill statements like Seeing is Believing.

Seeing is believing means that they want us to believe what we see and forget the unseen.

The best humans walking on this earth are the Rabbani Ulema. (Those practicing ulema who know the internal and external forms of Islam). They cure our souls and correct our actions. They educate us about our deen. Deen is needed to defeat Satan and his forces and Ulema are the ones who can educate us about it.

There are two kinds of humans. A spiritual human and an animal human or SUMAN or DUMAN (The Satanic Human or the Devilish Human).

A spiritual man is he who if given wealth helps the poor. If given knowledge, educates the un educated and creates harmony among humans. If given authority establishes justice. If given influence, enjoins good and forbids evil. If given strength, helps the weak.

A spiritual woman guards her chastity. Beautifies her soul with the ornament of knowledge of Islam. Creates the house of her man a heavenly palace, not with things but with good actions and good environment. Raises spiritual men and spiritual women who establish harmony and peace in the society.

On the other hand, an animal man if given wealth exploits and ridicules the poor. If given knowledge, exploits the un educated, fools them and creates anger and enmity among humans for his own evil motives. If given authority destroys justice and establishes tyranny. If given influence, looks down on those who are under his influence or lower in rank. If given strength, misuses it and exploits and harms the weak. An animal man wants to be known for his strength, power and possession.

An animal woman wants to be praised for her beauty and wants to create fitna in the world. She doesn’t guard her chastity and creates corruption in the society. She is a witch for her man and turns his house into hell. Her tongue is uncontrolled, her temper is lose all the time.

Islam teaches us how to be a spiritual human and Satan teaches us how to be an animal human.

It is our choice whose teaching we want to get.

To the secularists…

Your beliefs are based on probabilities. So, no matter how much you repeat and how much you scream, you will not be strengthened from inside. You are going against your own natural disposition. You are running away from fitrah. You can’t defeat us because we repeat and believe in the message which has come from Divine. Those among us in whose souls and blood this divine message has been ingrained will Insha Allah not fall for your stupid sorcery even if you have attested your ideology from Oxford or Harvard.

Dajjal: Do as thou wilt

Islam: Submit to Allah

Dajjal: Believe in the Seen only

Islam: Believe in the un seen only.

Dajjal: This world is reality and the next world is an illusion.

Islam: This world is an illusion compared to the next world which is the reality.

Dajjal: When you die you are finished so eat, drink and be merry.

Islam: There is another life, an eternal life in which you will be accountable for your actions here. So, eat and drink and sometimes be merry within constraints but don’t forget your akhirah.

Islam and Secularism are totally opposing ideologies.

World War III…

Jerusalem to be the head quarter of the next wanna be super power.

The Ummah paying the price for her negligence…

The Merciful finally bestows a great leader. The final Mujaddid…

The army of Spiritual Humans vs Animal Secular Humans...

Leader of the army is a Qutab and leading the army of abdals and aulia.

Islam… less material more soul.

Kufr… all material no soul

Aulia have the access to the forces of the unseen world because of their high spirituality and tazkiya.

Soldier angels help them in this war. Even the Muslim Jinns help them. How can it be that the final crusade is being fought and they don’t participate? Angels of the heavens and the universe are witnessing a great event being manifest in the history of mankind. Where the forces of good and the forces of evil collide with full force.

Dajjal arrives.

The one eyed liar comes…

The illusionist and the magician comes…

The scientist and the fake scholar comes…

Dajjal: I am Messiah and then god (Nouzubillah)

Islam: No you are not. You are a liar. Indeed, you are the opposite.

Greatest trial for the momineen because the weak ones have already submitted to Dajjalism.

The Greatest Sacrifice…

Leave everything for Eman…

Even if your loved ones are not ready to migrate with you…

The most difficult decision…

The ultimate expression of ishq for Allah the Most High…

Either run or fight. No third option…

You can kill our bodies but can’t claim our souls….

ISA AS comes. The best spiritual man of his time walking on the face of the earth.


Dajjal… The worst creature this world has ever seen. The most evil soul.

