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posted by
Taalibah on 25th November 2014
Core Failure
The core failure in the upbringing of our children is that we have no worry or concern for our childrens religious future. In reality we only have three major concerns: The first is their physical wellbeing, the second is their financial wellbeing and the third is their obedience to us.
If our children are obedient to us, we remain happy with them and also praise them. However, if these same children miss Salaah, go to the cinema or spend hours upon hours watching videos at home, then we are not in the least concerned. Our only concern is that our children should do whatever we say. If that aspect is ok, we turn a blind eye to all the sins they indulge in.
posted by
Taalibah on 28th October 2014
Be Vigilant
We should monitor where and with whom our children spend their time and also assess what proportion of their time is being spent where.
Most of the quality time of our children is spent at school, with friends, in the park, at other peoples homes, watching the television or surfing the internet.
We need to be alert and vigilant, for the environment has become such that children will get caught up in many evil habits without the parents having even the slightest idea of what is going on.
posted by
Taalibah on 18th October 2014
Do we Ever?
When our children disobey Allah taala do we feel any sorrow or grief? When our children neglect Salaah, the most important act of worship, do we ever experience any concern?
When our children underperform in school we lose sleep, yet do we ever experience even the slightest discomfort upon seeing our children openly violate the commands of Allah?
posted by
Taalibah on 15th September 2014
posted by
Taalibah on 31st August 2014
Training children
If your child requests something that you know you will give him if he persists in asking for it, then give it at the very first request. Do not let your child force you into giving it through crying or making a fuss.
If the request is one which you do not intend ever to fulfil, due to its detrimental nature, then do not give in, even if the child makes a fuss. In this way you will nurture your children to understand that making a fuss is not going to force you to give in. if you do not take care in this matter, you will spoil the character of your children.
posted by
Taalibah on 30th August 2014
Balance (vestibular) Situated in the inner ear, our vestibular system helps us maintain our balance and posture, and understand where and how fast our bodies are moving. People with an ASD may experience the following differences. Hypo A need to rock, swing or spin to get some sensory input. Hyper
posted by
Taalibah on 25th August 2014
1 comment
A Shepherd made jazb (attracted) by Allah (swt) Shaykh Rumi (rah) mentions that there was a shepherd herding a flock of goats, he was made jazb (attracted) by Allah (swt). While attending to his herd, he was preoccupied with Allah and began assuming a conversation with the Almighty. He used to say, [b]"O Allah if I were to find You I would have served You. If you were to come this hillock upon which I graze my goats, I would sweep the place whereupon You sit. I would have massaged your hands and feet and given you my goats milk to drink. I would have mad dough by mixing flour with goat's milk to make Roghni roti for You. You may not have had the opportunity to comb Your Hair for a very long time due to being occupied in controlling the universe. Thus I would have cleansed Your head of all the lice therein. I would have sewn a nice cushion for You."[/i] Shaykh has rendered (these simple words of the Shepherd into a poem)... Were I to locate You, My Lord and Master, Daily would I have massaged Your hands and feet.
Sensory Sensitivities Smell Chemical receptors in the nose tell us about smells in our immediate environment. Smell is the first sense we rely upon. People with an ASD may experience the following differences. Hypo Some people have no sense of smell and fail to notice extreme odours (this can include their own body odour). Some people may lick things to get a better sense of what they are.
'as Samad' When the forceful flow of Allah (swt) mercy begins, one grounded in kufr (state of disbelief) not only becomes a Wali (saint) but within seconds is elevated to the higher realms of sainthood. There is an incident of a Hindu in India who for ninety-nine years worshipped his idol with the words Sanam - Sanam. One day the word 'as Samad' which is one of Allah's (swt) names slipped from his tongue. Abu Huraira (ra) explained; [i]"as Samad is the one who is independent of the entire universe and on whom the entire universe is dependent."[/b] As soon as the word 'as Samad' issued forth from the lips, Allah (swt) said, Labbayk (I am present O servant). The kaafir (non-believer) immediately broke the idol with a stick, recited the Kalima (shahada) and said to the Hindus; [b]"O wretched souls, I was a kaafir (non-believer) for ninety nine years I have been addressing this idol without a single reply. Today, by mistake I mentioned the name of the Muslim deity and received an immediate response with the word Labbayk (I am Present) from the heavens. [I am present, O my servant, it was you who had left me and betook yourself to the worship of idols who are deaf, dumb and blind]" [/i]
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