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abuzayd2k, bint e aisha, Abdur Rahman ibn Awf, sipraomer, tanveerzakee, sharjan8643
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#766 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2019 18:08
ALIF wrote:
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Well if one looks globally over the last century. Especially in countries where communists came to power.

They implemented a communist curriculum. From primary school level to university.

Furthermore Staff in the civil service, police army and all the apparatus of the state. Where programmed and trained in communist ideology.

Within a couple of generations even in muslim countries when communists came to power...From Albania to Uzbekistan. Communism had became embeded into the hearts and minds of the public.

The point I am trying to make is that its not rocket science. If you want to preserve and revive the deen in a muslim country. Then as an Islamic political party you should lobby for a strong islamic ethos to be made part of the curriculum in schools universitys and beyond. So that future generations grow up with the manners, behaviour, integrity, and honesty, leadership and organisational skills of our pious predecessors.

Sort of odd that none have pursued this but have become part of the corruption chaos and status quo that already exists.

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#767 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2019 18:09
KPK's government agenda to remove Mutliah Quran Subject from the curriculum.

On 17 October 2019 the Directorate of Curriculum and Teacher Education, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Abbottabad has issued a notification that in 2020 Board exams there will be no "Mutaliah Quran" paper and this subject will also be removed from the curriculum.

Now first they initiated a step to pose themselves as Islam lovers and now they reversed their own decision. What will happen next? What does Madrassah reforms mean? What do they want to achieve? What are their "real" motives? Can they be trusted that they want to improve madrassah education? Or else they want to modify and change something in madaris which goes against their agenda?
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#768 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2019 18:23
The ill disciplined, unfocused, uneducated "mob" of JUI initiated a long march in which there was no damage to civilian or state property. There was no disturbance in the traffic. No one was hurt. The dharna (right or wrong) was peaceful throughout and ended peacefully.

Compare it to the dharna of focused, educated and "civilized" PTI supporters and workers. You know what they did with media, police and the day to day affairs of general population.
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#769 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2019 18:54
sipraomer wrote:
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The PTI dharna was supported by a Liberal and secular media. Many of whom get funding from the west to promote inmorality. It was designed for the youth of the educated classes to have a party.

All the above "secularists,liberals, feminists etc are beneficiaries of the JUI dharna. They can now bring harsh and restrictive policies against the religious eatablishment. The people who have facilitated this are none other then the JUI.

Looking at the comments the public outcry and hostile rhetoric against this dharna. Has been accompanied and seasoned and spiced with the most disgusting profanity. Against so called "backward Molvis" "Jahil Molvis" calls for shutting down of madrassahs, secularisation of Pakistan.

So in a nutshell Maulana Fazlur Rahman has helped the Secularists and liberal forces. Achieve more in terms of winning people in to their way of thinking in 2 weeks. This would have taken them atleast a decade or so otherwise.

Making ridiculous comments of Wiki of Wikileaks fame being a Zionist has not helped. It has opened them even more so to mockery and reinforced the fact molvis are jahil and backward. Who should be kept away from the centres of influence.The Liberal secularists in the media have had a field day.

The greatest tragedy is the JUI seem blissfully unaware as to the damage they have done to the deen. Or how much they have emboldened the anti-Islamic forces.

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#770 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2019 19:16
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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Those are very valid comments indeed. JUI miserably failed to work in young generation. Honestly, even those young people who felt attachment to JUI due to family background or book reading were subjected to the ‘stories of akabir’ only, a few ‘myths’ and loads of hero worship.

The student wing of Jamat e Islami was much more active, much more enlightened and more aware of the problems of Ummah. In fact one could feel a genuine ache in their hearts for Islam and Muslims, but then, most of them were not strictly ‘Muttaqi’ in their appearances. It was a puzzle indeed. When one looked at their general character, their honesty and sincerity, their academic knowledge and their overall behaviour, one would be more attracted towards them rather than the ‘classical’ deobandis but at the same time one could feel a particular kind of arrogance, and mostly, they would talk about some big figures of the past, as if people would talk about ‘buddies’......

All in all, other than ‘tablighi’ people, both of them would fail to create ‘lasting’ effects on mind.

The communists and even nationalists were very organised in their study circles and indoctrination.

I have come to the conclusion that JUI has become limited only to Madrasa and even Jamate Islami has lost its past glory, the communists have died their natural death and nationalism is mostly out of fashion. Now it is either ‘secular’ and ‘liberal’ block focused on blind materialism OR a selected group of those who believe in, and practice, according to the spiritual values shown by the prophets (peace and blessings be upon them).

