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Some Recommended Acts on the Days of 'Eid

posted by Seifeddine-M on 11th June 2018 - 0 comments
1) Performing the complete bathing (ghusl)  عن علي رضي الله عنه أنه سئل عن الغسل فقال: يوم الجمعه، ويوم العرفة، ويوم الفطر، ويوم الأضحى  'Ali رضي الله عنه was asked about the complete bathing and he replied, "(It is for) Friday (Jumu'ah), the Day of 'Arafah, the Day of Breaking the Fast ('Eid al-Fitr) and the Day of the Sacrifice ('Eid al-Ad-haa)."   [b]2) Wearing one's best clothing  Ibn 'Abbaas رضي الله عنهما said, 

The Ruling Concerning One who Does Not Fast Ramadaan Without a Valid Excuse

posted by Seifeddine-M on 15th May 2018 - 0 comments
If a person denies the obligation of the fast, he becomes a disbeliever. Its obligatory status is confirmed in the Qur'aan and numerous ahaadeeth of the Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم.  As for the one who believes in the fast but does not fast, there is a hadeeth which states,  عرى الإسلام وقواعد الدين ثلاثة عليهن أسس الإسلام من ترك واحدة منهن فهو بها كافر حلال الدم : شهادة أن لا إله إلا الله والصلاة المكتوبة وصوم رمضان  [color=#351c75]"The bare essence of Islaam and the basics, upon which Islaam has been established, are three. Whoever leaves one of them becomes an unbeliever and his blood may legally be spilled. [These acts are:] Testifying that there is no God except Allaah, the obligatory prayers and the fast of Ramadhaan." [/color] This hadeeth was recorded by Abu Ya'la and ad-Dailami. Some scholars have called it hasan. However, the correct view seems to be that of Shaykh al-Albaani رحمه الله, that the hadeeth is weak. But, most likely, it seems that it is a statement of the Companion ibn 'Abbaas رضي الله عنهما and not that of the Prophet (peace be upon him).  

When does the time in which it is mustahabb to do ghusl on Friday begin?

posted by Seifeddine-M on 13th April 2012 - 0 comments
[color=blue][b]When does the time in which it is mustahabb to do ghusl on Friday begin?[/b][/center] The scholars differed as to when the time for doing ghusl on Friday begins. The majority (including the Shaafa’is, Hanbalis and Zaahiris) were of the view that it begins from dawn on Friday. This was narrated from Ibn ‘Umar (رضي الله عنهما). Al-Khateeb al-Sharbeeni (رحمه الله) said concerning the time for doing ghusl on Friday: The time for that is the true dawn, because the reports connected it to the day, such as the words of the Prophet (blessings and peace of Allaah be upon him): [b]“Whoever does ghusl on Friday then sets out in the first hour…” So it is not valid if done before then. And it was said: that the time for it begins halfway through the night as is the case on Eid.

Pagan Origin Of Halloween

posted by Seifeddine-M on 31st October 2011 - 0 comments
The ancient Celtic (Irish/Scottish/Welsh) festival called Samhain (pronounced sah-ween or sa-en) is considered by most historians and scholars to be the predecessor of what is now Halloween. Samhain was the New Year's day of the pagan Celts. It was also the Day of the Dead, a time when it was believed that the souls of those who had died during the year were allowed access into the "land of the dead". In some parts of Europe, it was believed that on this night the dead walked amongst them, and that witches and warlocks flew in their midst. In preparation for this, bonfires were built to ward off these evil spirits!

Elements of this festival were incorporated into the Christian festival of All Hallow's Eve, or Hallow-Even, the night preceding All Saint's (Hallows') Day. It is the glossing of the name Hallow- Even that has given us the name of Hallow'een. One of the customs of samhain was the practise of leaving food and drink (now candy/sweets) to masked and costumed revelers. Now known as 'trick or treat'.


Regarding participating in Halloween parties (inlcuding trick or treat, etc), it is not permissible for a Muslim to participate in any of these. It is likewise not permissible to participate in any of the other holiday celebrations of the kuffaar. The clear evidence of the Qur’aan and Sunnah – and the consensus of the early generations of this ummah – indicates that there are only two festivals in Islam: Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha. Any other festivals that have to do with a person, a group, an event or anything else are innovated festivals, which it is not permissible for Muslims to observe, approve of or express joy on those occasions, or to help others to celebrate them in any way, because that is transgressing the sacred limits of Allaah, and whoever transgresses the sacred limits of Allaah has wronged himself. 'Approval of kufr is kufr, and clearly, to participate in activities of kufr - such as non-Muslim festivals - is kufr.'

The Prophet (peace be upon him) said that whoever imitates a people is one of them. Let us imitate those who are on the straight path, not those who have gone astray!
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