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Woman Drivers in Islam!

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Acacia's avatar
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#46 [Permalink] Posted on 26th October 2013 18:37
Too funny!
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#47 [Permalink] Posted on 26th October 2013 18:42
Acacia wrote:
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Taalibah wrote:
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Bob Marley will turning in his grave :p
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#48 [Permalink] Posted on 26th October 2013 18:43
Hmmmm! Very amusing brother muadh what can I say....I'm speechless...(first time) a modified version of bob Marley really required in relation to bring any benefit to this topic!
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#49 [Permalink] Posted on 26th October 2013 20:07
Taalibah wrote:
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: )

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abu mohammed's avatar
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#50 [Permalink] Posted on 26th October 2013 20:13
I was thinking of merging it with the "Women drivers in Islam" thread.

If sister Taalibah would agree with me, then by all means, please split and merge these posts.

جزاك الله خيرا

My old work mate (Palestinian) would always be singing "No woman, No Cry" really got on my nerves. This one ain't to bad, I think I'll send him a link.
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#51 [Permalink] Posted on 26th October 2013 20:14
Can it be copied there instead of moved? I think it is relevant to the topic at hand.
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#52 [Permalink] Posted on 28th April 2016 16:34
Saudi Arabia is not yet ready to end the world's only ban on women driving cars.

Despite moves towards rights for women under King Abdullah before his death, deputy crown prince Mohammed bin Salman Al Saud has said the Saudi community "is not convinced about women driving."

The 30-year-old prince, who has amassed increasing powers since his father King Salman came to the throne, said the topic was not about Islam but about cultural norms.

"[Women driving] is not a religious issue as much as it is an issue that relates to the community itself that either accepts it or refuses it," he said, according to local media reports.

The defence minister and favourite son of the current king, who is suffering from dementia, has been accused of transforming Saudi policy in the wings since his father came to the throne last January.

The German intelligence agency BND published a memoir which said the prince's concentration of power into his own hands “harbours a latent risk that in seeking to establish himself in the line of succession in his father’s lifetime, he may overreach”.

Prince bin Salman has elsewhere appeared to indicate that he is supportive of increasing women's rights in the Sunni Islam-majority country.

In a previous interview he has said: "We believe women have rights in Islam that they've yet to obtain."

Yet he said most recently that the "community" still thinks allowing women to drive will have negative consequences.

When asked why Saudi Arabia has one of the lowest rates of women in the workforce in the world he said change would "take time".

"[The woman] is not used to working. She needs more time to accustom herself to the idea of work," he told The Economist.

"A large percentage of Saudi women are used to the fact of staying at home. They're not used to being working women.

"It just takes time."

He also said women working would help the country be more productive and deal with population growth issues.

Women in Saudi Arabia cannot open a bank account without her husband's permission or leave the home without a male guardian known as a "mahram".

The Shoura Council in the country, the king's advisory body, recently ruled that female television presenters should not "show off their beauty", while a young woman who was raped while out by herself received more lashes in punishment than one of her attackers.

During his lifetime, previous monarch King Abdullah opened the first coeducational university, named the first female deputy minister and said women can vote and run in municipal polls, depite strong opposition from religious clerics.
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#53 [Permalink] Posted on 1st May 2016 06:33
Our Darul Ifta only permits women to drive in cases of extreme emergencies where thieves have entered a house and the woman is able to escape by driving away with the vehicle or in a case of hijacking or a patient is extremely ill and requires immediate medical treatment and there aren’t any males available to transport the patient to the hospital.

Dropping the children off at school is not a valid excuse for women to be driving a motor vehicle. There are alternate options that may be adopted. In many areas there are reliable individuals that offer transport for school and Madrasah going kids at a fee. If the husband is at work the services of such people may be used.

The other option would be to form a lift club with parents of other school going kids in the area and the males may then take turns to transport the kids to school. This would perhaps lessen the burden of the parents to a great extent as the responsibility is being shared by various individuals.

The husband should also provide or purchase the day to day items required at home so that the womenfolk do not have to drive to the stores whilst the husbands are away.

Nowadays, with many malls and chain stores offering extended trading hours such purchases may be made even after hours of employment when returning home. By doing so, the woman is not required to leave the house.

