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Taalibah on 6th September 2013
This is a very powerful and emotional clip where Maulana Tariq Jameel explains the ayah where Allah says; (click on read more, if you cannot view audio link) "Where are you going?" It is such a powerful explanation, which pierces the heart, leaving one humbled and repentant. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xatpg1HnlKc ENGLISH TRANSCRIPT OF ABOVE AUDIO "WHERE ARE YOU GOING?"
How To Get What You Want From Allah
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_5M4eyyMQLY A truly inspiring analogy of a Light house, which holds many lessons for us: -Indeed just as a lighthouse keeps blinking guidance, we Muslims should keep blinking righteousness and carry on delivering the message whether someone listens or not. - A light house is not thanked, many people benefit from it yet may never say, so we should not always expect feedback for our good actions, but bear in mind someone is always taking benefit from it. So as a Muslim we go out like a beacon of light, brightening whichever dark patch we come across.
posted by
Taalibah on 13th July 2013
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A short *funny* audio; by Maulana Tariq Jameel..."Why are you praying Salah when you are comitting sin?" http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9o8YX5xHiKE ENGLISH TRANSCRIPT OF ABOVE AUDIO "ALCOHOL & SALAH" Never leave Salah, Whatever its quality even if it's done quickly perform it and do not neglect it.
posted by
Taalibah on 2nd July 2013
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Losing A Loved One
Powerful Reminder
posted by
Taalibah on 2nd July 2013
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What do women get in Paradise?
Mufti Abdur Rahman ibn Yusuf
Very insightful, masha.Allah
Importance of Beard (Sunnah or Wajib)
by Shaykh Sulaiman Moola
A beautiful story of how the parents of the great scholar Imam Abu Haneefa's (RA) parents got married.
Every Illness Has A Cure
Shaykh Ahmad Ali explains to us the love and mercy that Allah swt has for each and every one of us, even though we sin and are neglectful, SubhaanAllah! beautiful words.
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