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#16 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 09:50
bint e aisha wrote:
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They haven't. It's simply this issue.

I have repeatedly asked people in many religious circles this question that we have so many of these ulema and mashaikh talking a big game about Jihad, etc. And yet why don't these "elders" just get up and start a military movement themselves? Why don't they just ignore the common people, the common people aren't gonna listen to them anyways, and instead go on a Jihadi mission by themselves, only these "pious" ulema and mashaikh? No one can satisfactorily answer this question because the truth is too horrible to think about.

Despite all that is being said and done, no one is ready for that kind of a mission. Ready spiritually, I mean. The level of iman and tawakkal needed for Jihad is not child's play. This is why I scoff at the idea of Mahdi appearing in these times. We don't even have 13 people who could seriously pledge their lives to Jihad right now, forget the 313.
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#17 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 10:04
bint e aisha wrote:
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Sufis are not one uniform/homogeneous group.
Syed Ahmad shaheed, Shah Ismail shaheed,Imam Shamil and Mullah Umar were all sufis.
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#18 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 11:14
fod1083 wrote:
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What about a large number of muslimeen sacrificing their lives in Afghanistan? Are they not Muslims?
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#19 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 11:32
fod1083 wrote:
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This is why I scoff at the idea of Mahdi appearing in these times.

And on the other hand Tablighi elders have been going to Hajj every year with the intention of finding Sayyidina Mahdi because they believe that his arrival is very near.
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#20 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 11:32
fod1083 wrote:
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The common people always follow the lead of their Ulama and Mashaikh. How can you expect people to love jihad when our Ulama issue fatawa against it?

Secondly we might not find 13 in Pakistan or in other countries but there are certainly more than 13 in Afghanistan.
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#21 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 14:01
fod1083 wrote:
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This is why I scoff at the idea of Mahdi appearing in these times

The leader appears first to reform the nation, and the nation gathers around him to be reformed. Every prophet when they came were alone, then their followers multiplied into Ummah.

Karl Marx may be the only one who thought of ‘class struggle’ to begin with, but later a big super power claimed to be following his ideals...

When Mahdi comes, people will gather around him like honey bees and lovingly follow him; those who don't would be made to follow :)
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#22 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 14:08
There are three main problems of Muslims as an ummah today.

1. Lack of righteous leadership (Sayyidina Mahdi will solve it definitely)

2. Ritualism in the institutions of deen and dunya

3. Politics of hypocrisy

The third problem is related to the second. When and if the second one is solved then the third one will be sorted out automatically. However, because of it's importance I have separately mentioned it.


As brother Alif and Fod have rightly indicated that we have made this deen a ritual. No matter in which field or khidmat of deen or dunia we are involved in, we have ritualized the actions and lost the essence.

The reason behind is that our words and our actions have not penetrated our hearts. And this is because of excessive sins which have clouded our hearts and made them harder than stones. The reason we are engrossed in sins is because of the high level of fitna in the environment we live in.

I give my own example. Whenever, I am watching youtube then even though I am watching a bayan or anything which is not haram, still I feel it very difficult to go to Masjid and offer prayers with jamaat and leave youtube. Despite of the fact, that I do regular dhikr, recite Quran etc. There are many benefits of internet but it is harmful too for our spiritual well being. Even Muftisays is too addictive that it's difficult to leave it. Maulana Yasin and the members here have done a well done job of making it attractive.

All those who know the basics of deen and have a keen observation of the condition of our society, believe this that early marriages are a necessity , especially in these times of fitnah. However, the way of life we as a whole have become used to demands us to gather as much as we can before settling down. Living a simple life has become too difficult for us because of the culture we live in.

We may avoid music in our homes and vehicles. However, what can we do when music is played in market places, workplaces and education institutions. So much so that even masajid are not safe from mobile phones and their rings.

These are just some examples to make a point here.

Whether we like it or not, the secular global prison is affecting us in a negative way. The level of damage depends on the level of resistance. The more we resist and distance ourslves from this "civlized world" the more safe we are from it's fitnahs.

Reminds me of a hadith

Abu Sa’eed al-Khudri (may Allaah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Soon there will come a time when the best wealth a Muslim will have will be sheep which he will take to the mountaintops and places where rain falls, fleeing for the sake of his religious commitment from tribulation.”

The explanation of this hadith is as follows.

The hadeeth indicates that it is preferable to isolate oneself from people and not mix with them in cases where a Muslim fears for his religious commitment because of widespread tribulation, where if he mixes with people he cannot be sure that his religious commitment will be safe and that he will not apostatize or deviate from the truth, or fall into shirk or abandon the basic principles and pillars of Islam, and so on.


