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Unity Of The Ulema

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#1 [Permalink] Posted on 6th December 2013 14:59
السلام عليكم

بسم الله الرحمن اللرحيم

unity of the ulama

In some Ulama quarters there is much discussion o­n the preservation of the 'unity' of the Ulama. They have a morbid fear for public criticism and for the protection of something they call the ir 'image'. The issue of 'unity' has developed into an obsession with them. This obsession constrains them to advocate 'unity' at all costs, even if the Haqq has to be concealed. The argument is: What will the public say and think of the clashes among the Ulama?

It is essential to understand that a unity which demands concealment of the Haqq is a satanic unity. It is not the type of unity commanded by the Qur'aan which says:

"Hold firmly to the Rope of Allah, all of you, and do not become disunited."

The Rope of Allah signifies the Shariah of Allah Ta'ala, Allah Ta'ala commands Muslim unity. But its basis is the Rope of Allah. Without clinging firmly to the Rope of Allah, unity is never possible.


Kitmaanul Haqq (Concealing the Haqq) is haraam. It is a baseless argument which contends that for the sake of unity, the Ulama-e-Haqq should not voice themselves publicly o­n issues which they believe are in conflict with the Shariah. Many of the new brand of Ulama suffer of the weird malady of sustaining a 'unity' of the Ulama at all costs, regardless of the concealment of the Haqq and the deviation of the community which this idea entails.

This malady was among the outstanding features of the Ulama-e-Yahood and Nasaara. It has always been a prominent characteristic of the ulama-e-soo of even this Ummah. While Allah Ta'ala commands: "Do not cloak Haqq with baatil while you are aware", the exponents of unity at all costs remaindeaf to this Qur'aanic Call.

"Never ever allow the fear for people to prevent you from proclaiming
t h e H a q q when you know it (the Haqq)." - Hadith

It is most despicable for Ulama whose first and foremost obligations are to proclaim the Haqq, to zealously guard the Shariah and guide the community, to sit in cahoots with the Ahl-e-Baatil and those among their own fraternity who conceal the Haqq to appease outsiders, ignoramuses, modernists- to please everyone except Allah Azza Wa Jal.

There are some very sincere Ulama who also fall into the shaitaani traps of so-called hikmat and dubious diplomacy. Due to shortsightedness and a misunderstanding of the meaning of hikmat, they bend over backwards beyond the confines of the Shariah to accommodate baatil with the idea of appeasing the exponents of the baatil. This attitude while motivated by sincerity of some shortsighted Ulama is based o­n the false premise of maintaining 'unity'. They mistakenly believe that goodness will flow from such an outer, fragile and superficial 'unity'.


The votaries of dubious 'hikmat' or 'wisdom' generally point accusingly to the unambiguous and hard-hitting method of those Ulama who refuse to compromise with baatil. For reasons best known to them, clear proclamation of the Haqq has become chagrin for them. They seek to justify their silence and concealment of the

Haqq by latching o­n to the 'harsh' language and straightforward method and style of those who do not sit in conference with the Ahle-Bid'ah and Ahl-e-Baatil. Then they produce a variety of advices of the seniors who have departed from this world.

These advices consist of the exhortation to propagate with hikmat. They also will cite the episode of Hadhrat Musaa (alayhis salaam) and Fir'oun. Allah Ta'ala commanded Nabi Musaa (alayhis salaam) and Haaroon (alayhis salaam) to speak gently with Fir'oun. Such advice and admonition are cited by the concealers of the Haqq to justify their concealment of the Haqq and silence, and also to deride those who practice o­n the command of Amr Bil Ma'roof Nahy anil Munkar. It is understood and accepted that people are of different temperaments and dispositions. They differ in their understanding and intellects. A difference in methods of tableegh is thus a logical aspect o­n which there should be no difference of opinion and controversy whatsoever.


Our contention is not with any lawful method employed by other Ulama. Everyone will logically adopt the method of tableegh which suits his disposition. Hadhrat Isaa (alayhis salaam) had his own disposition and Hadhrat Musaa (alayhis salaam) had another method. While Isaa (alayhis salaam) was often smiling, Hadhrat Yahya (alayhis salaam)

was often crying. Everyone is aware of the vast difference in the temperaments of Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) and Hadhrat Uthmaan (radhiyallahu anhu). But all of them were o­n the Haqq. In their own respective ways and by their own different methods they propagated o­nly the Haqq.