Answered By: Mufti Mohammed Desai

Checked and Approved By: Mufti Muhammed Saeed Motara Saheb D.B.
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MUSLIMAH_119's avatar
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#54 [Permalink] Posted on 1st May 2016 17:04
Easier said than done, I feel safer driving and AlhamduLillah I have been driving for nearly 7 years and have NEVER spoken with a nother man. I am a revert with 4 children.and I am pregnant....I have 3 daughters and a baby son my husband works full time and I even drop him off to work. I drive the kids to school and I go to hospital appointments. Allaah is the better judge in all matters and it is dependant on the sister driving. I am a fully covered sister who doesn't drive for attention but out of necessity. I have no family or help from anywhere. If I thought as a mother allowing some other parent to pick up and drop off my daughters would be okay ....would I do it NO!

I have been spat at, sworn at and I will not put my children in intentional harms way when they are all aged under 7.

My daughters all wear jubbah and hijaab at all times and I do not feel it safe to wander around with them in these certain times where islamophobia is rife. As for getting a taxi to maddrassa or whatever I would have to interact with a non mahram everyday and so would my daughters and that is not a option for me as I pay for the children's expenses and are there parents willing to drive my children around back and forth....I don't think so....wake up. In a ideal world maybe but my children are my responsibility not somebody else's.....
I do home shopping as well and Internet shopping...I never go to shops in town or anywhere unless I'm with my I am trying inshaaAllaah

Please anybody judge away but Allaah knows I utilise my car for the purpose it is for....and not for Un necessary journeys.

I'm going umrah in 2 weeks inshaaAllaah with my husband children duas requested

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#55 [Permalink] Posted on 1st May 2016 17:32
MUSLIMAH_119 wrote:
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There are always exceptions to the rule and your case might be one of them, but generally speaking, it's our Imaani weakness that makes us object to rulings of scholars.
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#56 [Permalink] Posted on 1st May 2016 19:46
I think the issue amongst Deobandi Ulama is pretty clear cut with little or no room for manoeuvre.

Women Driving
Submitted by admin on Tue, 2012-09-18 07:45
Q: Is it permissible for a woman to drive a car? If yes please provide proof!!! I must make mention that on all your previous answers to me no proof was supplied from Qur’an or Hadith or from the Kitaabs of our Pious Ulema of the past or from the Kitaabs of the Imaams and this I find highly disturbing!!!

A: Our Ulama have discouraged women from driving. Refer to Fataawaa Raheemiyyah.

لا تركب مسلمة على سرج الحديث هذا لو للتلهي ولو لحاجة غزو أو حج أو مقصد ديني أو دنيوي لا بد لها منه فلا بأس به

قال الشامي في رد المحتار: قوله ( للحديث ) وهو لعن الله الفروج على السروج ذخيرة لكن نقل المدني عن أبي الطيب أنه لا أصل له اه يعني بهذا اللفظ وإلا فمعناه ثابت ففي البخاري وغيره لعن رسول الله المتشبهين من الرجال بالنساء والمتشبهات من النساءه بالرجال وللطبراني أن مرأة مرت على رسول الله متقلدة قوسا فقال لعن الله المتشبهات من النساء بالرجال والمتشبهين من الرجال بالنساء قوله ( ولو لحاجة غزو إلخ ) أي بشرط أن تكون متسترة وأن تكون مع زوج أو محرم قوله ( أو مقصد ديني ) كسفر لصلة رحم ط (رد المحتار 6/423)

وإذا أضاف الطلاق إلى جملتها أو إلى ما يعبر به عن الجملة وقع الطلاق لأنه أضيف إلى محله وذلك مثل أن يقول أنت طالق لأن التاء ضمير المرأة أو يقول رقبتك طالق أو عنقك طالق أو رأسك طالق أو روحك أو بدنك أو جسدك أو فرجك أو وجهك لأنه يعبر بها عن جميع البدن أما الجسد والبدن فظاهر وكذا غيرهما قال الله تعالى
فتحرير رقبة
فظلت أعناقهم لها خاضعين
وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام لعن الله الفروج على السروج ويقال فلان رأس القوم ويا وجه العرب وهلك روحه بمعنى نفسه ومن هذا القبيل الدم في رواية يقال دمه هدر ومنه النفس وهو ظاهر وكذلك إن طلق جزءا شائعا منها مثل أن يقول نصفك أو ثلثك طالق لأن الجزء الشائع محل لسائر التصرفات كالبيع وغيره فكذا يكون محلا للطلاق إلا أنه لا يتجزأ في حق الطلاق فيثبت في الكل ضرورة.