The level of our isolation from this secular society to preserve our iman depends upon the level of our commitment to bear physical, mental and emotional hardships. The further we move away, the safer we are but the more difficult our circumstances will become.

When I see some Mashaikh indulging in grave sins, then I do not completely blame them. The level of fitnah is too high to resist even for the most pious. (I am not justifying them. Just indicating that the fitnah is very dense and big and the situation will further worsen as the time passes)

This is why, I believe with the depths of my heart that the lands of jihad are the safest and purest lands because those are away from the modern "civilized" world and it's fitnahs.

Here, I must clarify one thing. There are two types of technologies.

Technology to brainwash mankind which is evil. (Evil people are controlling it and we have no other choice but to resist it). Since we can't take it's control, it is best to avoid it. The places which are safe from this kind of technology are probably the mountains.

Technology which is used to fight, repair and gain health. We must learn it and utilize it to our full advantage provided that we are willing to migrate to the lands of jihad. (Doctors, Engineers, Scientists must all be ready to migrate as soon as they are able to do so.)

This is for the first category of Muslimeen whom I would term as the Activists.

I consider the section of Tablighi Jamaat engaged in paidal jamaats as a group which is in transitionary phase from the lands of rebellion (Secular World) to the lands of submission (Lands of Jihad). However, they must be able to differentiate between true mujahideen today and fake mujahideen. Neither do they must declare everyone as Khuwarij nor do they must trust everyone. For this they must ask Allah for constant hidayah with sincerity. Also, they must seek men of knowledge who know the ground realities as well and who know about the real and fake mujahideen.

Only one thing puzzles me that there are no paidal jamaats of mastoorat. How will even pious mastoorat and little children bear the hardship of difficult journeys heading to the mountains. Male Tablighis have a chance but what about their families? This is a riddle which I haven't been able to solve yet. Although, one thing comes to my mind that currently who ever will be living away from cities and will be used to hardships will later on be more successful in migrating to the mountains.

Reminds me of another hadith.

Narrated by Sayyidina Imran bin Saleem Kalai. He said that it is better for a woman to walk or run in her home...(Even better than things of usage in homes and shoes) The fat women will be in great difficulty and glad tidings to the poor women. Make your women wear shoes with sole and train them to walk swiftly because the time is near when these women will need to walk. (Kitab ul Fitan by Imam Hammaad)

Explanation: In this narration the moral lesson is that Muslim women should not be easy going and lazy. They should wear shoes with soles and must make walking in their homes a habit so that they remain smart and active. There can be times when Muslim women will have to walk towards the mountains in order to protect and preserve their iman and honour. (It is natural that Mulsim men and women will be tested for their iman). This has already happened in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Kashmir. Along with practicing on this hadith, you should also consider what has been previously discussed about Dajjal and his fitnah and must act upon the precautions. Also must educate your families about this great fitnah and make them prepare for the upcoming events.

Maulana Asim Umar (Teesri Jang e Azeem aur Dajjal ) Third World War and Dajjal

The second type of Muslimeen are those who are weak and can't migrate. I will call them Isolationists who are not similar to the Activists iman wise. Even if they don't have power to migrate to the lands of jihad, they still have power to migrate to villages and less developed areas. Slowly but steadily, those Muslims must try to adopt simple lifestyle as much and as soon as possible.

Reminds me of another hadith,

...We said: Allah's apostle (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) how quickly will he walk upon the earth?

Thereupon he (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) said: Like cloud driven by the wind. He will come to the people and invite them (to a wrong religion); they will affirm their faith in him and respond to him. He will then give a command to the sky: there will be rainfall upon the Earth and it will grow crops. Then in the evening, their pasturing animals will come to them with their humps very high, their udders full of milk and their flanks distended. He will then come to another people and invite them. But they will reject him so he will go away from them; they will have a drought and nothing will be left with them in the form of wealth...

Hadith - Muslim #7015, Narrated An-Nawwas ibn Sam'an


From this hadith, we can safely concur that not every momin will be able to migrate to the mountains. This is why Dajjal will confront some of the momineen too. Those who will reject him will face every kind of hardships. It is my assumption that these people who will reject Dajjal will be the ones living away from cities, and here the elders of deen , sincere Mashaikh, sicnere ulema and sincere tablighis will be doing the work of deen in that area and because of this the level of iman of these momineen will be high enough to resist Dajjal and the temptations of their own carnal desires. (Their nafs will be under control) However, they will be very few in number.


In order to gain ikhlas we need to migrate and leave the environment of sins. With ikhlas our words and deeds will penetrate our hearts which will help us realise the essence of works of deen we are engaged in. Which will eventually make it possible for us to preserve our iman and increase the quality of our khidmah.