But then, the real battle has ‘always’ been between those two groups, the followers of ‘Taghoot’ and the followers of the ‘prophets’.

The ‘struggle’ continues....
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#771 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2019 19:56
Pakistan anti-government protesters call of Islamabad sit-in

Protest leader Rehman tells supporters to launch 'Plan B', threatening to block several main highways across country.

Thousands of anti-government protesters in Pakistan have called off a two-week sit-in on capital Islamabad's main highway, but began what they called "Plan B" aimed at crippling the country's roads and toppling Prime Minister Imran Khan.

Protest leader Fazl-ur-Rehman, chief of the conservative Jamiat Ulema Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) party, told his supporters on Wednesday to return to their home states to begin the "next phase" of the "ongoing movement", which he said would continue until the government resigns and fresh elections are held.

Demonstrators set off the march from the southern city of Karachi on October 27 and arrived in Islamabad on October 31, where they had been holding a sit-in for almost two weeks.

"Our strength is converged here, and our associates are out on the roads. They need your help and assistance," Rehman told the crowd from the top of an articulated truck that has served as a stage for nightly addresses to protesters.

"Your presence here has cut the roots of the government. In the next phase, we will demolish this trunk."

He threatened to block several main highways, which could disconnect major cities from the rest of the country.

Earlier on Wednesday, JUI-F workers, holding party flags, blocked the western Quetta-Chaman highway linking the country with Afghanistan, resulting in a long queue of trucks laden with goods, footage aired by private news channels showed.

"The roads are already blocked with our workers but we are going to sit with them," said Qutb-ud-Din, one of the many party supporters dismantling the makeshift tent camp in Islamabad. "We are going to begin Plan B."

Some 150 demonstrators also reportedly blocked a highway in the southern Sindh province.

'Tougher than plan A'
The protests have been fuelled by a deepening economic crisis, with the opposition condemning Khan's Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) party-led government of mismanagement.

The protesters are mainly from the JUI-F party, and a large number of teachers and students from the party's extensive network of religious schools across the country.

The main opposition parties, Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) and Pakistan People's Party (PPP), have backed the protests, but their participation in the actual demonstration has been limited.

Rehman has accused the prime minister of taking power last year with the help of the military, which has ruled Pakistan for roughly half its history.

Khan and the military have denied the accusations, which have swirled since the July 2018 election.

But Rehman, a longtime rival of Khan, brought his supporters to Islamabad and gave the prime minister 48 hours to step down.

The cricketer-turned-politician Khan maintains he will not bow to the pressure and resign.

Some supporters at the Islamabad protest said that if the "Plan B" does not work, they will return.

"Our Plan B is going to be tougher than Plan A," 29-year-old Shehryar Fahim told AFP news agency, adding that if needed, they would protest at Khan's private residence in Bani Gala, a suburb of Islamabad.
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Abdur Rahman ibn Awf's avatar
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#772 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2019 20:35
Rajab wrote:
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Plan B seems even more ill advised then plan A...With the general public bearing the brunt of it. Lack of goods in markets, lack of medicines, lack of access to hospitals.

La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illah Billah.

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#773 [Permalink] Posted on 13th November 2019 22:35
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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The apathy of JUI F and madaris over-all in Lal Masjid episode (2007) will haunt them now.
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#774 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 00:50
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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There is a hadith. I can't find it. I have to dig deeper in my notes.

(Paraphrasing) "People will fall in one fitnah. When it will be over for a brief moment then people will think that now the fitnah is over. However there will come upon them another fitnah".

Meaning that before the end of times, one fitnah will not sieze to exist and another fitnah will occur.

May Allah make all the momineen steadfast in their deen and protect us all from all hardships.
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#775 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 05:20
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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Plan B is only ‘face saving’...

It is ‘retreat’ !

Nothing concrete will come out of it. It will fizzle out...

Imran khan has emerged evermore stronger. PMLN and the health of Nawaz Sharif can cause him troubles, but not the religious parties and their slogans.

Muad khan is right. This seems to be the end of deobandi politics. They may remain confined to Madrasa, teaching and learning etc. Their political role looks like to be over !