Islam wins…

The End…

Bottom line…

Be careful of what you see, what you think, what you hear, what you speak, even what you eat. By this you will be careful of what you do.

This is the only true solution of defeating secularism aka dajjalism.

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#50 [Permalink] Posted on 28th February 2018 17:20
Sad Reality Hidden in Humour

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#51 [Permalink] Posted on 28th February 2018 17:33
Gifts of Secularism

What about those societies where men and women mingle with each other freely and where a woman becomes a commercial product of the market. Where Aids and similar sexually transmitted diseases are common. Where humans are considered no more than animals. Where the divorce rate because of pornography and cheating is very high. Where a woman is abused and used like a pepsi can. Where children have to face the dilemma of divorced single moms. Where women are mostly depressed because of their cheating husbands and boyfriends. Where they are living an artificial, superficial, empty, materialistic, meaningless life. Where the family system has collapsed for the very same reasons. Where the crime rate and suicide rate is the highest for the very same reasons? What do you think about these kinds of societies?

One of my comments in the youtube comment section.
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Absolute truth's avatar
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#52 [Permalink] Posted on 28th February 2018 19:50
Jazakum Allahu khaira, but I think it's better to stay away from uneducated persons who claim to be knowledgeable on youtube.
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#53 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2018 02:40
Absolute truth wrote:
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Jazak Allah. Yeah they were silenced by the grace of Allah. It was six months ago. I don't waste time on people like them now.
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#54 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2018 05:21
The Emotional Intelligence of Prophet Muhammad SAWS

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#55 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2018 06:25
Hamza Tzortzis and Muhammad Hijab about the Correct Methodology of Dawah

It's not about nitty gritty details but the essence. It's not about how but is about what.

The real purpose of the ayaat is to make us realize that only Allah is to be worshiped whether we have a primitive approach towards science and philosophy or we are advanced. The meaning of the ayaat are multi layered and can be interpreted by people of different ages in different ways. How can be different but the what is always the same. The purpose of the ayaat is always the same no matter how you interpret the "hows" of these ayaats.

The miraculous nature of the Quran is that it can be interpreted in many different ways within the constraints of classical language regarding the natural phenomenon but still reveal and indicate the same truth. Hamza has increased my love for the Quran and Arabic language. This man is a genius Ma Sha Allah.

We have a lot of spiritual and intellectual immaturity... Subhan Allah...
We are giving dawah to our judgements... We are not giving dawah to human beings themselves... Subhan Allah. So true so true

This man Hamza has increased my love, respect and appreciation for Maulana Tariq Jamil Sahab. Balance of Intellect and Emotion.
Aql and Empathy... Daleel and Compassion... People are spiritually and psychologically sick. They need a cure to their spiritual ailments and not encyclopedias of philosophy.

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#56 [Permalink] Posted on 1st March 2018 06:41
We don't lack academics. We lack the Rabbani ulema (People of Knowledge and Practice in external and internal forms of Islam).
They are the real gems and they are rare. Revive the masjid my friend. Revive the masjid. Combine masjid, madrassah and khanqah into one single institution. Oneness of masjid is necessary. For specialization people may go to their respective institutions but for comman Muslimeen Fard Ayn externally and internally must be taught and experienced in masajid. We lack emotional intelligence, empathy, spirituality, wisdom and basic fiqhi intellect of Islam. So much detail.. Lost the bigger picture. Lost the purpose.
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#57 [Permalink] Posted on 7th March 2018 04:28
The kuffar have brought mobile, television, internet to our homes and they are propagating their ideology to us, our women and our children. What are we doing to bring the knowledge of our deen to masajid which are the gathering places of Muslims?
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#58 [Permalink] Posted on 7th March 2018 06:50
Masjid is the media of the ummah. It is the mother of Islamic civilization. How are we using it?
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#59 [Permalink] Posted on 7th March 2018 06:51
A nation who forgets the heroes of her past, can’t recognize the heroes of her present and as a result loses the heroes of her future.
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#60 [Permalink] Posted on 7th March 2018 08:56
sipraomer wrote:
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Why do Muslims buy TV, mobile or internet for their family..?
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