Their differences of methods did not lead to concealment of the Haqq. Their respective differences of approach never constrained them to flirt with baatil and to compromise with the Ahl-e-Baatil. Thus, it was seen that Sayyidunaa Uthmaan (radhiyallahu anhu) adhered firmly to the Haqq and never abandoned the Khilaafat right until the end of the siege when he was assassinated by the rebels. At the same time his tender disposition did not allow him to order the Sahaabah to wage battle and uproot the rebels. He chose to sacrifice his life o­n the Haqq without entering into any UUCSA coalition and compromise.

On the other hand, this method of Hadhrat Uthmaan (radhiyallahu anhu) cannot be imagined for Hadhrat Umar (radhiyallahu anhu). Had a similar situation developed in his time, it is a forgone conclusion that he would have dealt with the situation in an entirely different method -with an iron fist. In the light of his sternness and methods, Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) informed the Ummah that as long as Umar (radhiyallahu anhu) was alive, the gates of communal fitnah would remain locked.

The salient feature of the Akaabireen with their different methods, temperaments and dispositions was the common factor of proclaiming the Haqq, never compromising with baatil, and never leaving Muslims in the dark or in confusion by means of ambiguity adopted to appease the people of baatil and bid'ah as is so common among the Ulama of this age.

"When people see evil and they do not change it, soon will
Allah overtake them with His punishment." -- (Hadith)


It is perfectly acceptable if any Aalim of the Haqq refuses to be dragged into a controversy or to even initiate o­ne. It is understandable and acceptable if he does not have the disposition to call an evil ignoramus a jaahil. It is also acceptable if his tabiyat (disposition) does not allow him to brand any of the evil ulama as being Ulama-e-Soo'.

It is bigotry and unreasonable to expect a man to change his natural disposition and adopt the tabiyat of another person. But what is unacceptable is his concealment of the Haqq and his adoption of the dubious policy of diplomacy and misconceived 'hikmat' to strengthen the hand of the Ahl-e-Baatil and to leave the community in confusion and ambiguity by his abstention from clarity and the proclamation of the Haqq. He, as an Aalim of Haqq, is required to proclaim the Haqq in his own soft, tender and affable manner. He is not required to scream that the man of baatil is a jaahil and a member of the fraternity of Soo' (Evil) as we do. But we expect every Aalim of the Haqq to at least state the truth, and not present deceptive arguments of so-called 'hikmat' to justify his personal weakness, which serve o­nly to conceal the Deen and support baatil.

There is an imperative need for the presence of some Ulama who can doctor the corrupt minds, the takabbur and the jahaalat of the arrogant modernists. Therefore, those with 'tender' natures should restrict their 'tenderness' and their 'affability' to themselves and not seek to impose their tabiyats on others who handle the people of falsehood and innovation in a different way. Our advice to the Ulama with such 'tender' dispositions and ardent desires for 'hikmat' is to rather expend their energy in the confrontation with baatil. By offering opposition to the Ahl-e-Haqq on account of their different method and approach and by the 'courage' they display in their involvement with the Ahl-ebaatil, they clearly proclaim their stance and make it known to us o­n which side of the fence they are.

While the compromisers and appeasers are vociferous in their opposition to those who 'harshly' and unambiguously proclaim the Haqq, they are most 'tender', quiescent and co-operative with those who are flagrant perpetrators of baatil and bid'ah. By this attitude, they have placed themselves in the category of the diggers of the Deen stated in the following Hadith:

"He who honours a man of bid'ah, verily he aids in the destruction of Islam."


Rasulullah (sallallahu alayhi wasallam) said:

"I take oath by Him in Whose power is my life! You should most certainly
command righteousness and prohibit evil (and if you do not do so) then
soon will Allah send o­n you a punishment from His Side. You will then make dua but it will not be accepted.

wa Assalam..
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#2 [Permalink] Posted on 18th December 2013 06:15
Nevertheless, Unity is desperately needed in Ummah and that is almost impossible unless Ulama forget their differences and stop finding faults in one another.