قال الحافظ في الدراية: حديث لعن الله الفروج على السروج لم أجده والمصنف استدل به على الفرج من الأعضاء التي يعبر بها عن جملة الشخص كالوجه والذي وجدناه من حديث ابن عباس رفعه نهى ذوات الفروج أن يركبن السروج أخرجه ابن عدي بإسناد ضعيف. (الهداية 2/361)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)

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#57 [Permalink] Posted on 5th May 2016 14:48
Sleepyhead wrote:
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The first paragraph....
Our Darul Ifta only permits women to drive in cases of extreme emergencies where thieves have entered a house and the woman is able to escape by driving away with the vehicle or in a case of hijacking or a patient is extremely ill and requires immediate medical treatment and there aren’t any males available to transport the patient to the hospital.
This means that the the ladies would have to apply for a licence, take lessons, spend a fortune learning and then pass the test!

So conflicting. If they are not permitted, they are taking a gamble of getting a licence that they may never use. Then they would need car insurance just in case they are needed to drive, another gamble.

The answer has not been well thought out in my opinion. Then again, I'm a layperson.
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#58 [Permalink] Posted on 5th May 2016 14:50
Sleepyhead wrote:
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This answer is for Horse riding

Q: Is it permissible for a woman to ride a horse?

A: Presently, there is no need for women to ride horses. Further, in this day and age it is difficult for a woman to ride without displaying her beauty and or revealing the shape of her body. Moreover, the training that is done is done by instructors who emphasise that the rider should be elegant whilst mounted. All these aspects are against modesty, bashfulness and shame. Definitely, it is a means of Shaytan inciting men towards them. Hence, women should totally refrain from such activities that will draw them towards such haraam and immoral behaviour.

لا تركب مسلمة على سرج الحديث هذا لو للتلهي ولو لحاجة غزو أو حج أو مقصد ديني أو دنيوي لا بد لها منه فلا بأس به

قال الشامي في رد المحتار: قوله ( للحديث ) وهو لعن الله الفروج على السروج ذخيرة لكن نقل المدني عن أبي الطيب أنه لا أصل له اه يعني بهذا اللفظ وإلا فمعناه ثابت ففي البخاري وغيره لعن رسول الله المتشبهين من الرجال بالنساء والمتشبهات من النساءه بالرجال وللطبراني أن مرأة مرت على رسول الله متقلدة قوسا فقال لعن الله المتشبهات من النساء بالرجال والمتشبهين من الرجال بالنساء قوله ( ولو لحاجة غزو إلخ ) أي بشرط أن تكون متسترة وأن تكون مع زوج أو محرم قوله ( أو مقصد ديني ) كسفر لصلة رحم ط (رد المحتار 6/423)

وإذا أضاف الطلاق إلى جملتها أو إلى ما يعبر به عن الجملة وقع الطلاق لأنه أضيف إلى محله وذلك مثل أن يقول أنت طالق لأن التاء ضمير المرأة أو يقول رقبتك طالق أو عنقك طالق أو رأسك طالق أو روحك أو بدنك أو جسدك أو فرجك أو وجهك لأنه يعبر بها عن جميع البدن أما الجسد والبدن فظاهر وكذا غيرهما قال الله تعالى
فتحرير رقبة
فظلت أعناقهم لها خاضعين
وقال عليه الصلاة والسلام لعن الله الفروج على السروج ويقال فلان رأس القوم ويا وجه العرب وهلك روحه بمعنى نفسه ومن هذا القبيل الدم في رواية يقال دمه هدر ومنه النفس وهو ظاهر وكذلك إن طلق جزءا شائعا منها مثل أن يقول نصفك أو ثلثك طالق لأن الجزء الشائع محل لسائر التصرفات كالبيع وغيره فكذا يكون محلا للطلاق إلا أنه لا يتجزأ في حق الطلاق فيثبت في الكل ضرورة.

قال الحافظ في الدراية: حديث لعن الله الفروج على السروج لم أجده والمصنف استدل به على الفرج من الأعضاء التي يعبر بها عن جملة الشخص كالوجه والذي وجدناه من حديث ابن عباس رفعه نهى ذوات الفروج أن يركبن السروج أخرجه ابن عدي بإسناد ضعيف. (الهداية 2/361)

Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
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#59 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2016 12:27
abu mohammed wrote:
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The consensus as per the numerous fatwas posted previously and now on this thread is that it is not permissible. This is the gist of this thread. Any other insinuations about what you think as a layman about a fatwa are irrelevant.
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#60 [Permalink] Posted on 6th May 2016 12:40
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