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#23 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 14:20
bint e aisha wrote:
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The numbers were a deliberate exaggeration to make a point. The point being that any efforts towards a military solution that are being made right now are pretty localized and likely to remain so for decades. We don't have much in terms of helping out the Ummah on a global scale, especially with the entire Arab world asleep. Efforts in Afghanistan are just that, localized efforts that may bear fruit for the region but I don't see it going anywhere beyond that.

There are plenty of ulema who speak in favor of Jihad. Do you have any idea what the common people think of such ulema? The problem isn't that there are a few who are speaking against Jihad, the problem lies once again in only one thing and one thing alone: wahn in the hearts.

Have you ever been to Madinah? Ever seen the people over there coming to blows over the opportunity to pray 2 rakats at Riyadh-ul-Jannah? Especially people from the subcontinent? When the people start fighting for their place in the battlefields in a similar fashion, then we'll know that the Ummah is ready for Mahdi. I don't believe that the Mahdi will come and assemble the Ummah for Jihad I believe, he will emerge from amongst a group of people that is already spiritually in such a place. And that day, IMO is decades and decades away.
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#24 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 14:49
fod1083 wrote:
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And that day, IMO is decades and decades away.

Were our elders wrong then to visit Makkah on Hajj each year waiting for his appearance?
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#25 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 14:54
sipraomer wrote:
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I was with the Late Tablighi Ameer, Hazrat Inaamul Hassan in Hajj in the 90's (not part of their group though). Back then this was also the talk of the day 20+ years later.....

So if he was born and alive and probably in his youth by then, then that would've made him around or well over 40 years old already :(

Speculation and dreams of Ulama is not something we must standby. We can take guidelines from them but that doesn't make it a reality.

There is a topic on dreams of the Ulama and how we should treat them. A good read inshaAllah.

Will try and link the talk here

Update: Link added
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#26 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 15:57
sipraomer wrote:
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I can't decide whether they were wrong or right, I just know that they are humans just like the rest of us, and like the rest of us, they too were just wishing for it to happen sooner rather than later. But if I am not wrong they have been hoping for the Mahdi's arrival since back in the 80s and he still isn't here so I think that should tell you about how accurate their "guess" or wishful thinking was.
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#27 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 17:01
abu mohammed wrote:
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Let me ask you one thing brother.

Suppose Sayyidina Mahdi comes hundred years later. Or even 1000 or 10,000 years later.

However, because of our speculation that he may appear in the next decade, if we become more pro active, and start taking things seriously and start acting upon the teachings of deen and start avoiding the fitnah today (you may argue that these are not Dajjali fitnahs but still you must agree that these are fitnahs). Then is it a bad thing that we take things seriously and start preparing for the upcoming events?

Sahaba RA were living 1400 years earlier and would tremble with fear when they would hear about Dajjal, wondering him to be hidden behind the trees. And we are living 1400 years later and are content and believe that he is probably 1000 years away so just chill. What's wrong with us?

Hadith - Muslim #7015, Narrated An-Nawwas ibn Sam'an
Allah's Apostle (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) mentioned of the Dajjal one day in the morning. He sometimes described him as insignificant and sometimes described (his turmoil) as very significant (and we felt) as if he were in the cluster of the date-palm trees. When we went to him (to the Holy Prophet) in the evening and he read (the signs of fear) on our faces, he said:
We said: Allah's Apostle (صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم) you mentioned the Dajjal this morning (sometimes describing him) as insignificant and sometimes very important, until we began to think he was present in some (nearly) part of the cluster of the date-palm trees. Source
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#28 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 17:05
fod1083 wrote:
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No Sir, I wouldn't call it a guess or wishful thinking. I would call it their fiqr that the ummah is in dire need of a leader and we must get prepared which we have to anyway whether he arrives in our lifetime or not. Bhai Sahab! Death is an inevitable and unavoidable reality. We have to prepare for it before we die. We have to avoid the environment of sins whether the leader arrives or not. We may have to migrate to villages or mountains if things continue this way. All of these things are realities. We can't deny them. We can't avoid them. So it's better to be prepared even if our guess is wrong rather than to remain aloof and hopeless and wait for Satan to swallow us.
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#29 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 17:06
Let me ask you one thing brother.

Suppose Sayyidina Mahdi comes hundred years later. Or even 1000 or 10,000 years later.

We should prepare oursleves no doubt about it. But what we are doing is spreading rumors that he "is" born etc etc. We have no knowledge of this for certain. That's all.

Otherwise, I would also look for his signs when in Hajj :)
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#30 [Permalink] Posted on 18th September 2019 17:07
Have I done something illegal that my posts are not being allowed to be posted and need authorizor's permission?
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