Differences in opinion isnt bad at all, but slandering and bashing one another and erecting the walls of hatred or grudge among common Muslims is a disgusting- evil- practice. One group of Muslims is calling another group- Kaffir or Mushrik or Bid'ati or Jahil... Why? Because they assume their ulama as 100% truthful who give them this certificate to boast themselves of being on Haq and rest of all on wrong path. They judge the level of Haq and Batil with the scale of fatwas and lectures of their Ulama.

Every sect claims to follow Quran and hadis, now who'll decide- which group of ulama is right and which group of ulama is wrong??
(plz dont take me wrong- I know that my Ulama are on Haq) This fact can't be denied that all ''sects'' are the result of collective efforts of ulama e soo.

The rub is that We want unity at our own terms and conditions.
Why did RasulAllah sallallahu alaihi wasallam would go to people to get them united under the flag of Islam. We need to follow ''ud'oo ila sabeeli Rabbika bil hikmah''

a: Hujjatul Islam Hazrat Molana Qasim Nanotwi rh.a had differences with sir Sayed rh.a but he never used indecent remarks against him and this is why sir sayed rh.a mentioned in his condolence- letter that Hazrat Molana Qasim Nanotwi rh.a followed ''Ahabba lillahi wa abghdha lillahi''.

B: I think Tablighi Jamat has carried out the best and the easiest way to unite this Ummah on Haq.
Hazrat Molana Tariq Jamil in Ra'wind Ijtima said,'' I went to meet Hazrat Molana Saeed Ahmad sb rh.a in Mecca to complain about the irregularities and wrong doings of other Sathis (members of TJ) they're affecting this work. He forbade him and said- ''Dont tell me. I dont want to listen''. He insisted again and again ''Hazrat they're harming this work'' but he repeated the same reply. When he returned Pakistan, he received a letter from him wherein he wrote- ''After a long experience I've come to this conclusion that putting the complaints of Sathis before elders doesn't give any good results rather, it harms the work, however, you can advise them very politely to mend their ways and do dua for them, if they accept your suggestions- it's good, if they dont accept, then keep silent''

c: One person wrote a query in his letter to Hazrat Molana Yusuf rh.a- '' Hazrat why we emphasise on ''amr bil Maruf only and dont emphasise on ''Nah'yi anil munkar''.
Hazrat replied,'' After 25 years of experience I've come to know that when people involve in Dawah activities, eventually, sooner or later they leave all their bida'ah and ill habits, if, initially, they're focussed on it, most of the time, they take negative impression''

I know that how GM and barelvis are slandering us and spreading hatred against us to keep their their people united or snatching our brothers but it doesn't mean that we should also reciprocate in the same way. Hidayat is vested in the power of Allah swt.

Ulama e haq are the pioneers and true torch bearers of Islam. We've to follow the path of Rasulallah sallallahu alaihi wasallam.

We've to unite this ummah with Hikmah.
Anti madhabhist campaign is rampant and it's spreading its wings across the globe. TJ is the only way to compete them and incorporate them into main stream. When salafis/barelvis join TJ their 'hardness and obstinacy' is eliminated and in most of the cases they accept the maslak e Haq.TJ is the only platform where people from all sects and groups come together.

Indeed, Ulama e haq are on the job to spread the massage of Haq among the people.
When Ulama e haq invited the ulama to discuss the issue of terrorism in Darul ulum Deoband, almost all prominent groups of Indian Muslim participated in it and gave the massage of unanimous-consent to the world, is a good sign to eliminate the differences.

All disputed-issues are to be settled amicably pretermiting all narrow-mindedness. So We're to consider all issues in a broader perspective. It doesn't mean that Ulama e haq should conceal the Haq for the sake of unity of this ummah but filthy language for other sects can't be appreciated even it's uttered by ulama e haq.

I dont like to listen salafi alim like Molana Jarjis and his ilk because of filthy language but when my salafis friends ask me the same Q regarding Molana Anzar Shah qasmi, I've no answer.

Experience reveals that when Ulama join TJ their harshness and sense of superiority is subdued and they begin to feel 'pain' for this ummah literally.

Allah swt knows best
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#3 [Permalink] Posted on 18th December 2013 13:58
Arfatzafar wrote:
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" but when my salafis friends ask me the same Q regarding Molana Anzar Shah qasmi, I've no answer"

where did you heard about Anzar shah qasmi?
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