It is very sad and unfortunate that many people have misinterpreted and misunderstood the Shari' method and value of Waseela. The Dangers of getting it wrong will be catastrophic!
My aim here is to keep it very simple and differentiate between that which is Halal and that which is Shirk and I pray to Allah that He gives us the ability to see the difference and protect our Iman.
It's not something new, instead it's very old, older than Islam and when done incorrectly, it becomes a Pagan act.
Islam came to wipe out Paganism, it came to wipe out Polythiesm, i.e. Shirk, associating partners with Allah. Islam came with Tawheed, The first Pillar of Islam!
Lets read through the following narrations and be inspired.
Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah ibn Mas’ud (radiyallahu’anhu) said:
Sexual Desires in Islam
I am a young married girl of twenty-one,my desires rule over me and leave me restless, confused, frustrated and resentful, tell me o honorable sir how to get rid of evil desires in islam ?
Praise be to Allaah.
Sexual desire is something that has been created in man and it cannot be got rid of. Getting rid of it is not something that is required of the Muslim; rather what is required of him is to refrain from using it in haraam ways, and to use it in the ways that Allaah has permitted.
The problem of desire in a young woman may be solved by taking two steps.
THIS IS A REAL LIFE INCIDENT (some wording has been changed as to not give away the location of the person)
I take the metro train everyday and a girl would get on in the same carriage, day in day out and we would both get off at the same station where I change trains and she goes out to the subway. God had blessed her with a nice face but not Islaam.