It is strange that India started as a secular country and ended up being religious extremist. Pakistan started as a religious orthodoxy (at least on papers) and is fast becoming liberal/secular.....
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#776 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 05:50
Abdur Rahman ibn Awf wrote:
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This will only be done by ideological Muslims. Well, all things happen according to Allah's plan. However, I believe that Dr.Israr Ahmed Rh was the right person with great capabilities and charisma that he could initiate such a movement if he chose a more diplomatic route.

1. He should have done social welfare to win the hearts of common man. After observing Mahathir Muhammad, Erdagon, Muslim Brotherhood, Eidhi and even IK, we can safely conclude that people love and trust those who give material benefit to them. Especially two sectors are very important to people. Health and Education. If any organization or government makes these two necessaries cheaper and affordable for the public then the public will die for such a government and such an organization. To make people trust you and believe in you that if you come to power, you will use the resources of the nation wisely, to build and develop it, you have to show a sample on a smaller scale first.

The Past Strategy

2. He should have used Milad Gatherings to enlighten the awaam about a true Islamic Awami Revolution. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) is the only personality for which all the Muslimeen, whether they are Barelvi, Deobandi, Salafi etc can lay down their lives. Khatam e Nabuwat protests are testament to this fact. When it comes to Khatam e Nabuwat, all are united and all forget their sectarian differences even if it is for a brief moment. This gathering is the golden opportunity to educate them about the true purpose of Prophet Muhammad's arrival. (s.a.w.)

The Current Scenario

3. If he were alive today, I would have suggested or requested him to use internet to spread his dawah and physically , his organization should have spent time to teach people to read and write English, Urdu and Arabic and along with that basic arithmetic. Today it is wiser to adopt a secular and neutral outlook to avoid suspicion while focusing on basic literacy of the awaam physically while making content about Fundamental Islam available on the internet so that, people may choose to study that type of content on their own accord. Everyone has access to internet. The Dai's must focus all their energies to produce high quality virtual content on Fundamental Islam while refuting Secularism thoroughly in such huge quantities that a literate generation can never miss their content and message while browsing the internet and social media. They must focus on written word as well as videos. Videos are a more powerful medium because great revolutions have been initiated by spoken words instead of written words. Propaganda has largely been oral and visual instead of in written form. So written words are for academics while oral and visual content is largely for the lay persons.

Dr.Israr Ahmed Rh was not an ordinary person. He had a very logical and brilliant mind. It is a fact which no unbiased person will deny. By the looks of his face and the tone of his voice, I can also sense that he was very very sincere with his cause. Despite of some differences with the solutions he suggested, I highly respect, admire and love that great man. May Allah grant him Jannat ul Firdous.
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#777 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 05:51
My brother here says:

“No one was hurt”

Take this veil of asbiyat off from your eyes and then look again. And tell me no one was hurt.

Wouldn’t Maulana Tariq Jamil’s heart have been hurt, hearing this shameless gang of runaway molvis calling him filthy names! When he didn’t even do anything.

Then people are angry why you call a known corrupt person as Diesel.
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#778 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 05:52
ALIF wrote:
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This seems to be the end of deobandi politics. They may remain confined to Madrasa, teaching and learning etc. Their political role looks like to be over !

I believe that would be good. Ulema should avoid Jamhoori politics. This is disastrous to deen and dunia of Muslimeen.
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#779 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 05:56
As-Saif wrote:
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Maulana Tariq Jameel HA is a very strong saint and can with hold a lot more than that. He has been heavily criticized and scolded by other ulema in the past. He had had some differences even with Tj Shura in recent past. So he will get reward for his patience. May Allah preserve him and may Allah make him correct his mistakes and may Allah forgive him too.

Yes those who abused him are wrong. They shouldn't have gone to those extremes. When I said no one was hurt, I meant physically.

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Maripat's avatar
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#780 [Permalink] Posted on 14th November 2019 11:52
Brothers are discussing very interesting and relevant aspects of the issues related to JUI strategy.

Unfortunately I am finding very difficult to focus on this matter.

The cause is the recent meltdown on public milieu in the after math of the Supreme Court decision on Babri Masjid.

A woman on TV was asking very obnoxious and ruthless questions to a Maulana and she was doing so incessantly.

A very active young faculty member simply went off the Facebook.

Another very vocal member of our faculty was organizing a seminar on education while normally he does not allow political matters easily.

Old students of a senior faculty member from engineering college were writing abusive comments on his wall.

Young students who were very active and energetic went off the social media.

Muslims in general have gone silent in the wake of this decision.
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